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jessicathehun t1_j0pdtwo wrote

Why is 40 the same color as 90? What does it mean when a location is brown?


EmperorZwerg1995 t1_j0pe4op wrote

Why is there literally zero visual discrepancy across 2/3 of this color scale


tonefilm t1_j0pfyla wrote

Why is there white overlapping with red in California?


goldfishpaws t1_j0pify0 wrote

Zero snow is white and lots is purple! Infographics generally benefit from being instinctive, so for instance rainfall shown in blues, sun as yellows, so it might be worth stepping back to the project thinking about colouring and what it conveys in itself, to make it feel more instinctual :)


Aanslacht t1_j0pj1ec wrote

All of Canada has ZERO inches of snow annually, because they use metric like everyone else in the world (except for you know who).


EnvironmentalCry3898 t1_j0pk05s wrote

40 to 90 the same color.

its only 4 feet, who cares right?

I live in maine.

sometimes I visit the tropics of southern new england to drop off some feet of snow.


Macrophage87 t1_j0pza70 wrote

Contour lines would look way better here


Purplekeyboard t1_j0qc0c8 wrote

Surprising to find out that florida receives the same amount of snow that much of the Rocky Mountains receives.

Or, maybe the graph shouldn't use the color tan to mean "I don't know".


Sliiiiime t1_j0qgdsm wrote

Love how a place with 200” annually is the same color as 40”


bassoonprune t1_j0r54eu wrote

Moving from a dark purple dot to a white dot was one of my better life decisions.


Sayoria t1_j0r68wq wrote

We had a 100+ inch snowfall in Massachusetts in 2015. I feel like snow is getting rarer each year now.


phdoofus t1_j0rmszd wrote

Could you a much better color scheme and if you have that much data just contour it.


imeuru t1_j0rt16n wrote

The only two states I am actually interested in seeing the data on, are not on this map.


GreenleafMentor t1_j0ryifa wrote

40-90 are basically the same color. So many maps i see here recently have bad color gradients....why? The data is supposed to be beautiful.


DarkRajiin t1_j0ryzis wrote

Damn, I always love snow but we never get enough here. I wouldn't want to move and sacrifice having coastal area just for snow though


norcalar t1_j0s00lx wrote

Some places in the contiguous US get over 300” of snow, yet the color bar doesn’t accommodate for this at all.


GoodTechnician t1_j0sbzty wrote

Symbology/scaling is plain wrong, and why not grid to fill in the nulls? Fail.


[deleted] t1_j0sg563 wrote

This is not only not beautiful, but it is also really poorly thought-out and terribly designed. Is it a joke? I hope it's a joke.


uberjam t1_j0sg73q wrote

Am I colorblind or is 30 through 90 the same color?


webcnyew t1_j0skmuf wrote

Houghton mi gets an average of 26 feet of snow in a season…Petoskey MI get on average about 120” a year…this calls into question the data itself not just the color scale.


water605 t1_j0soukw wrote

Perhaps showing the state outlines on top of the dots?


danjlwex t1_j0spjtj wrote

The top four snowiest places are all on the west coast (Wikipedia). They are all significantly higher total average snowfalls than any other places on the east coast. If you had a special color for the very top end of the gradient, this would be much clearer. Oddly, you have this at the low end already


mrdarcy90 t1_j0spmpx wrote

Kind of funny to see the average as 90 inches in rhe upper peninsula, when we regularly get over 300 inches of snow a year. Even in “less” years, it’s still 150+ plus.


monozach t1_j0sq2ah wrote

Totally see where you’re coming from, and not sure if it’s maybe just a regional thing, but where I’m from the above coloring is exactly what they use on radars to show the amount of snow a given area is expected to get.

Are you possibly from a place that doesn’t get much snow? Or does New England just use weird coloring schemes lol


jlim0316 t1_j0sqo7e wrote

why no distinction beyond 30 inches?


hunterxy t1_j0sv2bg wrote

Do one on snowfall days out of a year. Do one on rainfall in inches and rainfall days out of a year.


Johnny_no_5 t1_j0t0i8o wrote

Great concept...but needs more range in the colorization. No discernible granularity (for me, at least!) beyond ~40".