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thunder-thumbs t1_j5bsgeu wrote

> August of 2021 (when delta became prevalent) that the vaccine no longer prevented infection

Completely false and nonsensical, to the point that “not even wrong” applies. No vaccine ever was purported to “prevent” infection; instead, they reduce the probability, and lessen severity if you do catch it. Even the first vaccine still has efficacy along those lines. It’s true that efficacy is reduced after the first few weeks, but there is still plenty of benefit left over.


TracyMorganFreeman t1_j5bxvtt wrote

That is done by reducing viral load. They also didn't claim it stopped all infection, but reducing probability of infection has the effect of reducing infections.


BobRussRelick t1_j5f6fh8 wrote

the vaccine did not reduce viral load when delta became prevalent, this was mainstream news in August of 2021

and yes there are literally millions of instances where they claimed it reduced infection


pukabi t1_j5ceoi2 wrote

Which is not a vaccine definition


surreal_mash t1_j5dba6j wrote

Which part do you think makes it “not a vaccine by definition”?


pukabi t1_j5dc4us wrote

It neither prevents nor treats the disease in question.


QristopherQuixote t1_j5elmmh wrote

Reducing severity and increasing the survival rate by stimulating the immune system of the recipient is absolutely consistent with the definition of a vaccine. 🤦🏻‍♂️


surreal_mash t1_j5fjug2 wrote

Which vaccines “treat” disease?

Are you claiming that a “true” vaccine must prevent 100% of infections? If not, can you tell me what you mean by “prevents”?


grapangell0 t1_j5ci18n wrote

They’re not ready to understand that the powers that be change the definition of shit to make themselves right.


greatdrams23 t1_j5e8fdb wrote

Yes, it is odd that anti Vaxxers say they don't need the vaccine because they have an immune system, but don't realise their immune system only works AFTER the virus has entered the body.


surreal_mash t1_j5g1bpo wrote

This. Either way, the immune response only happens after infection. The question is whether the immune system has been armed and trained to fight possible intruders (vaccinated) or will be caught completely off-guard (exposure to an unknown pathogen; unvaccinated).