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mouse_8b t1_je54r38 wrote

I didn't realize this until I was touring the Parthenon. I had assumed it had slowly crumbled over the centuries. It's definitely a strange emotion to know that it likely would still be glorious if not for people fighting.


Korberos t1_je647er wrote

> a strange emotion to know that it likely would still be glorious if not for people fighting

Given that it's dedicated to Athena, god of warfare, and built specifically due to a victory over Persian invaders... it wouldn't even exist if not for people fighting.


PrinceDusk t1_je6bhoc wrote

>Given that it's dedicated to Athena, god of warfare

and given all the more glory for being blown up during a fight


Malikhi t1_je6np6g wrote

Thank you for crediting Athena as a war god. So many people only think of her the god of wisdom not realizing that her birth was literally due to the need for a wartime strategist. She could also throw down. I won't site anything for that one because it's just me liking to picture her putting Ares into a chokehold 😂


Hisei_nc17 t1_je6wr5b wrote

Wasn't she born because Zeus ate some lady he got pregnant, causing him a severe migraine and she just popped out from his head after Hephaestus lobotomized him to stop the migraine? Was there more to that story than the usual self fulfilling prophecy?


dfreshv t1_je7b54b wrote

Man, people say drugs have only gotten stronger over time, but the ancient Greeks were on some shit.


Pays_in_snakes t1_je7k8if wrote

This is why Norse mythology is so wild, it's the cosmology of a people that spent every winter doing mushrooms in the dark


Gwendolyn7777 t1_je8ma71 wrote

geezzz....them ancient Greeks could write some smokin fan fiction, huh?


pseudopad t1_je71o46 wrote

Sounds like it getting blown up is pretty on brand for Athena then


mouse_8b t1_je6zbaa wrote

Haha. I hadn't thought about it from that angle. It does make me feel a bit better about it.


grandlizardo t1_je79lba wrote

Let’s add this to the grievances about the Armenian genocide…


RenterGotNoNBN t1_je7grtq wrote

That's not the reason it was built - sure it commemorates the victory - but I heard a theory that it was used as a kind of show of wealth to underpin their economy - like a modern central bank.


Zandrick t1_je8c9ys wrote

I don’t understand why you think those things are mutually exclusive


Bill_Clinton-69 t1_je8kpim wrote

Some people just like to say 'No' to people. Even when they agree! It baffles me, but I think that's what's happening here.


IChooseThisUsername8 t1_je65x4e wrote

>would still be glorious if not for people fighting.

Lmao Cavafy would struggle to write something this ironic.


MuscovadoSugarTreat t1_je7uamt wrote

The unfinished monoliths of Mahabalipuam is testament to that. They got too busy fighting to ever finish it. It remains unfinished today.


Mightypsychobat t1_je7xk4c wrote

> it likely would still be glorious if not for people fighting.

You forget the Greek were in a constant state of war and was in fact built to honor their victory over the Persians. So war givith and war taketh away.