Submitted by thebelsnickle1991 t3_10tsf5x in gadgets
reddit455 t1_j78mtvq wrote
we call ours "active sonar"
-US Navy.
Remy-today t1_j78vwyr wrote
Batman already had this tech in smartphones back in 2008. Funny how movie reality becomes our reality often.
KitteNlx t1_j78waj7 wrote
Make them fly around yelling 'Marco!'
LoganH1219 t1_j78ybxr wrote
Horizon X The Last of Us Crossover
NMS-Town t1_j790cc4 wrote
How about starting out simple, you know keys, wallet, cell phone? I was thinking of getting a dog, but just think teaching this thing to fetch. haha
ballofplasmaupthesky t1_j790jjd wrote
Or hiding.
Falconflyer75 t1_j791qsd wrote
They actually referenced that in a behind the scenes special
AlejoMSP t1_j791s1a wrote
Anyone know what is that drone pictured?
Stoney-McBoney t1_j792y1c wrote
Now I’m thinking about those robot spiders in minority report.
[deleted] t1_j79asem wrote
[deleted] t1_j79auj7 wrote
Xavierwold t1_j79cqi2 wrote
Is LIDAR better?
Ok-Clue-6165 t1_j79d2fu wrote
The military is calling
[deleted] t1_j79hw7m wrote
caidicus t1_j79ibdn wrote
And people hiding from killer drones.
caidicus t1_j79ien6 wrote
Don't forget earbuds. :D
caidicus t1_j79ign9 wrote
Probably a lab-built custom drone.
p-skow t1_j79iksv wrote
So these will be the things that hunt us down, telling the bigger extermination drones where to find us.
serenwipiti t1_j79k78f wrote
…but what if I don’t want to be found?
jdbrew t1_j79nja8 wrote
That bathtub scene gave me nightmares for a decade
TheseLipsSinkShips t1_j79ws1h wrote
Or dissidents marked for assassination?
PredictableEmphasis t1_j7a5h6s wrote
This is the flimsiest spin I’ve ever seen on a product clearly developed explicitly for the surveillance state. “Lost people” is a made up problem lmao. Less than 0.1% of the populace gets truly lost.
DarkGengar94 t1_j7a5iec wrote
It could be used to hunt people
bkubicek t1_j7a7nrw wrote
Drone: "e e cho" Missing person: "e k cho"
[deleted] t1_j7ac0kl wrote
WillzyxandOnandOn t1_j7acfo4 wrote
Have you ever been truly lost, man?
AideAdvanced6018 t1_j7adflj wrote
Which in turn release the nano drones which act as mosquitoes for whatever new virus they want to sell drugs for next. They could kill you, but why waste the potential income? /s
MrsKittenHeel t1_j7aebke wrote
Add a razor and this is an exterminator
Automatic_Llama t1_j7aela0 wrote
I've been hearing about exciting new ways robots might be used to find people my entire life.
[deleted] t1_j7ahd88 wrote
Zhaguar t1_j7ahfdz wrote
Oh dear that's how skynet finds us
trumpcovfefe t1_j7ai8db wrote
That has existed for a looooooong time.
MIT also figured out how to hack into any speaker or microphone to map a room without the people inside knowing.
The_Synthax t1_j7ajwtn wrote
How is this different from the widely used ultrasonic sensors that hobbyist robots and like all modern vehicles use?
nicuramar t1_j7ak2v3 wrote
> MIT also figured out how to hack into any speaker or microphone to map a room without the people inside knowing.
I bet that if one finds the source for this, there are a number of caveats and limitations that didn’t make it into your summary :)
nicuramar t1_j7aklcl wrote
So 300,000 people in the US.
nicuramar t1_j7aknzo wrote
The system in that movie is clearly far more advanced than a drone with ultrasound.
Hairy_Introduction_4 t1_j7av5sw wrote
So could tracking the money of the elite!
metametamind t1_j7avb1l wrote
Or, ya know, go on a murder-bit killing spree.
[deleted] t1_j7ax39e wrote
lilchoiboy18 t1_j7ax3y7 wrote
Was the project funded by Bruce Wayne?
nitrohigito t1_j7ax9h5 wrote
>to hack into any speaker or microphone
aren't most speakers and microphones analog?
if they are digital, won't they all be running wildly different software stacks, with all kinds of versions, forks, and configurations?
BPMMPB t1_j7aybve wrote
It’s always an innocuous use case, then law enforcement buys them.
Remarkable-Low-7588 t1_j7aycoq wrote
This has skynet written all over it lol
GeeBee72 t1_j7az52v wrote
Yes, but could it give large robots the ability to find small people?
VincentNacon t1_j7b0k32 wrote
Sweet! Send a bunch of these to Ukraine, they need help finding those lost dimwit Russians in the woods that doesn't know which way is north. 🤣
[deleted] t1_j7b1glv wrote
Or…small drones could be used to track down people.
[deleted] t1_j7b1kvi wrote
[deleted] t1_j7b24tj wrote
trumpcovfefe t1_j7b3i9h wrote
Any speaker connected to a network ** figured that'd be an obvious requirement
trumpcovfefe t1_j7b42d1 wrote
Its an MIT/Berkley Darpa thing.
nitrohigito t1_j7b49mr wrote
see my second point then
trumpcovfefe t1_j7b4sbr wrote
DaphniaDuck t1_j7b55ui wrote
So if I am lost cold and frightened in the woods a friendly drone would find me and reunite me with my dear wife and lovely children? How wonderful! I can't imagine any downside to this wonderful new technology.
nitrohigito t1_j7b5drx wrote
That friendly write-up features zero mentions of any kind of hacking.
trumpcovfefe t1_j7b5y97 wrote
Yeah thats on the friendly version. The article write up including gov use goes over that.
I'll look for it later, its been years. The original idea was for the gov to use this to hack into systems in buildings to rescue hostages.
Similar to using heat pattern imaging systems to see where people are in a room before breaching, but the echo location allows for it to be done in larger spaces and through denser walls.
Im going back to sleep for now. Cheers
nitrohigito t1_j7bb18w wrote
I'm sure state actors can hack a breadth of devices to achieve such a goal, was just meaning to point out that while cyberattacks tend to be highly scalable, there's enough variation across devices like this that you still need to be moderately lucky and put in some serious work hours to be able to pull this off. It's definitely not a "they just go an' haxx all devices in der" type deal, and it's needlessly alarmist to claim so.
There's also a number of other imaging techniques they can reach for. You mentioned infrared, but they can even use something like WiFi to image behind a wall. All much more circumstance-agnostic and cheap than having to build and maintain an assortment of exploit chains merely for use on a short-notice for echolocation.
If any group has such capabilities developed, they almost certainly use it much more practically (such as for surveillance). And those exploit chains won't be developed by "MIT scientists" who can certainly find a better way to spend their valuable time.
pcrombs t1_j7bca6a wrote
Or people who are hiding…
imgoingoutside t1_j7bdzml wrote
What could possibly go wrong?
shawnwingsit t1_j7bo9zb wrote
Them bots is smart, they use radar!
SoftSpeedstick t1_j7bqey2 wrote
Que Brittany Spears
JMoherPerc t1_j7c02do wrote
I know I’m being overly pedantic, but You can’t hack a speaker or a microphone.
You can hack a computer, and oftentimes mics are hooked up to computers.
pileofcrustycumsocs t1_j7c126d wrote
This article says literally nothing about hacking into the speakers. The whole thing is just that they added a program that ignores back ground noise on to an existing method of mapping a room via echolocation, it doesn’t say anything about remotely activating random speakers to do this
ceetoph t1_j7c189c wrote
> could
teb_art t1_j7c1gsn wrote
Bat bot?
DarkGengar94 t1_j7c2gni wrote
Another step closer to terminators. Personally I think we all will die before we get to terminator level
spicesickness t1_j7c44hc wrote
Always present new technology in positive light vs., you know, echolocation could allow drones to track and hunt down humans.
ceetoph t1_j7c4jzv wrote
I was picturing the small robot "dogs" from Black Mirror...
DarkGengar94 t1_j7c5i11 wrote
2030 News
"In other news, another president was killed by a robot today, being the fifth one this year. When we come back, Is your puppy trying to kill you? You maybe shocked by the answer."
trumpcovfefe t1_j7c82ko wrote
Dude its nearly been a decade since I read the original article. The original article talks about the tech and utilizing it to map rooms in hostage situation. Similar to how heat signatures are currently used.
Obviously the speakers/microphones need to be connected to a network.
trumpcovfefe t1_j7c86cq wrote
No shit sherlock.
Yzerman_19 t1_j7d3tu2 wrote
What could possibly go wrong with this?
CoffeeMakesMeMath t1_j7d8kle wrote
Igagug t1_j7ddrk8 wrote
RockstarAgent t1_j7ezfjb wrote
Minority Report would like to know your location...
[deleted] t1_j7gfpj9 wrote
procrastibader t1_j7gfrkc wrote
Isn’t this one of the plot devices in Minority Report?
Sagybagy t1_j7hzwp4 wrote
I wouldn’t worry too much. I have a small fpv drone that size. As long as you are more than a minute and a half of flight time away you are good.
p-skow t1_j7i3u5n wrote
The Supreme AI will be able to churn these out at a record pace though, with 500 mini searcher drones for every human.
Sagybagy t1_j7ibhq8 wrote
They can still only fly for a minute or two and a slight breeze kills them. 500 drones screaming into a warm breeze for 60 seconds and moving all of 50 ft then falling to the ground isn’t exactly a concern.
[deleted] t1_j7y3ye6 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9fh28t wrote
[deleted] t1_j9fhq8u wrote
Sagybagy t1_j9fiobh wrote
Well that would fit I guess.
ToAlphaCentauriGuy t1_j78k3tm wrote
Defense Websites: new drone ability can find targets by sound.