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Justherebecausemeh t1_je0wfse wrote

I feel like I’ve understood this tactical application since I saw the first YouTube video of racing drones 5-10 years ago.


pyromaster114 t1_je18ipf wrote

>the Angry Birds

Umm... guys... we are truly living in the future-- they've named a military unit after a mobile phone game.

This is... the Meme War(tm).


Kael_Alduin t1_je1dqma wrote

The world as a whole is done I think. With ALL the greed humanity has, we are done. Between dictators using tech in horrible ways, to global warming, to nukes. Our days are numbered I think 🤔


CygnusX-1-2112b t1_je1hecj wrote

The idea is too simple to pass up, and considering how often it's been showcased to be effective in Ukraine, it's a wonder terror cells haven't been using this method in developed countries.

There must be a reason it's not happening, something we're not privy to that is preventing it from being widespread.


ChunkStumpmon t1_je1lu42 wrote

It’s nothing- that’s the scary part. Just like philosophy’s mad quest to find out what ensured the scientific laws were obeyed and causation occurred- it’s just happening as it should for now without reason


EggCouncilCreeps t1_je1m614 wrote

Heh. All the sparks that flew off our projects in physics class had to be worth something, but I have no idea whether they'd actually blow anything up. I've always kind of dreamed of having the kind of job where I'd get to test that shit tho.


Delbert3US t1_je1wh0h wrote

I think it is that currently they have to be individually controlled and are somewhat short ranged. That control signal can be tracked and intercepted.
Once they can be more autonomous, then the flood gates open.


-tiberius t1_je29jnj wrote

A few years ago there was a choreographed drone display during the Super Bowl halftime show. I was horrified. If we can pre-program these cheap drones to dance around the sky, someone is going to pre-program a swarm armed with rudimentary explosive devices. The idea that some guy can buy these online, arm them, program each with an individual target, and launch dozens or hundreds out the back of a Uhaul is fucking terrifying. We need jammers. We need countermeasures. We probably need a watch list for people buying large numbers of these things.

Best they could give us in Afghanistan in 2016 was a Mossberg 500 and some birdshot. That shit was probably futile then, it almost certainly is now.


abramthrust t1_je2cccw wrote

FPV pilot (recreational) here.

The reason you don't see more FPV drones used in attacks is that they are quite difficult to fly, and as such skilled enough pilots are relatively hard to come by.

I am fairly certain that the FPV drone attacks we are watching are from people who were pilots before the war and are using the skills they already have.


ChunkStumpmon t1_je2e2zd wrote

I’m sure they do, they can also stop lone gunman easily- but this is America and there are lots of people stroking guns without actionable intentions. Thank god for Netflix and door dash- our new opiates


PMmeYourRobots t1_je2ejzo wrote

Can someone please copy and paste the article? I really don't want to sign up unless someone can provide a compelling reason.


CygnusX-1-2112b t1_je2elch wrote

So while this is possible, I'm not quite convinced. Having owned a few cheaper FPV drones, and having a friend who is pretty deep in the hobby, I can say that it's not easy, but it's not a skill any more difficult to learn then good marksmanship, and it's a very innocuous one to learn with purchases that won't raise any red flags. A years time (the time since these drones started being used in combat) is plenty of time to learn how to reliably ram an FPV drone in roughly the area you want.


CygnusX-1-2112b t1_je2fgnc wrote

Yep, bingo on that. Birdshot is the current SOP for Russian forces, and see how well that's worked for them.

It is the most sobering realization to me that in all likelihood, if I were in a public place and an attack of this nature were to be enacted, my life would likely be forfeit. It's why I have to shamefully admit I don't go to many public places like shopping centers or malls.

A friend of mine builds FPV drones as a hobby, as well. If you've got them know-how, theyre incredibly cheap and easy to make. So you can't just flag drive purchases, but motors, wiring, 3d printer filaments, anything that can be used to make homebrew kamikaze drones.


ChunkStumpmon t1_je2j3pz wrote

I’m Canadian living in Florida- it changes culture. You don’t get in fights or road rage because people could just shoot you in the face. I think once you accept it, it is a way of living. Not without its costs though


StatusSea5409 t1_je2lugv wrote

Oh. Well that's easy. Grab a few burgers, find stray dogs, let them get a good smell and start begging, that's when you fly the drone do the damage, connect the controller to a stray, toss the bag of burgers and walk off. As long as you have your crime skill high enough you should be able to pull it off without a nat20


ThePhotoGuyUpstairs t1_je2nvsp wrote

You've just made me reflect on the carnage that could be wrought by a swarm of tiny drones armed with small explosive packages, flown into the crowd from above at a Super Bowl or something.

And I don't know how you could stop it if a plan got that far...


-tiberius t1_je2qquo wrote

Yeah, it's a terrifying possibility, and the more these drones show themselves effective in combat, the more likely I think it that some asshole will get the idea to try. Hell, ISIS successfully killed some French soldiers almost 9 years ago with a single drone loaded with C4. Thank god none of their adherents in Europe or the US were able to do the same, because they wouldn't hesitate.


SloWi-Fi t1_je38gkh wrote

I met a young guy in my area that says he sends modified 3d printers to his friends families in the Ukraine for such purposes of building things. I don't remember if he said drones though...


MayIServeYouWell t1_je3a33w wrote

I’ve been waiting for the day a world leader is taken-out in dramatic fashion by a home made drone like these. I’m kind of shocked it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been saying this for years.

That’ll change a lot of things related to drones very quickly, because people are ruled by irrational fear.


OcotilloWells t1_je3eqyk wrote

Even worse, I was just reading (I think on Hackaday) that at least some DJI drones transmit both its location and the controller's location coordinates unencrypted.

The thing is, you take that into consideration and there's ways you can mitigate the risk in that. Also, how quickly can the Russian figure that signal out, convert the drone coordinates into whatever they use, and pass that to a gun or missle battalion fire direction center? As well as how quickly that FDC can get that to a gun/missle section that can engage that coordinates? I'm sure the Ukrainians can say, with fair accuracy by now.


apocolipse t1_je3vuu7 wrote

Logistically speaking, the size/weight of improvised explosives that deliver results terrorists are looking for are typically too heavy for small drones. Terror devices also typically employ various amounts of miscellaneous shrapnel, to get the most effect out of limited explosive power, but also significantly increasing payload weight. To make any use out of explosives that weigh enough to let the drone still be pretty fast, you'd have to swarm them. That'd be a pretty effective tactic, but it obviates the benefit of drones over just using any other long range weaponry, precision guidance. If you're just going to spray and pray, do it with something bigger. For super precision individual strikes, a racing drone could maybe take out small targets, 1-3 people, but that's not a terrorists target. And even worse for those cases, they're extremely loud and easy to spot, they wouldn't be too difficult to evade. They're fast and nimble but that's relative, you're looking at 60mph averages, especially with a payload. You can dodge a 60mph car, you can probably dodge a 60mph drone.
They're honestly most effective in Ukraine because Russia is just terribly incompetent. For military use they're effective at rendering stationary equipment inoperable, or taking out a lead truck in a convoy, or blowing up an ammo depot. They're easily deflected with proper equipment since we know what tech they're using (2.4ghz or 900/433mhz control links, 5.8ghz video links), Jamming them is actually easy, just Russia sucks and can't wipe its ass and shit on its elbow at the same time. If they had enough explosive capability to, say, blow up a bridge, you can bet the Kerch Straight bridge would be gone by now.


skyfireee t1_je409dg wrote

Its not THAT effective in warzone, thats why you do not hear much about famous turkish UAV's anymore. It is very easy to distress any signals in area using low qualified soldier (driver + operator) and RLB-vehicle. When we see a drone putting a grenade (whatever side of conflict it is), ok, great, you wounded 2 soldiers in trench. What about other 12.998 that nearby?


Wrinklestinker t1_je424wl wrote

I’ve seen them use drones with VR headset and a regular Xbox controller, is this something you can have as a civilian? It looks really neat


CygnusX-1-2112b t1_je4ne39 wrote

Because it's not about its tactical effectiveness, but its strategic effectiveness. You kill those two in a place where they were supposed to be safe, at a time when there was no event near, and most of those other 12,998 are going to always feel in the back of their minds like they could be next, no matter where they are. It shows paranoia, and damages event morale.

But even more, I'm talking about the targeting of civilians for terror purposes. The effect of fear based on the killing of a few is amplified greatly because it's done in a place they're definitely supposed to be safe.


Sharp-Accident-2061 t1_je4y2vq wrote

I did not read the article as it requires me to make an account. Still producing explosives is not an easy task. In the US you can but smokeless powder for reloading and such. But that won’t make a bomb without a sufficiently robust device to contain it. Don’t know what that process is like in other countries.


ArnoF7 t1_je4zrch wrote

As a person who grew up in post-communism country, those persons in the west who keep commenting about how communism works and if it’s not for xxx it would have worked really make me depressed.

Like can we just move on please. It has already caused some of the most traumatic moments in the entire history of this land. Can we please just move on from this? I don’t want any risk that my future kids have to live through what my grandparents live through just to keep doing this mostly baseless ideological experiment.


TurdFrgoson t1_je528kx wrote

They have been saying that for decades....and we're still here. The earth was supposed to be uninhabitable by the year 2000, then it was 2012, now I think they're saying 2030. Florida was supposed to be underwater already. It's a lie to get you to give up your freedoms.


abramthrust t1_je5acx2 wrote

TBH, yes.

They both take about the same pilot training (hrs wise) but FPV is far less destructive (and headline grabbing) than hijacking a plane full of people.

As a bonus*, the plane is already a bomb with all the fuel onboard. FPV terrorist has to make his own warhead.

*"bonus" is a highly subjective word here.


abramthrust t1_je5fmab wrote

>But can kerosine melt steel beams?

Assuming you're not just memeing:

Not a mettalurgist, but IIRC it's can't fully melt structural steel, but it can weaken it until it no longer has the excess load bearing capacity to remain stable.

If Memeing: no one has conclusively proven that LiPo battery fires didn't cause the world trade center collapse...


poqpoq t1_je5iee9 wrote


Self preservation is a strong basic motivator. It’s extremely rare for an individual to both have enough desire to do something radical with planning while also lacking the will to keep living.


[deleted] t1_je83e28 wrote

Dude it took me like a week of playing with the simulator to be able to fly well enough to do something like that, it doesn’t really take any skill to fly a drone straight to a target