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namesarenotus t1_j41s6zt wrote

Up to 250 watts. No longer will my house need a furnace. This packaged with a 4090 should be integrated into my air handler and WAMMO I got sufficient heat for my winters needs.


BezniaAtWork t1_j43424u wrote

My heat pump had a capacitor blow the night before we had those horrible freezing temps around Christmas hitting -40 wind chill, and -20F real temps. GF and I just stayed in our office with our gaming rigs both running software in the background using the GPU a 80-100% and that office stayed >70F the whole time. Living room had frost on the interior walls, which was neat!


namesarenotus t1_j439lfh wrote

Literally a life saver. Glad you got through the freezing weather.


BezniaAtWork t1_j43buek wrote

Yeah it was a bit scary, but I also am in a condo building with 12 other units in the same structure, so while around the doors and windows it was cold, in the interior of the house I believe the lowest it dipped that week was 54. Growing up, my dad used to not turn on the heat until it dipped below 58 in the house so I'm no stranger to wearing 2 pairs of pants, 2 long shirts, a hoodie, and 2 pairs of socks around the house.


cyrixlord t1_j44e2h1 wrote

my grow lights add +30f on those cold nights. spending a night in the greenhouse is such a wonderful experience (seriously!)


Randomthought5678 t1_j440h1n wrote

Honestly that's completely insane. Wow. Care to share what you've got in those rigs? Can the heat pump keep up with the excess heat in the summertime?


BezniaAtWork t1_j4gdwzl wrote

Haha they're both running RTX 3080s. It typically doesn't get crazy hot in the summer here in Ohio except for a couple weeks, so I tend to open all of the windows in the house and have fans running to keep it cool. On the very hot days in the 90s, I'll kick on the AC and it does fine. I don't keep any temperature sensors in or around the office so while the rest of the house will be about 72, it stays in the upper 70s in the office.


azurleaf t1_j41vdyj wrote

My 3080 running Folding@Home was basically my heater for a bit a while back.


Rain1dog t1_j421d4f wrote

I miss seeing SETI running on my dads P3 on a CRT as a kid. Walking past the office at 2am hearing the cpu making its noises, lights on the modem flashing, having the urge to fire up TFC or CS1.6 and dick around on well or 2Fort.

God I fucking miss those days.


TheSeek3r_ t1_j42leka wrote

Maaaan, I miss well and 2fort. Those were the days!


Rain1dog t1_j42lx1p wrote

Indeed they were! Loved setting up a sentry at the bottom of our base with a dispenser in the hallway leading down.

Or playing as a spy on the snipers perch on 2Fort.

Or as a medic spamming infection at a spawn location infecting everyone!! Haha, guaranteed way of having others personally hunting you down.

The days of Half-Life, Unreal, Tribes, Quake, Doom, EverQuest, Asheron’s Call, Dark age of Camelot, City of Hero’s, Earth and Beyond were so much fun!


Drone314 t1_j42vlws wrote


Oh man, those were the days. 2 best days ever, the day I brought home a 3DFX graphics card and the day I got cable internet. Ping's and frames so good they kicked you thinking you were a cheater.


Rain1dog t1_j42wgp7 wrote

Ha! The day I got the 3DFX and saw Quake II IN 3D blew my mind. How the world was in actual 3D. Seeing that effect for the first few times was so satisfying.

I still remember the first day we got Cox cable instead of Compuserve because I had been trying to download the trailer for Castlevania 64 from Ign64. I was floored the 30mb clip took 27 seconds instead of hours.

Then walking past my Dad’s office around 2am seeing SETI running on the Gateway p3 makes me nostalgic. Hearing the cpu make its noise, seeing the lights flicker off the walls from the modem…

Such great times!


poostew t1_j44x5o2 wrote

Yeah, absolutely mind blowing to be able to click on a link and it just loaded instead of taking minutes. It was like switching to a SSD for the first time but 1000x more insane. The world at my fingertips INSTANTLY.

Mario 64 was my biggest mind blowing experience graphically. Grand Theft Auto in 3D was a generational leap as well that I haven't really experienced since.


way2funni t1_j43ijgf wrote

come on steam and search for Drippy's Golden Showers Retirement Community ( all day/night Team Fortress Classic ) it's most active evenings after 7pm EST and weekends. break out your reading glasses and get in here. It'll be fun (they said)


sillypicture t1_j4651fs wrote

Moneybags with a P3. I had to make do with my pentium 380 MHz.


xShooK t1_j44io86 wrote

Grabbed 3 antminers when they released first edition. Those mining rigs plus 2 gaming pcs in the dining room between two rooms kept it fairly toasty with fans blowing to rooms.


Yukondano2 t1_j41ydws wrote

Funnily enough that not a bad idea. Almost all power for a pc is turned into heat, if you need to heat a home anyways you might as well.


Zncon t1_j43ofo2 wrote

Back when you could potentially turn the GPU cycles into some cash via crypto it made sense, but it's same as running a space heater.


Jake123194 t1_j461v8l wrote

Nowadays you could run folding at home and set it up so you earn some banano, Contribute to science, heat your house and get much potassium.


pdinc t1_j447dqy wrote

This is what I did, heh


Chuckdatass t1_j42zsui wrote

Shit with Gas prices going up 200% in SoCal, I might just rely on that


5kyl3r t1_j42d5e2 wrote

not sure why someone downvoted you, it's a fact


bplturner t1_j44aibs wrote

Large data centers recover the heat and use them for preheating.


Yukondano2 t1_j464auf wrote

Preheating? Not familiar with that in this context. I see articles on using heat for the office but, what needs to be pre heated?


NormanPeterson t1_j41xgda wrote

You could probably even sell the excess heat back to the gas company.

Wait nobody do that idea. Then we’ll run into a shortage/hoarding again..


403Verboten t1_j44yc0s wrote

Linus from Linus tech is heating his pool with cpu heat so it's definitely possible.


im_thatoneguy t1_j455uas wrote

Even with the crypto crash I paid for all of my heating electricity last year with the Bitcoin mined.


dynamic424 t1_j44lmv1 wrote

honestly, if we could make this a thing, why buy a 2000 home heater, when you can just buy a top of the line PC, and pipe it through your house.


namesarenotus t1_j44n1wj wrote

Now we are getting somewhere. I like where your heads at.


Unicorn_puke t1_j44zklh wrote

You joke. I saw someone promoting a bit mining rig that was also a room heater. Like legitimately designed to do those tasks


namesarenotus t1_j455xsu wrote

Uh no joke man. This is the internet, we are never joking.


throwaway1point1 t1_j42vhpu wrote

Keep it in a server room and use a heat pump to cool it in the summer. Just open the door to heta the house in winter.


pdinc t1_j447cn2 wrote

How to get your CPU hot and bothered


nitrohigito t1_j44pxm3 wrote

Sounds suspect, even my 13600K goes up to 230+ watts under P95, according to hwmon.


james2432 t1_j45lmam wrote

only missing 1250w to pull as much as a space heater/ hair dryer


Lord-Sprinkles t1_j46xfr5 wrote

I know you’re joking but when my partner and I are cold in our room, I literally sometimes decide to start gaming or making AI images to run in the background so the room heats up. It will go from 65 to 80 in about an hour or 2. Not even joking I use my PC as a heater sometimes


Loocsiyaj t1_j477q3p wrote

You joke but I heat my room with my setup