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ElahaSanctaSedes777 t1_ja4nw66 wrote

Having the main Illuminati cellar dweller science man be your son was a little bit dumb in F04


VulkanTheDragon t1_ja4o82c wrote

I think in general FNV’s story is better, but that’s not to say that Fallout 4 didn’t have some great story moments as well.


SaiyajinPrime t1_ja4p0sj wrote

New Vegas is definitely the better story but Fallout 4 has better gameplay.


CarcosaJuggalo t1_ja4pkdj wrote

New Vegas had the better story. It was also made by some of the same devs that worked on Fallout 2. NV is closer to Fallout 3 than Fallout 3 was, the true sequel.


Robu-san t1_ja4qfi8 wrote

I'm probably in the minority in this, but I liked Fallout 4's story. There's a pretty big wtf moment in the middle of it that changes the entire mood for the rest of the game.


NaturalNines t1_ja4qjqd wrote

Fallout 4's story is just absurd. "Oh my infant child has been kidnapped by the man who murdered my wife... hey I wonder what's over here? Oooo I'm gonna build a settlement!"

And then when the Institute was clearly the best option they had to throw in a "Uh.. oh... well they kidnap and torture people!"


I_am_INTJ t1_ja4qnf5 wrote

If you love the Bethesda style of storytelling then you may prefer FO4, but if you want something a little different than that you will be happy with FNV.

No reason not to get both, especially since FNV goes on sale very cheap often.


LoSouLibra t1_ja4trs2 wrote

Fallout 4. Better characters and more fantastical concepts. Stronger motivations.


NaturalNines t1_ja4unf7 wrote

Then you want NV. NV has a layered stat, skill, and perk system that allows you to customize your character's stats and skills and allows you to solve problems by applying those skills, even skills like Science, Medicine, and Repair can be solutions if your character has the skill.

4 mashed everything into this singular grid.

NV's layered system allows you to use different weapons based on your stats. A strong gun user could use heavier weapons like a LMG whereas a weak character can only use the smaller without penalty.

4 was just picking pistols, heavy weapons, semi-auto rifles and auto-rifles. Yes, they split up long guns by semi or automatic, and there's almost no benefit to training in multiple weapon types. So if you wanted to snipe you're using semi-auto long guns for the entire game. Honestly it's not even that good of a shooter, but it's a giant sandbox so people make excuses for it.


Long_Last_8921 t1_ja4uqq6 wrote

New Vegas by a long shot. FO4 has cleaner gunplay mechanics, but that doesn't come close to making up for the shite story. FO4 is most fun played as a dungeon crawling, shooter-looter. I put well over 100 hours in, doing basically just that. But they fucked the RPG elements hardcore in it--less dialogue options, less range to define your character, just less of everything RPG.


johnhughthom t1_ja4x0xc wrote

For me Fallout 4 is the closest game to my rebuilding the world after an apocalypse fantasy. Story comes second to a big sandbox where I can build my settlements and roleplay a big connected new society.

If you want an enjoyable story, New Vegas knocks Fallout 4 out of the park, then scores a touchdown with it's twitching corpse.

Gunplay is far superior on Fallout 4.


ccbayes t1_ja4x4cq wrote

Fallout 4 is more FPS with some RP type stuff. NV is mostly RP and game skill based with FPS. Fallout 4 is more based on how you shoot or do melee vs the skill based system that helps you out. NV is great, I have a total of 800 hours in that, but in Fallout 4 I have 2300 or so. I have played all the fallout games. 4 to me is best as the story is good, lots and lots of unique side quests. Factions almost demand an additional replay as they do offer different quests and equipmnt. Fallout 4 also has base buiding and such. With all the DLCs (not free) and the 4K texture pack (free) it is good for at least 200 hours of gameplay. Lots of companions to fit your style.


That-Soup3492 t1_ja4x8va wrote

... It's not really a contest. New Vegas' story is better by miles. Bethesda just can't help themselves with writing stories that don't fit their gameplay for some reason.

I'll give them this, Fallout 4 has a slightly more interesting and dynamic story than 3 did.


johnhughthom t1_ja4xr98 wrote

BoS arrival, I'll give you that one. Especially at night. In a radstorm. Epic.

It's not really a story element though, it's more nailing the execution of a set piece. I usually hold off the arrival because crashing vertibirds gets old fast.


ccbayes t1_ja4xtx2 wrote

Most of the good story quests are faction related. BOS has a few good, so does the Railroad. Instutitue and Minutemen also have some good story questions. The DLC stories also have a few really cool missions. I have 2300 hours, bought it day one, still play it at least once a week for a few hours. Mods really can help out areas that are lacking. I spent 800 hours without mods, I think I have 50 mods now. Some add a lot to the story and adapt it. I love Fallout 4 as you can also make your own fun, ignore the story and just to walk around. Plenty of unique location quests.


johnhughthom t1_ja4ydk7 wrote

Bethesda's best storytelling doesn't come in quests. It's the environmental storytelling where you go into a building and what happened is told in notes, terminals, skeletons and other items.

A game where Bethesda created a world and Obsidian wrote the stories would be perfection.


jaansa85 t1_ja4yh54 wrote

New Vegas is the best FO game with the first one. FO 4 is not a bad game but it is a horrible FO.


brian11e3 t1_ja50b79 wrote

FONV feels like a terribly written B movie with acting on par with PS1's Resident Evil. The map mostly one giant mono colored world with a LOT of empty space. It's RPG element is mediocre. It had one decent DLC.

My vote is for 4. It has better acting, better writing, and better utilizes the map.


smolgote t1_ja5191d wrote

New Vegas by a longshot but 4 imho has the better and more well written companions


mistercloob t1_ja51ajd wrote

Is this a serious question? Because it’s New Vegas and it isn’t even remotely close. The writing in Fallout 4 is legitimately not good.


GladiusLegis t1_ja52967 wrote

New Vegas's story is fantastic and Fallout 4's is utter shit.


KhaosElement t1_ja53icd wrote

New Vegas and it isn't even remotely close.


Das_Panzer_ t1_ja53p6m wrote

I can't play any other fallout other than 4, NV just seems like a precursor to the borderlands type of comedy game and it takes me out the vibe of what I feel is suppose to be. I have tried 3 and NV but both just seem meh to me.


chaingun_samurai t1_ja55bk1 wrote

FO4 is basically "The Search for Adhesive and Screws". Also, there's something in there about a kid.


wh4tth3huh t1_ja55ee8 wrote

Right? The whole story twist was exceedingly obvious, the backbone of the story was dull and cliche, and the only character with any real development or merit was Nick Valentine. The most human character in the game is a goddamn robot.


ccbayes t1_ja585u1 wrote

Makes Deathclaws run away. Fuck those things. 4 or more and it is 99% game over. I remember my first fight with them, "WTF how did I die?!" reload and then "Oh shit that is a lot of poison damage! There are 4 of them! Nope." Then run away. As soon as a quest marker when close, nope. Building with them inside = dead. Power armor was like wet paper to them. lol


Lord-Pepper t1_ja5gjgm wrote

New Vegas: Story

4: gameplay

Simple as that


scipio0421 t1_ja5ikfp wrote

New Vegas for sure. I just plain stopped caring about the story of 4 not even halfway through. Never found Shaun.


SeedsOfEssence OP t1_ja5kajh wrote

So like 85% of you say nv. I got to decide Xbox or PC. I think I own it already on xbox


235482md t1_ja5nduu wrote

Eh, it was good at the time but it is really hard to play a game as dated as new Vegas honestly. Such a class story so it is ashame, but the gameplay itself wasn't anything special at the time and is really not good if your standards are inline with modern day gaming. A remaster would do wonder for FO3 & New Vegas but who knows if that will ever happen


parttime20xx t1_ja61kyf wrote

I'm with you. My playthrough of NV got completely derailed by Boone shooting every member of the Legion we saw until I was overrun every five minutes by a new death squad.

Fallout 4 wasn't a masterpiece, but it was a good story. And when I found the Railroad it really started to click for me.


Flanelman2 t1_ja68ccc wrote

New Vegas' story is better, 4 is still good though and 4s gameplay mechanics are FAR superior to NV. I would suggest Fallout 4 just because it feels more up to par with more recent games but you can't go wrong with either, honestly.


Dynastic_Breeder t1_ja6unsf wrote

Fallout 4 is the worst trash in history. It should not even be called Fallout since its NOT a Fallout Game. Fallout is supposed to be a choice heavy RPG, Trashout 4 has neither.


No_Warthog_8546 t1_ja8p1qs wrote

Nope pf the fallout games have a good story every single one is a big fetch quest fallout shines in gameplay immersion and dialogue and writing