Submitted by one_step_kloser t3_11dw5vo in gaming

Here's what I like: Best open world settings, environment etc.. I don't think anything else comes close. Amazing graphics. Awesome music. Good story overall.

What I didn't like: How slow the game is. To the point that it forces you to be slow. Horse rides, at one point I wanted to throw my controller away lol I mean why not just provide a feature for auto horse rides! Fast travel is there but it's not always available. The game was unnecessarily long. Repetaitive : plan to get away - need more money - let's rob - unsuccessful - do it all over again. The whole island play was not needed.

The negatives of the game over shadowed the positives and overall it hindered the gaming experience.

You thoughts?



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hobbobnobgoblin t1_jab654s wrote

Auto riding does exist. If you set a marker it will ride on the pathways until you arrive lol

If you hunted and did side quests, you find more than enough money to get the best guns and upgrade your camp to the finest.

I loved the world idea and immersion. You could gamble and drink. Rob stage coaches. Take people hostage. Collected loans. Great cowboy game.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jab6d1a wrote

Dang! I wish I had posted this when I started the game. At least I would have saved myself from manual horse rides


GoodSirVaps t1_jab5w0p wrote

Am I reading that right? Did you go through the whole game without figuring out you can put your horse on autopilot?


one_step_kloser OP t1_jab5ytt wrote

Can I ? Can I? Can I? Oh my God.. kill me kill me kill me


GoodSirVaps t1_jab6fdo wrote

Cinematic mode, my friend. Just set your waypoint, start galloping down the trail, and turn on cinematic mode. Watch the scenery as you smoke out. I loved all the horse rides, lol.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jab6kj8 wrote

I wish I had known this before. My thumb hurts from trying to do the fast horse rides lol


MrFoozOG t1_jac3u50 wrote

This was very annoying to spot bandits and animals you'd might wanna hunt.

I ended up making a macro that just drove the horse forward. But when in a follow mission, your horse automatically follows the AI anyway, so cinematic mode was a bit obsolete if they'd add autorun.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jab64pb wrote

Btw you mean the slow horse auto pilot where you long press the horse ride button and it takes you there?


Nasssi t1_jabvafz wrote

This might actually make the game tolerable. With a mod that speeds up animations.


Lee_Doff t1_jac9fog wrote

why would you want to? you'd miss out on so much.


AgentUpright t1_jab9kbt wrote

The slow pace is a common complaint, along with the telepathic cops and the bounty system, the rigidity of missions, and the player model in the epilogue.

The detail and beauty of the world, the richness of the interactions, the depth of the story, the music, the sound design, the writing, the voice acting, the performance capture, and the uniqueness of the quests is what makes it one of the best games of all time.

Players with hundreds of hours in the game are still surprised with a random encounter, an unexpected animal behavior, a funny bit of dialogue, or an interesting bit of lore in an unexplored corner of the world.

And that’s all on top of an already excellent gameplay loop with a ton of replay-ability.

It’s not a perfect game, but it is one of the deepest experiences in modern gaming and there are hundreds of systems that it gets exactly right when lesser games have trouble with only a handful.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jabficy wrote

This was my 2nd attempt at the game after giving up on the first one. And now, I don't wanna play the epilogue, coz it just forces you to be slow. I wish it wasn't just this slow and I could see it being the best.

But then maybe it was a careful choice by devs, maybe with the slow pace they wanted players to experience every aspect of the game. And I'm sure a lot of people must have enjoyed it!


CountLugz t1_jac1r9q wrote

Because it has the best writing, dialogue, and character development in any game ever made. It's the closest gaming has come to something like an HBO series in terms of writing.

Not to mention the gameplay was fun at hell and it still has the most living and breathing open world ever created.

It's also the only game to make me cry at the end.

It's just a masterpiece and easily game of the decade at the very least.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jacs27v wrote

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree with your 2nd statement, but can't agree with your first one. There are better games with better writing and character development like last of us and God of war for example.

It was the ending which saved the game for me to be honest, otherwise I was very irritated by the slowness of the game.

But then what other comments have made me realize is that everyone has different tastes for games, and what might be best for others, may not be the same for me and vice versa.

Have a great day!


Sk8thunder t1_jab9ja3 wrote

I like to imagine the late game tedium of the game was intentional as a storytelling device. As the player gets more and more fed up with Dutch, the maim missions get more and more tedious. Thus, the game encourages the player to slow down a bit and interact with the game world. Be it side quests or just exploring, all of this helps with Arthur's character development as you see him helping more and more people and valuing things that aren't just the gang.


4finefuture t1_jabbp5q wrote

Graphics Beautiful Story Good Rockstar Game Excellent

Can't wait for GTA6 hopefully in next 2 years!


brian11e3 t1_jable1d wrote

I didn't care for it.


kennyh90 t1_jabluzs wrote

Here’s the thing, it’s not the best game ever, it just has some good writing and solid characters. The story is quite bland at its core and not deep at all. I can see why it gets acclaim but to say it’s the best game ever made is highly debatable


Manjorno316 t1_jabru4y wrote

Well it's an extremely subjective question so I wouldn't say it's debatable since there is no real answer to that question.


kennyh90 t1_jac0dd1 wrote

Exactly! It’s a good game but it’s done nothing that hasn’t been done before. Wolfenstein was the first person shooter game and was hailed for a new genre then doom came out then half life.

I don’t really care much for wolfenstein 3d as a game in itself but I respect what it’s done for video games, same with doom, it’s a great game and popularised the fps genre but it was still wolfenstein with a different coat of paint.

Dark souls was awarded as the greatest video game of all time, for me I don’t entirely disagree because it’s a whole other level of experience. That said there are people who detest fromsoft games so that opinion of mine is purely subjective.

The Witcher 3 is commonly thrown around as the greatest video game of all time, once again subjective, for me it is indeed a great game but is it the greatest thing I’ve ever played? Nah, not to say I don’t lose hours in it but it wouldn’t be my “if you could only play one game” but it does deserve it’s high acclaim for sure

I really kind of hate these posts because there isn’t a definitive “greatest game of all time” it’s purely “my favourite game of all time”

Sorry for the long text but I agree with your statement so much it deserved an intellectual response


Manjorno316 t1_jac30ca wrote

Don't worry about the long post, made me feel intellectual reading it.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jacraz8 wrote

I have heard so much about RDR2 that I gave it a second chance. And after finishing the game, I didn't feel like I played one of the best games, hence the post. With the hope that someone would come along and show me what I missed in the game.

And I'm glad you posted this long message. Just shows that not everybody has the same taste, and it's ok for me to not feel greatly about the game.


MrFoozOG t1_jac3rch wrote

Storywise definitely one of the best.

Every characters is well written and have their own specific personality

No wokeness

Gameplay i'll have to disagree, it's a fucking chore to play. once you've seen the bigger parts of the map, it's not new anymore and you just ride back and forth over the same path throughout the game.

Also the nonstop 'follow to objective' stuff should have been replaced with cinematics.

Camp upgrades were entirely obsolete, i didn't need to use any one of them

Why was police all-seeing? if i'd kill someone silently in a back alley, the cops would come flocking..

If your story is going to have 2 endings, have it at least be actually different instead of just Alive or Dead in the same cinematic.

Overal 8/10 for giving me the feels which barely any other game has been able to do

Like plenty other games, you feel the game was made for console and ported to PC. This is rather annoying as the controls become unresponsive at times.

|AAA companies like rockstar should just make a console AND Pc version separately.


Lee_Doff t1_jaca0l5 wrote

law enforcement is an issue in pretty much every GTA and RDR game i've played. not just the all seeing aspect, but also being able to spawn from 10 feet away.


MrFoozOG t1_jacdb5u wrote

Gta is alright, cops can be supermen for all i care.

Rdr should be slightly more realistic.

Like putting on a mask does nothing. Cops will put a bounty on your head regardless


Lee_Doff t1_jacvfzo wrote

i think there was a mechanic in RDR2 where you could change your clothes and everything was supposed to be ok. but i never seemed to get it to work.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jacshi1 wrote

Thanks for sharing this. I felt that same irritation. It was the ending and overall Arthur who saved the game for me, otherwise I was very tired of running around.


Majestic_Preparation t1_jabeaa5 wrote

It’s very casual and easy which appeals to most gamers. if it had some RPG mechanics 2-3 different endings and some decision making it would be perfect. It’s good game to play for the first time but don’t feel like replaying it again.


one_step_kloser OP t1_jabf1cg wrote

Totally agree with what you said. I don't think I can play it again. I don't even wanna play the epilogue.