Submitted by HolokaustT t3_124tvcy in gaming

So I have a Xbox series x, ps5, Xbox one x and Nintendo switch lite I used to have an oled but haven’t seen it since I’ve moved. I found it crazy how Nintendo seems to put less effort in their games and they are usually low budget with the exception of Mario kart 8 deluxe, botw and smash bros ultimate, and they always charge big on games even on old launch titles.



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jc726 t1_je0vg25 wrote

> less effort

Yeah okay buddy.


Ebolatastic t1_je0x7hl wrote

I like how your opening statement implies you are a huge gamer but everything you say after implies you don't play them or know anything about them.


HolokaustT OP t1_je0y34r wrote

I am a massive gamer, I got nearly a thousand games in my Xbox library, more than 400 in ps library and over 50 switch games. Most games I’ve yet to beat and start, I can only game so much lol


JediChris8585 t1_je13hrt wrote

How do they put less effort in? Just because they don’t care about graphics as much as the other two?


HolokaustT OP t1_je16vef wrote

If you think about it they have a lower effort In every aspect not just graphics, look at the lack of voice acting as well. So they are putting less money into their games and charging more with the best sale on zelda botw being 65 bucks 7 years after it released


Xano74 t1_je18cm7 wrote

What games exactly are you talking about? The only Nintendo first party game that fits the bill is the new Pokemon games.

Xenoblade continues to be an absolutely massive RPG epic

Metroid Prime Remastered blew reviewers away

Animal Crossing exploded during Covid shutdown

The only first party nintendo games that I have seen people disappointed in were Pokemon, and the Mario Sports games which are already a bit niche.

Pretty much everything else Nintendo does is considered a banger.

Now compare that to several Xbox/PS games that came out recently, Calypso Protocol, Forspoken, and Atomic Heart which all look amazing but ended up being pretty subpar.


HolokaustT OP t1_je1ju3u wrote

All the games you mentioned are relatively low budget in comparison to a majority of others, I thought the metriod remaster and latest metro were pretty damn good though, more stuff like that on switch would be nice


HolokaustT OP t1_je1kfaq wrote

I hear ya bruv and you make some good points, but if graphics didn’t matter we’d still be just playing 2d games 😂 for a game to feel and control a certain way, graphics are very important. Just imagine if call of duty didn’t care about graphics and was 2d 😂 it’d have no fan base what do ever


djr7 t1_je2ah6d wrote

"Nintendo seems to put less effort in their games"

well that's just straight up false. I'm actually curious as to how you came up with that conclusion.


HolokaustT OP t1_je2bymq wrote

Think about it lol 😂 that’s all you gotta do, compare botw which wasn’t even specifically for switch with elden ring or call of duty 😂 there is layers graphically in other games but switch games have no layers, than voice acting is rare in Nintendo titles as well and if it does have voice acting it’s usually just like 5 repeating lines. I could go on all day about how much lower effort they are but that is one.


Cmdrdredd t1_je3d3cs wrote

It’s really because their console doesn’t have the power of others so they can only do so much with their games. Maybe that’s why you have that impression. Honestly I have a switch only for the Mario or Zelda games that come here and there and third party titles are best played elsewhere. That’s me, I don’t take it with me as a portable.


djr7 t1_je3eday wrote

hold up... you're conclusion is to tell me to do your research for you? bruh that's not how it works.

"there is layers graphically in other games but switch games have no layers"

what on earth are you talking about? what you just said isn't even a thing. You just made that up.

"I could go on all day about how much lower effort they are but that is one."

You're voice acting point isn't even a valid argument, an easy counter point is that most Nintendo IP were made wayyyy back when voice acting wasn't even a thing, obviously we're not going to just make Mario,Link,Samus or Kirby just start talking out of nowhere. Not having VA doesn't dimish any effort that went into actually making a game.

here. go watch this

Educate yourself on something you probly had no idea even existed. Instead of looking at nintendo hardware and thinking their games have no effort, maybe try watching and learning the behind the scenes info of how these games are made.


HolokaustT OP t1_je3jff2 wrote

Literally there’s layers in texture work switch has it on few games but none on their exclusive titles except for Luigis mansion which is probably switch’s best graphic wise lol 😂 but how did you not know that? I guess I can’t fault you since you’re Nintendo fanatic 😂


djr7 t1_je42bch wrote

> there’s layers in texture work switch has it on few games

what is that suppose to even mean. Are you able to describe this or?

There is something inheritently wrong with your logic here... you can't fault me for not know the switch's best graphic game BECAUSE i'm a nintendo fanatic? Not only does that make no sense but it isn't even relevant to this conversation. Did you read any of my comment? do you aphasia or some other mental disorder here?


super_mark13 t1_je56i4v wrote

Why does Nintendo have to match the budget of Sony and Microsoft when their games (and the Switch) already sell so well?


No_Pop_9686 t1_je5dx24 wrote

Now I'm cautious of this company too. I even made the mistake to buy the Switch Golf and Strikers Battle League, and they were both a pain in the neck. I'd actually add some more titles to the exceptions, which are Metroid Dread and the Ubisoft Crossovers with Nintendo.


super_mark13 t1_je5kdou wrote

That's not a reason to match the budget of Sony and Microsoft lmao. Nintendo games do go on sale (just shows how much you don't know about them), but they don't drop in price simply because they still sell well even as years go by e.g. Mario Kart 8 sold 6.3 million copies from April 2022 to December 2022, despite being a game from 2014.


HolokaustT OP t1_je5md93 wrote

Well it doesn’t change the fact they are dead last 😂 in the sales department and networth, sure they sell a lot of switches but outta the big three companies they are worth the lowest amount


HolokaustT OP t1_je6yg8j wrote

I got my switch to play dead by daylight when I’m not home, it is convenient at times but I feel that they constantly drop the ball on so much things. Like why can’t we get fed Jan fight for ny on switch? Of the first two dragon age games


HolokaustT OP t1_je9p00d wrote

I am 22 bruv, just accept it Nintendo is dead last 😂 ha and I spent thousands on them n was extremely disappointed with the quality of their games and durability of the switch, Tis my experience with them don’t get hurt


djr7 t1_jebvti7 wrote

holy shit you are all over the place

I suggest seeing a doctor cuz there is definitely something wrong with you're thought process

also no nintendo isn't dead last in anything, have you not seen their earnings?


HolokaustT OP t1_jebx69v wrote

They are dead last in networth outta the big three gaming companies so yes they are in fact dead last 😂 and bruv I can say the same about you, you’re offended because I spoke Truth about Nintendo products


HolokaustT OP t1_jebxna6 wrote

I am justified in saying all this because I’ve given Nintendo thousands over the years and they always leave me feeling dissatisfied. If ask why I still keep buying their products, its because I’m a big gamer I like supporting the gaming industry and I don’t care about boats or cars and shit so I got money to spend


HolokaustT OP t1_jec1dx1 wrote

Microsoft is a tech and software giant, Sony and Nintendo are on par with each other, yet Nintendo lags behind in every way hell even their online systems and browsing the store is slow asf


super_mark13 t1_jecpef9 wrote

Thank you for showing us why Nintendo doesn't have to match the budget of Sony and Microsoft. Because customers (you) still buy them regardless.

So, again, why would they match the budget of the others if their products keep selling?