Submitted by WhatALovelyLad t3_yhd6gl in gaming

I bought a PS5 about three months ago now, and I can’t help but feel a little disappointed by it.

The range of next-gen games is pretty limited, and most of the titles that garner praise are basically PS4 upgrades. I understand that the PS5 is still in its infancy, and that all consoles go through a few years of transition before they get their own, console-exclusive games, but there are other things that have left me feeling a bit flat too.

For example, the graphics and performance - with previous generations it has felt as though there has been a really obvious increase in performance and graphics from one gen to the next… whereas the change from PS4 to PS5 hasn’t felt too vast.

Finally, the main talking point and hype from Sony in terms of what sets this console apart is the updated controller. The haptic feedback is nice, and the pressure sensitive shoulder buttons are a novel idea, but I haven’t seen them used in a way that has amazed me yet. I have played about 6 hours of Returnal, and if anything, the two stages of press you have to do on L2 to activate the alt or main fire feels more like a hindrance than a help.

Is there something I’m missing? At the minute I actually prefer my PS4!



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CaptainPogwash t1_iud3bxp wrote

I think the reason for a lack of games is because of scalpers and meaning that nobody really had a ps5 and so the they were hesitant to release games until more people had them, give it a little bit then we will see the full range being tested! Some games are already only becoming next gen only


crossy1686 t1_iud3p3b wrote

The pandemic kicked a lot of games down the road by a year or so, also, it’s pretty hard to convince developers to stop making games for the PS4, which millions and millions of people own, and make games exclusively for the PS5, which people are struggling to get their hands on. It wouldn’t be smart business to launch a game exclusively on PS5 right now unless Sony are willing to cut you a deal.

PS I hate the haptic feedback on the triggers, if I press a trigger, I don’t want it to fight back.


TrueFinalBossKony420 t1_iud3wc9 wrote

Ape Escape 4 could change that and lift Sony like Jesus lifted the cross.


ajk78 t1_iud4b5h wrote

Hmmm, the loading times, performance of older games and the quietness I can now game in make this a worthwile purchase for me.


SannyIsKing t1_iud4mu9 wrote

If you don't care about fps then yeah the PS5 isn't going to be that impressive


CULaterAlligater t1_iud4vmg wrote

You’re experiencing the effects of brainwashing. Socialization led you to believe something. The reality was something else.

Think fyre festival.

Negative emotions come from expectations not matching reality.



Shack691 t1_iud5glb wrote

It is partially held back because the last gen has taken longer to leave due to supply issues. Also we have a last gen console which is going to stick around the entire generation (series s).

There's also the fact we're reaching the point of diminishing returns when it comes to obvious things like graphical quality and scale.

The trigger effects I actually quite like, but it's heavily opinionated due to it being a tangible, physical thing. Meaning for people with lower/higher grip strength it's going to differ.


HistoricalGrab3540 t1_iud5ijb wrote

You must be stupid if you prefer a PS4 over a PS5.

Also if you dont like the haptics and triggers on Returnal, clearly you are one of those people who disable the rumble on the controllers.


Andr-O-Mat t1_iud6f3d wrote

I had that feeling in the past, but about the Playstation 3. I only got one because I was on my 4th Xbox 360 by that point, and was looking for a machine that wouldn't just die on me. Every exclusive I was told was a must-play ended up boring me to death (especially Heavy Rain), the trophies system never seemed as satisfying as the achievement system, neither did online play. The one thing I did like better was the controller. Sony's controllers are remarkably sturdy and comfortable.


skelingtonking t1_iud6u6o wrote

the first game that really utilizes all of the available power and controller abilities to its fullest will be the last game released before the ps6 drops.


lellololes t1_iud8knv wrote

I don't have a PS 5, but...

Graphics improvements have gotten more subtle than in the past. If you double the amount of polygons on a model and make the textures a bit sharper with each generation, you're going to hit diminishing returns pretty quickly. Now, the biggest quality difference will be higher resolutions and better lighting, really.

The performance difference is substantial. If you don't care about 30fps vs 60, well, that's chewing up some of the performance jump too. If you do care, it's a revelation, though.

Look at the Switch. It is mobile hardware. It has basic 2016 era midrange smartphone levels of power. I'm not convinced that it is more powerful than an Xbox 360. And while there is a tremendous gap in capability and performance, the Switch still has a number of games that actually look pretty damn good on it, in spite of the fact that it is puny. Why? Because the art is good. Zelda might be overrated, and yes, you can see the hardware limitations of the Switch in full force, but the quality of the art in that game is exemplary, and for that it looks a lot more visually impressive than a lot of games that run on much more powerful hardware.

Hell, Half Life 2 still looks pretty good, and it's almost 20 years old now. Again, you won't mistake it for a modern game, but it aged well.

And then there's the realization that you don't need the new hardware to play a game. We aren't jumping from PS1 era graphics in to the early HD era. We are now limited more by the quality of the art than we are the power of the hardware.


thereal_bio t1_iud9lpy wrote

IMO The current generation of consoles just came out at the worst moment possible:

  • covid happened and that screwed up big tie all developers’ plans on their game and we’re feeling that even and especially to this day with all the delays of the newest games;

  • there’s a shortage of components, that means less current gen consoles available, that also means that the biggest games had to be cross-gen, to maximize the sells and justify the massive budget invested into development, at cost of the current gen versions performances. This also has prolonged the PS4/Xbox One lifespan more than predicted

That being said, another factor is that going forward the generational gap between console will be thinner and thinner, especially on the graphics side of things, even the jump between ps3 and PS4 was less notable than the previous one. For this one the biggest improvements are the instantaneous loading thanks to the SSD, the dual sense and (hopefully) the reconquest of the 60 fps on every game. So don’t expect this huge improvement from this point on, to be honest I won’t be surprise to see the home consoles disappear after a couple of generations, in favor to the cloud gaming.

Personally, I bought the PS5 last year because of Rift Apart alone, being R&C my favorite saga, and I have the time of my life, it was worth it. Sure there hasn’t been a lot since then, but considering the situation we’re living in, it was to be taken into account


KidsAreIrresponsible t1_iudakb0 wrote

I feel kind of the same, but at the same time i remind myself that it was an investment for the next ~8 years of gaming.


DumbXiaoping t1_iudaofr wrote

Doesn't PS4 have pressure sensitive shoulder buttons too? I'm currently playing Sleeping Dogs on my PS4 and pressing the shoulder buttons more gently definitely helps you moderate driving speed.


greentiger79 t1_iudapuj wrote

We are reaching a point (for all platforms) where graphical fidelity is going to be less and less noticeable with each generation. I don’t see how you don’t notice an improvement in performance though. All PS5 games I have, load the game in under 10 seconds and most in about 5 seconds while previous gen games are at least 30 seconds and more than that most of the time.


disguyman t1_iudb8wz wrote

I always wait 1 or 2 years to buy a new console, when there are more games out.


snejp90 t1_iudbayq wrote

Well, the truth is that in terms of raw power PS5 is simply incapable of 4k60fps with graphics that can be perceived as "next-gen", and games like the new Plague Tale prove it. Either that or devs can't/refuse to optimize their games with next-gen hardware in mind. Time will tell.

When it comes to the controller, I've seen it utilized well in a few games, so it's DS4 all over again. Remember all those titles that had game mechanics clearly designed around the features of PS4 gamepad, like InFamous? I expect DualSense to share the same fate.

Cross-gen compatibility and next-gen upgrades are a welcome addition, though. Games like Wreckfest, D2R or even Deep Rock Galactic play so much better on PS5.


adubsi t1_iudbipb wrote

tbh we really get any games that feel next gen until like year 3 or 4


Haunting-Eggs t1_iudf8lh wrote

Tbh I just feel underwhelmed by modern gaming as a whole.


AgentOfSPYRAL t1_iudg37y wrote

What would make you prefer your PS4 given the performance/load times of PS4 games on PS5?

Overall I think it’s just a slow gen due to Covid.


6363tagoshi t1_iudgc0d wrote

Not happy with quality of PlayStation exclusive games? Hardware is decent for what you pay for. They are probably selling PS5 at lose or even.


carelesscode t1_iudgpsq wrote

I hear you and concur with your points on the controller, but I personally think this is to be expected when the vast majority of next gen adopters are on PS5. Although, I hadn’t considered the fact XSX/S hasn’t had a single next gen exclusive since it launched, and has instead focused on reselling older, less graphically impressive games via GamePass.

Only Microsoft could afford to do so little and survive the financial hit, makes you feel for the XSX/S users.


Medium_Right t1_iudl5lm wrote

So you'd rather use the PS4 over the PS5 for now, even though the PS5 does everything the PS4 does but way better?


Fun-Valuable4610 t1_iudn9c1 wrote

At least you like the controller! I don't like the shape of it at all and I've had the haptic feedback and triggers turned off from a couple of months after I bought it.

Didn't like Ratchet and Clank, hated Gran Turismo, and got tired of all the 3rd person Sony games last generation so have no interest in Horizon, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima etc. Have very little interest in upscaled games I've already played but if I haven't played it then it is obviously much better to have 60fps available. Paid upgrades can fuck right off though.

I have a PC with a 2070 Super and that still seems to outperform the PS5 but there isn't much in it. Still, I have much more options on PC in terms of games I can play, way more versatility in being able to achieve the performance I want, and the cost of games is way cheaper.

The most surprising thing of all though is that my kids barely play on it either. Any time they are on it they are playing a PS4 game and they already have one of those in their bedroom anyway, they just sometimes like to play in the living room.

I haven't been happy with my PS5 purchase at all and the one positive I could maybe cling to is that the price has actually gone up since I bought it so at least I'm not say here thinking I could have paid £100 less if I'd just waited.


King_Artis t1_iudrh6a wrote

I've had it since launch, I've been telling everyone I know that they shouldn't rush to get it because there's nothing on it that I view as an absolute must play. Aside from Returnal, newest ratchet and clank, and Demon Souls Remake just about every other title is playable on the ps4


ilovepizza855 t1_iudrw7k wrote

I dont have much games on Playstation 5 since I buy my games on PC due to various advantages like free online, refund and others. Only completed Uncharted Trilogy so far, gonna get God of War Ragnarok next maybe. PS5 games are seriously expensive so I am skipping Horizon Forbidden West for now

But yah its been a drought for me.


Gerti27 t1_iudt2yt wrote

If you want to see some amazing graphics, then play horizon forbidden west. It's easily the best graphics I've seen on consoles. The controller is also great when the game takes advantage of it. Ratchet and clank does, and it's amazing.


imapiratedammit t1_iue4j71 wrote

I was one of the lucky ones who had a huge backlog of PlayStation exclusives to work through(since I only had Xbox last gen), most of which got bumped up to 60fps. But the only PS5 game that “feels” like a PS5 game is Returnal. Still, this game doesnt feel very “big. ”

I would say Demons Souls but the exceptional graphics and sound design don’t fix the outdated game design and QOL issues with the game and it still very much feels like an older game.

Haven’t played The new Horizon game yet though. Mostly because the first was just a pretty generic open world game, albeit a very cool and unique setting, but I’m kind of over climbing towers, opening chests, and fetching/killing bullshit.


cnedden t1_iue5ij5 wrote

Nope. Best purchase I've ever made, tons of good exclusives, lightning fast, awesome controller.


MegaWaffleCat t1_iueidvy wrote

Got it at launch and have felt the same since I bought it. You’re not alone.

But it was between that and 1/3rd of a graphics card…


KenethSargatanas t1_iuer9ob wrote

Give it time. The first couple generations of new games on a new console have always been somewhat underwhelming in my experience. Once devs get their feet under them and really learn the system, it'll ramp up pretty quickly.


Darth_Rutsula t1_iuezxh8 wrote

The load times alone are worth it imo. I also like that Sony is actually doing things with the controller unlike Microsoft who is content with the same controller since the 360. The improved frame rate is a welcome addition but I can still play at 30, it doesn't take long for me to adjust.

Backwards compatibility is nice, once I got my ps5 I sold my ps4 pro just because I didnt see a need for it when my whole library will play on my new console.


ProGamerHD_13 t1_iuf50bz wrote

Yeah, micro transactions this and unfinished games that.

For every game I'm hyped for I just think to myself "I'll just wait for reviews and if the're good buy it a year later on a sale."

Modern gaming as whole became very tiresome. Sure, there are some good AAA and indie devs thats still make great games (ID Software, Ghost Ship Games, etc...) but they are definitely thining out. Like, not long ago Rockstar was seen as the studio that only makes good stuff GTA franchise and RDR2 but then they shat out GTA Trilogy Defective Edition and spat everyone who loved the originals in the face.

It's really starting to feel like we might experience another crash. Maybe not soon but I bet it's gonna happen. Companies chasing money, people pre-ordering games no matter the red flags, consoles being hard to buy, etc... Sure, video marker right now is incredibly profitable, but what will happen when most people just stop tolerating this shit by spending their money elsewhere? The market is rotting inside out and when people go away I doubt it will be able to change course fast enough to fully recover.


crossy1686 t1_iuf84tp wrote

PS4 has pressure sensitive triggers but the PS5 has haptic feedback as well, so let’s say you’re shooting, and you reload, the trigger will lock and you can’t press it down until you’ve finished reloading. It’s annoying as fuck and makes me feel like I’m going to break the triggers


Ok-Ambition-9432 t1_iug8z8l wrote

Is this not obvious to you dude? Video games are still a new media, we will never see a jump in fidelity like 1995 to 2012 again, not even close.


Excellent_Routine589 t1_iugkbmj wrote

"At the minute, I actually prefer my PS4"


Like that is a genuine question, because damn near every facet of the PS5 is an objective improvement over the PS4, barring the DualSense which is a subjective answer as to whether its preferred over the DS4.

And every generation still has growing pains where-in previous gens are supported. This was the case between PS1->PS2, PS2->PS3 and so on. This generation leap gets the added benefit of not having hard separations between accessibility as almost every PS4 game (like 99% of em) can be played on the PS5. The same for the XBox, XBOne and XSX have cross gen support. That cross-gen availability is bound to prolong how supported the previous gen is.

Additionally, slowly games have begun to roll out to be PS5 only announcements so far. Final Fantasy XVI and VIIRebirth, Silent Hill 2 Remake, Stellar Blade, more than likely Spiderman 2 and Wolverine, etc.

The reality is that the jump between the PS4 and PS5 is like upgrading your GPU (in the PC space)... sure, it can play games with a better fidelity, but that doesn't mean your old GPU couldn't run them, just that the new GPU runs them better.