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tsrines t1_iu3pn6v wrote


Dhrakken t1_iu3wzz0 wrote

Looks amazing, well done!


LaPetiteM0rte t1_iu3yw1l wrote

It looks like this could be the other side of the bar wall in Neon Abyss. This is really cool!


Kriggs713 t1_iu3zc6o wrote

Is that homer Simpson?


Murany t1_iu40akh wrote

Everything is cool and awesome but in my opinion the guy shouldn't move up and down.


4_base t1_iu47hy0 wrote

“You look lonely..”


Silent_Purge t1_iu4fo8r wrote

What does R stands for in the building, Team Rocket? 😜


doj101 t1_iu4gwv2 wrote

These are so bad


UFOregon420 t1_iu4lz5t wrote

I know this wasn’t the inspiration but the neon sheep reminds me of a sign we have in my city, the Portland Oregon Old Town sign. It stands out against the downtown cityscape every night. Awesome art.


WarlockTank t1_iu4m9s3 wrote

Makes me think of Moonside from Earthbound. Nice work.


richardawkings t1_iu4pzye wrote

Preem, choom but I would stay away from BDs you find on the street.


KillerRabbitMedia OP t1_iu4rcq8 wrote

Thanks for the tip! I am actually familiar with sub pixel animation, you can see it on his head if you look up loo at his chin and hair. The effect is not very noticeable here because the color palette I used is very small


kazrogsy t1_iu4s5uf wrote

Dammit now I have to watch hobby nightmares or two hours


Lilybug-02 t1_iu4tbk1 wrote

This is absolutely amazing. The lighting and atmosphere in this mixed with the subtle animation is so breathtaking. 💕


sanndman t1_iu4u3gz wrote

I always love and appreciate pixel art. This one's awesome!


TheMufasa t1_iu4v0xu wrote

This art style really resonates with me. Rarely do I stare at art but with this style I can get lost in it. Nicely done!


thats-impossible t1_iu4v808 wrote

I see a ghost in a shell, an electric sheep... Haha what other references am I missing


dipolartech t1_iu4v9uh wrote

BlackPantsLegion Knife Fight City!


pugacioff t1_iu4w1ah wrote

Big Read Only Memories vibes


Singlot t1_iu4yjeq wrote

It brings me old CGA memories


PaulsRedditUsername t1_iu4zvre wrote

Nice. Actually my first impression was of my old Leisure Suit Larry games on my Tandy 286 back in the day.


pat_micucci t1_iu52eb5 wrote

Pretty fuckin dope. What’s KRM?


KillerRabbitMedia OP t1_iu52epb wrote

Haha well spotted, the full list is; the origami unicorn, 1982 license plate and Tyrrell corporation logo are references to bladerunner (1982), the electric sheep is a reference to Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K dick, the logo below the sheep is a reference to altered carbon, the building next to the sheep is a reference to the goggles from the cover of Neuromancer, the car is the quadra v tech from cyberpunk 2077 and the ghost in a clam is a reference to ghost in the shell


giraffe_legs t1_iu54g0x wrote

I miss games like Space Quest and kings quest.


Beerasaurus t1_iu55v2j wrote

Marge is Lisa at virtual camp Granada?


RemnantHelmet t1_iu561kt wrote

Because I really want to stay at your house...


Spore_monger t1_iu58z6o wrote

Looks gorgeous! I wonder if there are any digital picture frames that would support animated gifs. I love this style of art and would love to have one that could cycle through.

It does seem like it's looping a tad fast, in my opinion, but that looks great!


Arthos_ t1_iu5hdwi wrote

I see the bank of China building from Hong Kong?


haaiiychii t1_iu5iq19 wrote

No you didn't, all you wrote was a comment to an NFT website, you advertised a scam, not suggesting anything to OP.

NFTs are a scam and pathetic. Stop spreading NFT shit.


haaiiychii t1_iu5mtwo wrote

NFTs don't help in the slightest, that's why they're a scam.

You can "own" an NFT without owning the copyright, so you don't actually own anything. The NFT can be right clicked and saved.

NFTs are a scam.


tsrines t1_iu5n1yy wrote

NFTs are just smart contracts. So you are saying that whiskey makers who are relying on smart contracts for authenticity believe it is a scam? What about that reddit avatar you might wanna buy with your VISA/MC. Well its an NFT. Nicely done


haaiiychii t1_iu5nd4g wrote

It's still a scam. Buying an NFT offers no extra protection than selling the copyright with a receipt.

I could sell you an NFT, but sell the same art with a different number to 10 other people, who owns the art? Me, because the copyright would be mine.

If I sold the copyright and gave a receipt to the buyer they own it.

NFTs are a scam.


tsrines t1_iu5ns2e wrote

What if OP wanted to sell the work as a collection. If I paid for his collection and it wasn't on Blockchain, how can I prove that the digital art is indeed part of the collection. Any thoughts, digitally, on how copyright can help in that regard?


stevie7 t1_iu5poaz wrote

I'm literally wearing my Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep shirt today! Love this


drawnred t1_iu5qmmj wrote

1982 on the license plate is a nice touch


Boring-Location6800 t1_iu5rs18 wrote

Wow.. usually I just scroll by stuff like this. But the disturbance effect on the sheep is really well done. Very nice.


PKlad t1_iu5ss5a wrote

Amazing 🔥


tsrines t1_iu5thij wrote

NFTs and block chain are the future. You're on a .gif subreddit trying to convince me and this OP, who is talented, that they shouldn't look at NFTs to have an additional revenue stream. It's a GIF...he can mint an NFT and put it on for like pennies. And someone will buy that. Guaranteed. You, are uneducated. You can read it I'm living it. Keep paying for digital items behind walled gardens.


2sdayNIGHTS t1_iu5zefp wrote

Kinda looks like if Homer Simpson went cyberpunk lol. This is awesome


WordsAtRandom t1_iu61msy wrote

I fucking love these pixel art things...


Silv3rS0und t1_iu64nfo wrote

Love the references to Bladerunner and GitS. I'm surprised nobody has pointed out the Edgerunner logo on the right.


pxn4da t1_iu64zry wrote

Bro that's Homer Simpson 😭


Okaloha t1_iu6c8e1 wrote

❤️❤️❤️ ah futurewave / synthwave music and coffee. Can we be friends ?


Benzinsane t1_iu6eio9 wrote

Chongqing in Hitman 3 vibes


IMSOGIRL t1_iu6i9kz wrote

References I see off the bat:

Electric Sheep (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep)

Altered Carbon logo right under the sheep

A ghost in a shell on the AC (GITS)

Car with license plate of 1982 (year Blade Runner and Akira the manga were first released)

The unicorn from Blade Runner

Bank of China building from HK behind the sheep.

Neuromancer goggles to the left of the sheep

Tall building on left has R. Taslorian Games logo.


DblBurger t1_iu6rgwy wrote

Subtitle: Never forget the 2007 Boston Mooninite Panic


Pitron-acide t1_iu709vy wrote

This is bomb. You’re very talented !


bradfo83 t1_iu73jld wrote

That rain is so good I can hear it


south2-2 t1_iu7nkvw wrote

If someone loves us they'd make this in steam wallpaper engine!


zozman92 t1_iu7nlmk wrote

Wake up Samurai. We got a city to burn.


blahmeistah t1_iu8rm45 wrote

That horse-like image reminds me of the old Archon games. Love the whole vibe of this art piece


LisaGlendayY t1_iuhe9yx wrote

Those rains are awesome. Love this show.