Hipster-Stalin t1_jab58ij wrote
Better then showing up as Ducking, Austria I suppose.
btk79 t1_jab9tko wrote
different-angle t1_jabf9he wrote
Maybe because the town changed its name, meaning it doesn't exist now.
Ok_Astronomer_1308 t1_jabk2wi wrote
didn't the name change to fugging?
GeoffDeGeoff t1_jabnq3j wrote
Interesting looks fine here just added it.
Zero-Phucks t1_jabnu5c wrote
Something wrong with your fucking iPhone dude…
_cats______ t1_jabnumm wrote
Oh this is OwO hilarious.
darthjoey91 t1_jabpb22 wrote
Well, the town did rename itself to Fugging.
Delicious_One_7887 t1_jabr6xc wrote
On iPad, because my fucking iPhone is broken.
Dooggey t1_jabsieh wrote
YoungPatrickBateman t1_jabv9kv wrote
Mine shows up fine too.
SackCody t1_jabwaxb wrote
Here the 14.7.1 for reference (yes, i keeping old version of iOS)
for some reason it just shows the name of town without the name of country
defaltusr t1_jabwfta wrote
So weird, mine shows up normal (iPhone 12, iOs 16). Fucking shouldn’t exist anyway, they changed the name to fugging. M
danegraphics t1_jabyc65 wrote
lol, works for me in 16.2.
This is hilarious~
GreenRhombus t1_jac26qd wrote
brassmonkeyslc t1_jac2aqq wrote
Maybe it’s just non English speaking countries that can see it?
ritty84 t1_jac2is8 wrote
Because Apple is butter soft. Can’t even get a proper gun emoji 🙄
a-walking-bowl t1_jac5kbm wrote
ayo -4 degrees looks like a depressed guy taking a shit
Wellcraft19 t1_jac7410 wrote
Search for ‘Fugging’, shows up as Fugging.
Search for ‘Fucking’, shows up as OwO 🤷♂️
This on iOS 15.7.3
OwnAcanthisitta7777 t1_jac99l1 wrote
Comi94 t1_jac9l8d wrote
It says it good but you have a man pooping there this time
gaymfwhore t1_jacaxw3 wrote
I have 16.3 and it shows for me too
ctaetcsh t1_jacbpoo wrote
Yep, can replicate (16.3.1)
Honestly pretty funny but doubt this is Apples doing
[deleted] t1_jacbxqe wrote
4-3-4 t1_jacd4zl wrote
Possibly. I am also on non english and I can see it.
darrellgh t1_jacedxv wrote
Happy Cake Day!!!
happy-panda1608 t1_jacf7x4 wrote
This is how it looks like on my mac
NadlesKVs t1_jacfnkk wrote
iPhone 12 Pro Max on iOS 15.4.1 in the USA.
It shows as OwO.
AFoxGuy t1_jacg49b wrote
Skinnyguy202 t1_jacgxg9 wrote
Pew 🔫 pew 🔫
Conversiongfx t1_jacgzeg wrote
iOS 16.1.2 (not upgrading anymore because i don’t want to lose the ability to receive airdrops from everyone outside a 10 minute window)
robogobo t1_jach418 wrote
Looking this up in maps, the town name remains, along with the even more hilarious street names, Unterfucking and Oberfucking.
KeZ-KapriOn t1_jach6ag wrote
Perfect weather for Fucking!
Emotional-Yak-7559 t1_jachc5z wrote
Shows up as OwO for me
Arnold729 t1_jachv4o wrote
It’s fucking freezing there
unbeatable_101 t1_jacjuzl wrote
This was discovered in one of the first betas, odd that it’s still here
lvkaszus t1_jaclnbw wrote
iOS 16.3.1 on iPhone 12. Seems to be normal
U2rich t1_jaclv8x wrote
Same on iOS 16.3.1
kamilman t1_jacmrb0 wrote
I hope this becomes a trend
kmaster54321 t1_jacn962 wrote
TIL there’s a town called fucking
Bebgab t1_jacngix wrote
Everything about this post is hilarious
RecoBtw t1_jacodpi wrote
OwO iOS 16.3
Edit: The town no longer exists and is now Fugging Australia on fugging Australia it shows up the same weather for OwO
Savings_Street1816 t1_jacorpt wrote
Same on 16.1.1
anythingers t1_jacozt7 wrote
Worst decision they've ever made 😔
hermitcraftfan135 t1_jacp53i wrote
I’m on English and I can see it. Very strange bug lol
[deleted] t1_jacrhli wrote
Tesko249 t1_jacro1n wrote
The bottom disclaimer is pretty great as well
ZenIsBestWolf t1_jacrolc wrote
Same here
cd247 t1_jacrqaz wrote
Oh my god I see it now! Lmfao
rott t1_jacrr4z wrote
RecoBtw t1_jacrxnf wrote
Ig the voiceover made it incorrect lmao
ant_t99 t1_jacs6aa wrote
Still the same on iOS 16.4 Public Beta
ohgoditsdoddy t1_jacupsz wrote
Looks like no one figured out the pattern yet but it is only OwO on Fahrenheit.
Incidental though, it doesn’t change to OwO when you change unit, so I guess US phones only.
jugalator t1_jacupt4 wrote
lmao, it's infamously a real town but this looks like an Easter egg someone sneaked in
Was more common back in the day, now it's more frowned upon. :p
gremoor t1_jacuzyi wrote
Looking that up in Carrot got me my “visit a sexy town” achievement.
[deleted] t1_jacv003 wrote
Sleepycat45 t1_jacvcv7 wrote
Tumblrrito t1_jacvehf wrote
It’s been this way for years too. First saw it reported in one of the Apple subs a while ago.
sean101v t1_jacvv73 wrote
For me on iOS 16 there were 2 cities, Fugging and Fucking, and if you chose Fucking it turned to this
Moklonus t1_jacwpb3 wrote
That’s a Fucking problem for sure.
andreasheri t1_jacxko6 wrote
How the hell is 25 degree in Fucking, Austria?
[deleted] t1_jacy2ap wrote
masood_khashi t1_jacy2fo wrote
I checks out 😂 16.1.2
pepoboyii t1_jacz2cr wrote
iPhone X iOS 16.3.1, region is US but located in Ecuador, shows up as OwO
SwordofSwanstantine t1_jad0obk wrote
were THAT many people stealing the signs?
[deleted] t1_jad0vm9 wrote
NMLWrightReddit t1_jad13fn wrote
It’s still “Fucking” for me
ephrin t1_jad1g1s wrote
I understood that reference!
Mission_Highway5032 t1_jad1has wrote
iOS 16.4 beta 1:
TheNotoriousSSD t1_jad1pn9 wrote
Someone got funny in Austria bruhhhh
[deleted] t1_jad1uek wrote
FknBretto t1_jad1v5b wrote
Nuzzlewuzzles you
andy4775 t1_jad4336 wrote
Yamate sensei
UltimateUsername1234 t1_jad4j6q wrote
That didn’t age well
cerebud t1_jad50sn wrote
States here, I see OwO
[deleted] t1_jad5255 wrote
GeoffDeGeoff t1_jad54b0 wrote
Must be a location thing.
[deleted] t1_jad6xgw wrote
No_Hospital_8944 t1_jad76dn wrote
They officially changed the town’s name to Fugging
rounaq123bhasin t1_jad7m4v wrote
I’m on iPhone 13 iOS 16.3.1 and ‘Fucking’ appears.
SrNetworkEngineer t1_jad9p0n wrote
Same on 15.6.1
Dile333 t1_jadb69b wrote
It wasn't only because of the signs. A few youtubers went there and kind of harassed/annoyed a few people and then their fans followed and did the same
Dile333 t1_jadboc0 wrote
Wrong fucking/fugging... this is the correct one:,_Upper_Austria
WikiSummarizerBot t1_jadbq44 wrote
>Fugging (German: [ˈfʊkɪŋ] (listen)), spelt Fucking until 2021, is an Austrian village in the municipality of Tarsdorf, located in the Innviertel region of western Upper Austria. It is 33 km (21 mi) north of Salzburg and 4 km (2. 5 mi) east of the Inn river, which forms part of the German border. Despite a population of only 106 in 2020, the village has drawn attention in the English-speaking world for its former name, which was spelled the same as an inflected form of the vulgar English-language word "fuck".
^([ )^(F.A.Q)^( | )^(Opt Out)^( | )^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)^( | )^(GitHub)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)
Dile333 t1_jadbt2c wrote
Yes they did in 2021
drakaintdead t1_jadd7ku wrote
Oddly, it works on my phone but when I do it on my mac it redirects to fugging.
Major-Frame9571 t1_jaddht4 wrote
On Mac it shows up as "Fugging" but on iPhone it's OwO. Someone was bored at work haha
brandmeist3r t1_jadehue wrote
Here it looks fine too
ohgoditsdoddy t1_jadf6j6 wrote
First one with OwO in Centigrade; literally scanned all comments. :)
geekg t1_jadh4fs wrote
Typical influencers ruining it for the rest of us.
cryola t1_jadhnvj wrote
Larsaf t1_jadjirk wrote
They are saving millions in stolen signs.
phlpptmpl t1_jadkajr wrote
Comment for visibility. This is the only true answer.
Search google maps for “Fucking” and choose the result in Austria. You’ll see it’s a landmark. So, there is weather data for the city of “Fugging” as as for the landmark “Fucking, Austria” which shows up as “OwO” in the weather app.
KISSOLOGY t1_jadkkoo wrote
WorthNervous t1_jadlsfr wrote
You know that this place is just 30 minutes from Petting, Germany. But start in Germany then go further to Austria if you know what I mean... It's a smoother trip.
bgeoffreyb t1_jadm2h7 wrote
Same on 3.1
SavenCromwell t1_jadn42o wrote
I got it as well OwO haha, this is amazing
mtcnred t1_jadpf6p wrote
Who knows. Also, this is a German word in this context. BTW, this word, minus the ING, originally meant to till soil in English.
ProfessionalDog t1_jadpvlj wrote
Interestingly enough it shows the name of the country after the comma as well. Doesn’t do that with any other city names
yoboi75 t1_jadqwri wrote
Same on iOS 19.4.1
jopi404 t1_jadrwpq wrote
I get fucking when I write fucking.
BlackMailerWagen t1_jadu81u wrote
Awh man too bad they didn't remove the comma
Low_Commission9477 t1_jadvcp3 wrote
It's a town, why wouldn't it be there?
PyroWasUsed t1_jadvqb4 wrote
Hehe that temperature looks like a guy taking a massive crap
TwitchF4C t1_jadx4zo wrote
Fucking Austria, bruh
TwitchF4C t1_jadx7th wrote
"Hey Patrick, how the OwO are ya?"
[deleted] t1_jadxyu3 wrote
italianboi69104 t1_jadypio wrote
Imagine if you got banned for saying the name of a town xD
haydar_ai t1_jae03g6 wrote
Probably language settings make more sense, I live in EU and it’s showing up as OwO for me too since I’m using English US language
GeoffDeGeoff t1_jae05ya wrote
Ahh that does make sense.
tinytim1191 t1_jae07ew wrote
It’s amazing, leave it alone.
Major_Banana t1_jae1tv2 wrote
iOS 16.2 has it as “fucking, austria”
Gen7isTrash t1_jae2jyf wrote
Same on 0.
MathSciElec t1_jae370x wrote
chaimann t1_jae3tcf wrote
Fucking influencers stealing Fucking signs
GriffinTech1 t1_jae4oet wrote
Long live Fucking, Austria
TitusImmortalis t1_jae4u0g wrote
GriffinTech1 t1_jae4w6y wrote
Doesn’t show on iOS 19.8.4
GriffinTech1 t1_jae5mx0 wrote
I wonder how much they’ll lose from tourism though
stannenb t1_jae5zlk wrote
It's a real town that recently changed its name from Fucking to Fugging:
ShrekGollum t1_jae7odw wrote
UK English or US English?
ShrekGollum t1_jae7yf1 wrote
Do not forget to go to condom (France) before going to Fucking (Austria).
kitteybox123 t1_jae82ue wrote
OwO 👉🥺👈
pljackass t1_jae90ty wrote
was able to reproduce on my iphone maybe the app code has been updated for the ipad screen view (different modules in apps for different screen sizes to support diff devices)
skizzums0 t1_jae97qc wrote
Same on 69.420
lasagnajunkie t1_jae9dd3 wrote
nrith t1_jaeabz6 wrote
Wellcraft19 t1_jaebtbs wrote
Svenisko t1_jaedpvo wrote
I’m on 16.3.1 and no OwO 😔
Mir1s_ t1_jaegfny wrote
Funny think this shit is also in macOS
leia_x2 t1_jaeh35t wrote
i can’t believe this is real 😭
kainsta929 t1_jaeh945 wrote
Don't know if its related but the town Fucking changed its name to Fugging in 2021? Maybe thats something to do with it not being a place anymore?
TandUndTinnef t1_jaehlnj wrote
Nah, I get Fucking w/ English language setting and being in the EU.
Soldiiier__ t1_jaei7cw wrote
[deleted] t1_jaejgd9 wrote
Ragedpuppet707 t1_jaek3k1 wrote
How did you find this out?
simracerman t1_jaek8lm wrote
Reminds me of this
simracerman t1_jaekd3k wrote
Reminds me of this
NavinF t1_jaelchh wrote
More likely a rogue easter egg, not a bug.
PhxGuy19 t1_jaeswdw wrote
I get Fugging
fotive t1_jaeutwc wrote
Same on my newton.
safeness t1_jaev5u4 wrote
I’ve had that saved for some time now. It just makes my weather screen shots a bit spicier. People need to lighten up.
Edit: Proof that I’m not a total shit sandwich.
torokg t1_jaevw7q wrote
beanie_0 t1_jaf1s0a wrote
DLiltsadwj t1_jaf22uu wrote
They changed the name a couple of years ago to a way more acceptable name.
driven01a t1_jaf34x6 wrote
The town renamed itself after 2021 to Fugging after having the original name since the 11th century. The last generation of Fuckers are happy with the change.
yeetsupredditalt t1_jaf3qme wrote
iPhone=discord kitten confirmed?
yeetsupredditalt t1_jaf3tln wrote
Same on my apple ii
cbdubs12 t1_jab02uz wrote
Someone got funny in the database.