Submitted by shannannj7 t3_11awx5n in iphone

I’m a caregiver with a 23 y/o disabled adult (Cerebral Palsy & blind), and this morning at 4am, police were called to the house due to the SOS emergency call feature on an old iPhone Xr he’s got. We are 90% sure he’s holding both buttons to make the swipe option come up, but I was wondering if there’s any way to make this obsolete? or are we going to have to go through the painstaking process of taking away the phone for only iPods & iPads?



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nrron t1_j9uimqo wrote

No. That feature is required by law and cannot be disabled. They’re not legally allowed to make it disableable.

All cell phones are required by law to be able to make emergency calls


0000GKP t1_j9ujj9s wrote

> All cell phones are required by law to be able to make emergency calls

This is not the same thing as having an automated calling feature. That is not required.


ZS88 t1_j9ujn8e wrote

You can turn this off, go into Settings then Emergency SOS. You can toggle off call with hold and release and call with 5 button presses.


0000GKP t1_j9ulcda wrote

The buttons bring up a slider for Emergency SOS. If you slide it, it automatically calls 911 without the user being required to manually press any digits on the phone dial pad. That is automated. That function is not required by law. Unfortunately there is no way to disable the slider.