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t1_ixn9p98 wrote

Time to move on...

get that sweet FaceID


t1_ixnbfds wrote

I have a work phone (7) that I call and text on. Works fine. Just depends on what you’re doing with it.


t1_ixndntq wrote

I use my old 8+ for my work phone and I’ve had no issues with it except the battery doesn’t last as long but I could always get it replaced


t1_ixnsdt6 wrote

I still use an iPhone 8 as my everyday phone.

I used to use it heavily a few months ago, where I had to work on remote industrial sites, had to take pictures, send mails on the go, read documents, maps, schemes, debug automats while calling people from other countries, etc… So I was quite a heavy user. I used it in dusty, noisy, cold and hot environments

Except for the short battery life, I didn’t need anything more.


t1_ixo0aam wrote

I’m only just planning to replace my iPhone 6s this year. If it still does what you need it for then I don’t see the point in replacing it. You might need a battery pack or something if it’s dying too quickly though.


t1_ixo0siy wrote

I have an iPhone 8 and 7 plus. Both are still great


t1_ixonoso wrote

if u wanna continue using it then honestly it’s still a good phone


t1_ixoty75 wrote

It all depends on you and if you wanna shell out money on a new device. If the new features are intriguing and you wanna upgrade go for it. If you personally don’t feel like upgrading cause it works then keep it. All depends on preference and the condition of the phone.


t1_ixp48l3 wrote

Cool! Do you find the older hardware ever hindering your satisfaction? For example, I have an older iPad that has nowhere near the screen quality and performance as my iPhone 13. I’d love to play games on the ipad, but I can’t reason myself to do it lol


t1_ixpd9lp wrote

And it drives me nuts that Apple have stopped updates to the 7.


t1_ixpslly wrote

It's only 5 years old.

I think it's absolutely practical to keep using it. I still have my Pixel 2 XL from the same time and it would be perfectly usable as a daily driver, except for the lack of security updates since late 2020...


t1_ixpyo7f wrote

Use an 8+ everyday. Love it except for battery life especially after updating to ios 16. it was a forced update because more and more apps kept losing functionality.


t1_ixq6rpp wrote

i rock an iphone 7 and it's solid, battery life is fine as i'm not glued to the phone 12 hours a day. the phone is so slim so light and everything works and i still get security updates.

whole body is alumimium no shoddy weak glass. no need to baby it as even if I break it ,I could probably get another one for like $50. and it's ironic, the one i'm using and abusing and not babying? it's FLAWLESS, not ONE scratch. just one mini paint dent that probably came like that from the factory!

and no, magsafe, wireless charging, face id, and "super duper camera" is not essential for me.


to each his own!


t1_ixraqid wrote

Everyone is different. My girlfriend was on an 8 up until 6 months ago and didn’t have any complaints.