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t1_j6j6ay4 wrote

Can you update how it goes? I've got Note 10+ and I also think of switching to see if it is worth it, because I've never owned an iPhone before


t1_j6jkocw wrote

You gonna love it and keep it for many years. I changed recently from S22 Ultra to 14 PM and couldn't be happier. It's the complete package


t1_j6jmigb wrote

Jump over and stop thinking about it. I had android since the g1 days till the recent one plus 9 pro. And let me tell you. I don’t miss it any of the android experience. 14 pro max currently. Love it! Never looking back.


t1_j6k4wys wrote

It's all based on your preferences. I like both android and ios as I do think each has their pros and cons and I do enjoy both operating systems. I believe apple has a return policy so you can try it out and if it's not for you, you can return it.


t1_j6kcu4v wrote

I gave the s22 ultra to my wife and I regret it. I miss my Samsung.


t1_j6kte2d wrote

First smartphone was a Moto Droid in 2009. Stayed Android through a Pixel 3 and jumped ship for the 12 mini. Still rocking it and love it. Even though they killed the very reason I came, the mini form factor, I do not see myself going back anytime soon.


t1_j6kz9qc wrote

You got a beast of a device. I bet the first thing you notice is how efficient and fast the system is just letting you do your basic tasks at lightening speed with almost no issues


t1_j6l5dmo wrote

I've had Samsung for years and was an iphone hater. When the S22 came out I wasn't excited about it and said screw it and traded in my s21 ultra and grabbed an iphone 13 pro. Gotta say I like it a lot. Samsung had me feeling like I needed to upgrade every year, all the promotion and trade in deals. I don't get that from Apple it's kind of refreshing.


t1_j6ld9og wrote

The software optimization too! Besides the small bugs that get patched every app and system just works better on iPhone and and looks much better. Battery life and performance are also on another level. I got a 14 Pro and my Pixel 7 Pro only lasts 2/3 of what the iPhone lasts.


t1_j6lf2yf wrote

Almost the exact same situation for me! Upgraded from Galaxy Note 10+. Hope you enjoy it! I know I have so far!


t1_j6lfgr0 wrote

I upgraded from Note 10+ to 14 pro max and couldn't be happier. Was hard to make the upgrade because I love the Note 10+ so much and it's specs are just about as good as any phone out there, performance wise. But I don't regret it at all!


t1_j6lo92o wrote

Same over here, my s8+ just up and died so I went for a 14 pro max as my first iPhone after always using Android until now. The experience has been great so far


t1_j6lzygz wrote

Same, this is my first iPhone and has been great so far apart from the battery life


t1_j6m00dm wrote

The animations on android phones just feel so stiff and unnatural to me. The first thing that I noticed was how dam fluid the animations were, there was absolutely zero lag across the apps and OS, and every single app I used (YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) felt like I was using some premium smooth experience that isn’t available elsewhere lol.

You really have to try it yourself and experience it if you’ve never used an iPhone long term. I’ll never be going back to an Android phone after getting spoiled with this lol.


t1_j6m0obx wrote

Same here. Been using android flagship phones since 2010. Just got my very first iPhone a month ago. The first week was boring but now that I am getting used to….it sure is a blissful experience


t1_j6m5jmn wrote

ill get mine in a few days i hope, switching from Galaxy S20, my last iphone was the iphone 4. im kinda hyped


t1_j6m9d2v wrote

use my first iphone when i was on colleague and can't never stop.


t1_j6msga6 wrote

As someone who switched around Android and IOS quite a few times i can tell u that the iPhone is just so much more convenient. It runs more solid, Itself user friendly sleek looking and feeling. Way better app and accessories support. As for android... There is some great things too the customisation and freedom. But the app support just isn't as good as it is on IOS and for daily tasks I prefer a solid, easy and smooth experience. It also might take some getting used to iPhone before you'll like it. Also im not hating on Androids, im just sharing my experience and opinion.


t1_j6mv0bx wrote

It's great to hear that you're happy with your decision to switch to an iPhone! The iPhone 14 Pro Max is a powerful and feature-rich smartphone that offers a great user experience. Its sleek design, excellent camera system, and robust performance make it a popular choice for many users. Additionally, iOS is a user-friendly and stable operating system, which should provide a smooth and reliable experience for many years to come. Enjoy your new iPhone!


t1_j6n0vd7 wrote

You're welcome! :) If you planning on getting an iPhone either get the iPhone 14 pro or 14 pro max if u like a bigger phone. If you're on a bit of a budget the iPhone 13 pro or 13 pro max (again depending if u like a bigger phone) should be good enough! If you need any more advice you're always welcome in my DM's.


t1_j6n5mxc wrote

I made the jump to the 14PM a few months ago after a decade of purely Android devices and I'm not going to sugar coat it, you will get frustrated and annoyed the first few days of use.

You'll be used to the way Android does things and the difference can be jarring in certain aspects. The notifications on iPhone are pretty shit in comparison to Android and that's still my biggest sticking point but otherwise I can't say I regret my decision. Well other than the fact that I ended up buying an Apple Watch and then later on a Macbook in large part due to the ecosystem.

What I recommend you do is go to an Apple Store and buy the device outright. It's a large chunk of change yes but if you live somewhere with a 14 Day Return Policy, it gives you some time to test out the device and determine if you like it. Again though, the first few days could be frustrating so you have to push through that.


t1_j6nfyf2 wrote

At the moment, yeah - over the years it's been generally trending upwards, with every other generation gaining a year up to the 5. It's been a little less predictable lately, but still trending up - 5s and 7 got six years, 6 got five years, and 6s got seven years. Remains to be seen whether they'll keep going up in future - I wouldn't be shocked to see the A11 devices dropped this year, which would put them at six years, given how many features they've been left out of over the past few releases.

But also worth noting is the 5s and up are still getting security updates, which is pretty exceptional. That's over nine years of at least some support at this point.