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Heartsgiggles t1_jas7e06 wrote

Hi, I’m the gf. That red car, was the lady who said I was trying to hit her car 😂 glad her license plate isn’t blurred. She started yelling at me in her car. So I stared at her and sat in my car calmly waiting for her to drive off so I can just leave. She decided to get out her car (along with the passenger in her car) started yelling at me. So I got out my car and yelled back. Then everyone started coming out. Another lady came and put her hands on my car, started hitting the hood. My bf saw it and ran over to tell her to stop and to leave. They said “it’s a funeral, give us some respect” I yelled at them, pointed to the whole street and told them “this is disrespectful, people have shit to do” Lol some guy said “we are from jersey city, we can seriously fuck you up”
I’m not one who likes fights like this. I was so annoyed that I started yelling “drive, just drive, drive” and proceed to dial 911. This whole thing wouldn’t of started if that lady in the red car didn’t make it a big deal, cuz at the end of the day. I didn’t hit her car and I just needed to get to work after being already an hour and a half late waiting for them to end their funeral.


garth_meringue t1_jasr50m wrote

These people don't sound great, but it's really on the church/funeral director or whoever for putting everyone in this situation and not organizing things responsibly.


Ilanaspax t1_jasumt8 wrote

100% this is literally part of their job


garth_meringue t1_jaswsw4 wrote

Right, I'm not saying I'd act like these people, but I'd probably have some agita both from the funeral itself and from being worried about my car being parked in the middle of the street because someone told me that's where I should park when I arrived.


Ilanaspax t1_jat19ow wrote

It really puts the JC entitlement spin on it - any normal person who paid for funeral home services would be rightfully pissed this is how it was managed. Instead they are just mad that they can’t freely block access to public roads/cars/emergency services without people getting annoyed?


down_up__left_right t1_jat4goa wrote

If the church/funeral director is telling them to park like this it's because he or she knows the cars won't be ticketed.

The issue here is a failure to enforce basic laws.

Does this church have a relationship with the police force or within the city government?


SonOfMcGee t1_jasy6z1 wrote

> “we are from jersey city, we can seriously fuck you up”.

Was this one of those funerals where everyone was wearing screen-printed t-shirts of the deceased with a caption like: “FRANKIE GONE TO HEAVEN”


Byzantium-1204 t1_jasmmhx wrote

This is beyond insane. Send these parked car photos to the are council person. Massive fire hazard. I would also have a bunch of neighbors pen a letter to the church.