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Ilanaspax t1_je0se5z wrote

It’s SO weird how out of all those solutions for affordable housing the only one that ever gets executed involves developers getting more money 🤔

oh well I guess we’ll trust the process and just let them keep polluting the city with luxury rentals and pricing out the existing population until we finally figure this out


moobycow t1_je11yyf wrote

Maybe so, but could you explain a mechanism by which building less stuff and having less homes available in an area of high demand makes them more affordable?


GeorgeWBush2016 t1_je1mbw5 wrote

I'm genuinely interested in hearing your solution.


JeromePowellAdmirer t1_je1z7i1 wrote

Apparently, the 4% rent control on >30 year old buildings that's already in place isn't the solution, based on how they pretend it doesn't exist.