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[deleted] t1_itlyt4z wrote



cC2Panda t1_itm2a0x wrote

Years ago there was as story about a guy in China who started throwing bricks through windows of people running red lights after a young girl was hit by one of the assholes. I'm not saying we should throw bricks through their windows, but maybe ninja rocks?


RAWisROLLIE OP t1_itm2nqc wrote

I have always dreamed of doing this with tomatoes, but I'm sure I'd go to jail before any of the drivers.


Dependent_Map_3940 t1_itm7byd wrote

that’s assault.


cC2Panda t1_itm98ty wrote

Depending on the severity it ranges from vandalism to criminal mischief and interfering with transportation to reckless endangerment. Regardless I won't feel bad if someone who is actively threatening the lives and safety of other gets their property damaged a bit, also I'm being hyperbolic not actually advocating it incase that wasn't clear to some dolts.


kittyglitther t1_itng5nz wrote

Only a good guy with a brick can stop a bad guy with a car.


RAWisROLLIE OP t1_itmgscs wrote

Obviously, the legal technicalities are 99% of the reason why I'm not actually doing it (edit--throwing tomatoes, not bricks!) The other 1% is the off chance that it goes in an open window, hits someone, and causes a fatal accident.

Slapping a sticker on a car that says "I'm a shit driver" would be safer for the driver, but clearly not for the vigilante.

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this and would love for there to be a safe projectile that doesn't cause permanent damage for this task, but I just don't know it.


scubastefon t1_itm8ovu wrote

Then again the other day I was in the city and some dude on a scooter drive right into the back on a RAV4 and then told the car driver that he shouldn’t have stopped short. Ha.

Moral of the story: everyone sucks at least a little bit some of the time.


RAWisROLLIE OP t1_itmhwyd wrote

I think the real moral is that any post about a incredibly unsafe driver of a 2-ton vehicle will inevitably have someone say "but what about this thing I saw a comparatively light mode of transportation do?".


scubastefon t1_itmijx8 wrote

That’s cute, but my point is that everyone has a responsibility here. Not all drivers are assholes, not all pedestrians are saints.


RAWisROLLIE OP t1_itmjje4 wrote

That would be an amazing point if anyone was actually saying all drivers are assholes and all pedestrians are saints.


scubastefon t1_itmkqb5 wrote

Er that is definitely what the sentiment is on this subreddit.
