Submitted by Morrigan-27 t3_zl0pi8 in jerseycity

Hey JC folks! A couple times now I’ve been out to restaurants and bars in downtown JC and found that the tip I left on my credit card was increased after I left. I know this because I’ve always fill out the duplicate receipt when leaving and get emails of my credit card transactions. After the first time it happened, I now snap a photo after I sign the receipt for my records. I don’t understand why someone would think it’s okay, or that they could get away with this. I always tip at least 20% when going out. It’s even worse when you find out that it happens somewhere you are a regular. So photograph your signed receipts!

Edit: without irrefutable proof, it’s not fair to name places—hence take photos of your receipts for proof.

2nd edit: why so many people here are resistant to taking personal responsibility to stay on top of their finances and check their accounts themselves is baffling. A few posters called out specific places in the comments so this tipping scam is maybe fairly common. I’m thinking the salty comments are from the scammers altering tips.



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Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j02l0vp wrote

Name and shame, this is theft.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j02uj39 wrote

I don’t have ironclad proof such as a photo with metadata so making an accusation without the irrefutable proof opens me up to legal issues—hence my original post to take photos of your receipts.

The most recent issue was Sunday and showed up on my friend’s card. My card is still processing, but I did take a photo, as I have been for months now.


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j037qhb wrote

No it really doesn’t open you up to any legal issues. You are allowed to share your experiences about things online. Also, even if it could expose you to legal issues, some local JC restaurant isn’t going to waste their time and money tracking down some an anonymous Reddit IP address and serving you with a lawsuit.

Even if your post is a lie, you are permitted to tell lies on the internet. You are not under oath on the Jersey City Subreddit.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j040a23 wrote

Duly noted. The court of Reddit is willing to believe an accusation without ironclad proof.

Here my goal was to remind my neighbors that being on top of our finances and taking personal responsibility to verify our statements match with our receipts was my goal. However, I will refrain from sharing unsolicited yet helpful advice and simply stop being kind. Happy holidays!


Economy-Cupcake808 t1_j04fk5t wrote

You’re a joke. If things like this would esubject people to legal issues Yelp wold have gone bankrupt years ago.


fruit__gummy t1_j06efod wrote

Lol this comment makes me way more suspicious that you are just making shit up. You talk like sideshow bob


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j03lxj7 wrote

If your claims are legit, and you have a photo of your signed receipt that includes a lower tip than what your subsequently issued credit card transaction email shows, then you have no legal issues.

The truth is an absolute defense to any claims that could potentially be made against you - assuming the establishment(s) even go through the time and expense of serving a subpoena on Reddit and overcoming Reddit's objections to providing identification info for your account.

You don't have to show photos, or name names, or do anything else you don't want to do, but there's also no need for you to hide behind a contrived "legal issue" to justify your decision.

Why you would send a post like this and not expect to be bombarded with people asking "where", as one would naturally expect, is another conversation in and of itself.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j03z1h3 wrote

You know, it was a PSA for people to be mindful of their credit card receipts because so many of us are lax about checking statements. I’m starting to regret trying to help out my neighbors to remind them to take responsibility for their personal finances. Sheesh.

If you read my original post the reason I started taking photos was because it happened to me a few months ago when I had my signed duplicate receipt with the amount on it and my credit card emails me every transaction processed and there was a discrepancy. I didn’t want to make the post unreadably long so I left off the part where I didn’t have time to consider physically going back until a week later to talk to a manager and ask to see the physical copy because I was out of town. At that point it seemed like a lot of effort for $2 so I just never went back. Without the physical copy the restaurant has, and since it never occurred to me that someone would change a tip, I never thought to take photos before this incident. I have my word and what my card processed, but not irrefutable proof without the restaurant’s copy. I hope this makes sense.

The most recent incident was Sunday and my friend had extra tip added to her card. My card company is still processing the transaction. I do have a photo of my receipt processed by the same person two minutes later, so I’m watching it closely. But since she was not in the habit of taking photos like I do now she has to jump through hoops. If my card has the same issue since I have a photo, I would then be willing to name the place.

See how long that was? That’s why I posted the TL;DR in the original post.


PrincipleOfMoments t1_j086i2w wrote

You can be as condescending as you want in your replies to me and the others on this thread whom you deem to be so lacking in personal responsibility for our respective finances, but if you took a break from scolding us, you may realize that you have no one to blame but yourself.

Your original post says this happened to you "a couple of times" at "bars and restaurants in JC", and that "after the first time", you started taking photos.

Your ever-so-clever reply above, however, contradicts that. It seems to say, as best as my commoner brain can understand, that you never got a copy of the restaurant receipt the first time and 'the most recent incident" happened to your friend, not you (although you indicate you are waiting with baited breath for your credit card transaction email to come so you can find out if you have fallen victim to this nefarious, city-wide conspiracy for a second time).

So, you can't be sure you didn't mistakenly add $2 more on the receipt you left at the establishment the first time and you are unclear as to whether your friend has photographic (and thus "irrefutable") proof of the second incident that happened, as far as you are saying, only to her.

Ultimately, you lack not only irrefutable proof of these alleged multiple incidents, but any proof whatsoever of even one, let alone multiple, incidents.

Your TLDR would have been more accurate had it said: "One time a few weeks ago, I was at a bar and they charged my card $2 more in tips than I remember leaving, but I can't be sure so now I photograph both copies of the signed receipt so if it ever happens to me again, and I don't think the monetary amount is too small to make it worth my while to take action, I might do something about it."


down_up__left_right t1_j0436th wrote

This isn't a law court so you don't need proof beyond reasonable doubt.

As for legal issues for libel they would need to prove you're lying. If you're not lying then there's no way they could prove that.


Rube777 t1_j043azk wrote

Lol @ the notion of legal issues…. You’re using an anonymous name on reddit… Your post doesn’t mean much unless you name the offenders.


AcerbicLeslieKnope t1_j054pg0 wrote

The lack of even a loose, rudimentary understanding of the legal system is astonishing. In the same breath people will say they’re worried about slander/libel, inappropriately invoke the first amendment, and try to suggest they can successfully sue anyone and anything that inconveniences or annoys them. 😵‍💫


thebruns t1_j08xrzh wrote

>so making an accusation without the irrefutable proof opens me up to legal issues

Lol not in America. England, yes, but not here.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j0471fq wrote

I agree. Should be named. I'd also write it in an online review.


Laterdays82 t1_j02ojin wrote

I once had a $7 tip changed to $70. Thankfully, Capital One sends an alert if the tip seems unreasonably high.


TheYesManCan t1_j03gqqk wrote

Not sure if you did this but mentioning because I’ve seen my friends do this, always write out the full amount (e.g. $7.00) instead of just the dollar amount ($7). Not bullet proof but def makes it harder to change


guzmang t1_j03u1cn wrote

I always write the 7 followed by a line. So $7—-


imaluckyduckie t1_j02wul8 wrote

If that was a $35 tab (tipping at 20%), then I'd chalk this up to an egregious error from the server, but probably not malicious in intent.


Laterdays82 t1_j02xai7 wrote

Yes definitely could have been an innocent mistake, but I was glad they caught it. They've also sent me alerts sometimes when I intentionally tip above 20%, but it's good they check for that.


Especiallymoist t1_j02u7av wrote

I always around the final amount to end in $-.69. That way, I know it was me ;)


imaluckyduckie t1_j02x1yj wrote

I can understand a server might want to add a few $'s to the tab, but who is going through the trouble of changing the cents portion of the bill?


Rube777 t1_j043yvf wrote

Wut? But you would have no idea if they added $1, or $5 or $10 to the tip amount…. Your final total would still end with 69 cents…. Otherwise, genius idea!


imaluckyduckie t1_j07b8t1 wrote

Best way to do it would be to build in a checksum. Every digit in the final amount after tip should add up to a number only known to you. We'll use 25 as an example. If you get a $80 bill, with a 20% tip, you'd be at $96. 9+6 = 15, so you can round up $0.19 so that your total is $96.19. 9+6+1+9 = 25, your secret checksum.

What if you don't want to tip an extra few cents every time? well you could also round down $0.08 to 95.92 in our example. 9+5+9+2 = 25.

Problem solved (and needlessly over-complicated)


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j02zhii wrote

They can just increase the whole dollar amount which is probably more likely anyway


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j0569ex wrote

A better approach is a easily verifiable rule:

I've seen a bunch of approaches but the one that always come to mind first is: cents always match dollar amount of total including tax+tip.

So if your bill is $50, and you leave a $10 tip, $60.60 is the total. Then on your credit card statement anything food related is always $xx.xx or $yy.yy. If > $100, then the last two digits of the dollar amount.

If they change the dollar or cent amounts, you'll know.


HElGHTS t1_j033yjg wrote

It's pretty crazy that with all the upgrades in card terminals and POS systems that guests interact with when ordering at a counter nowadays, we still have this situation where guests receiving full table service need to write with a pen and then data entry happens behind the scenes. Like, what the hell.

Outside the US, even in Canada where most things are just like the US, the bill arrives along with a wireless terminal where you enter the tip directly. No writing with an ink pen. Granted, it does feel a bit weird to enter a tip while the server is right there watching, but oftentimes they look away (pretend to get distracted?) or might even leave the terminal at the table for a minute while doing something else. Plus it's usually just hitting a preset anyway (like what we're now familiar with when ordering at a counter) so it's pretty painless. This has been the norm for at least a decade, maybe two!


Happyjee t1_j03oe7q wrote

The fact so many people are interacting on “Tips” topic just shows how out of control the tipping is after covid. When did we start tipping 20% for coffee or for takeouts. There needs to be something done where employer pays more and we patrons also need to pay more but it’s a fixed amount and we know it before hand.


DPedia t1_j055lqk wrote

And percentage based tips for delivery. Delivery was always like, a couple bucks. Maybe more if it was raining or a huge order. 20% on delivery on top of all the wild fees is a little crazy to me. They’re not coming inside and serving me the food, they’re dropping off a bag of cold overpriced shit.

Obligatory disclaimer that I’m a habitual good tipper in restaurants, even for “bad service.” But the takeout and delivery tip expectations are out of control these days.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j06k524 wrote

Well you don't tip on fees or taxes. I agree it's out of control but I also don't think people know the rules


DPedia t1_j0780un wrote

I know that (although in restaurants I disregard that and tip 20% on the total), but are we sure delivery apps and point-of-sale terminals default to the total without those fees? They may, but I doubt it.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_j07a9yv wrote

Thats a good point, i dont actually know what the answer is there.

I would agree they probably dont tip on the total. Fuck some restaurants i notice the 20% suggestion number at the bottom includes tax, credit card fee, and "covid charge


HElGHTS t1_j08fs2o wrote

I just tried GrubHub and the "Driver Tip" defaults to 20% which gets calculated as 3.27 for my order having a subtotal of 13.95, waived delivery fee due to Amazon prime integration, 1.40 service fee, and 1.01 tax.

When adding up 13.95+1.40+1.01, and then taking 20%, it comes to 3.27

Totally bogus. Well, reasonable at this subtotal, but not at higher subtotals... Because using a percentage is nonsensical in the first place.


the_running_stache t1_j05b0zt wrote

And those Revel and equivalent swipe your card systems are notorious at that.

You grabbed coffee, ok. Oh, and that muffin from below the counter in the glass cabinet that opens only on the cashier side.

The cashier now turns the screen to you and your options are 20%, 25%, 30%, or Other.

The lowest I have seen at such places is still 18%. That’s insane for just grab-and-go-type of places; what service is being provided? Of course I cannot go behind the counter, open the glass door and pick that muffin since I don’t work there…

Of course, I go with Other and might leave a dollar tip or not even that. But their audacity to even ask for such tips and guilt you into thinking that you owe them for grabbing a muffin from under the counter is just appalling.


Happyjee t1_j05byh8 wrote

A latte used to cost $3-4 few years back now it’s $6 and up. You then add the demand for increased tipping like 18% from the 0 to 10% before and you quickly realize how expensive everything has become. Tipping IMO is going to break soon as it’s a hypocritical practice, those who take tips usually do not give the same tips when the tables are turned. To each their own if you can tip 20 or 25% good for you but don’t force tips.. it’s always supposed to be optional.


Jahooodie t1_j08abne wrote

I got a dirty chai from Gregory's the other week, a large is somehow over $7.50 and the default selected tip in the POS was 20%. I felt inflation shocked shook


Ilanaspax t1_j07g1g8 wrote

I don’t understand why customers think the barista is responsible for setting up the register or is pressuring you to tip? They have to show you the tip screen in order for you to approve the purchase. If I’m getting something small but still want to tip I just hit other and put in the amount I want to tip or don’t tip anything. I’ve never gotten attitude for this.

Honestly sounds like some of you are projecting a lot onto the barista just for doing their job - no one is expecting you to tip on a muffin they’re just trying to complete the purchase on the register.


HElGHTS t1_j08gn03 wrote

The comment you replied to is complaining about whoever implemented the system configuration, not the barista. It literally says "systems are notorious" which probably means a combination of the owner and the system designer pushing bad defaults.


Ilanaspax t1_j09mqa1 wrote

Did you miss this part?:

Of course, I go with Other and might leave a dollar tip or not even that. But their audacity to even ask for such tips and guilt you into thinking that you owe them for grabbing a muffin from under the counter is just appalling.


HElGHTS t1_j0a4t1z wrote

I believe that the pronoun "their" in the sentence you just quoted refers to the person who configured the system, not the barista. The barista isn't asking for a tip. Whoever configured the system is asking the customer to tip the barista.


Ilanaspax t1_j0cit3o wrote

One more time for the slow learners desperate to explain a comment they didn’t even write:

and guilt you into thinking that you owe them for grabbing a muffin from under the counter is just appalling.


HElGHTS t1_j0czk1p wrote

The problem here is the damn pronouns. Let me clarify by removing the pronouns:

The person who configured the system/register is guilting the customer into thinking that the customer owes the barista for grabbing a muffin.


Ilanaspax t1_j0da30d wrote

Even if that is the case (it isn’t because the tips wouldn’t be going to the owner or whoever set up the system so idk why they would care) in either situation no one is “guilting” the customer - the cashier is just trying to complete the purchase and ring you up. 90% of the time I make a small purchase the barista seems embarrassed to have to swivel a tip screen for a small hot coffee because they also know it’s ridiculous to expect a tip but it’s required to close out the purchase.

If you’re buying something more complicated like multiple lattes or made to order food yes they probably expect a tip because you should be tipping atleast a buck or two in that scenario. It’s 100% projection that the barista/business is guilting you into tipping - if you feel guilty that’s on you.


HElGHTS t1_j0dd75h wrote

Seems equivalent to the mindset that when people are made upset by someone with malicious intent, it's on the recipient, who should just not feel upset. In situations that warrant it, we call this victim blaming. Obviously in this analogous situation "victim" is not an appropriate word for the customer whatsoever, but the overall blame follows the same directionality.


Ilanaspax t1_j0e246z wrote

You’re being victimized by the tip screen? Good lord.


Ilanaspax t1_j05457v wrote

For the most part it’s showing how insanely cheap some people are.


jcdevel t1_j02q073 wrote

Had this happen to three times last year, Ranging from $2 more to $10 on top an already generous tip.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j02v08j wrote

In JC or anywhere? Have you started photographing receipts, too?


jcdevel t1_j02xlfx wrote

In JC, haven’t been back to those places much since then .One of amount was $16 , which I added $4 to round up to even $20. I was surprised when the credit card statement showed $22. Really touched a nerve since I thought 25% was already very generous. The establishment where these happened were all bars .


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j02yqq6 wrote

That’s exactly what happened to me which was the reason I started taking photos.


needfulsalsa t1_j04c1yw wrote

This exact thing happened with me too. But I didn’t know back then that I could dispute.

Then this year a posh cafe charged around $30 when I had authorized around $18 with tip. Glad discover blocked the extra amount.


pixel_of_moral_decay t1_j02xkoh wrote

Anecdotally similar. I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen until a few years ago.


deereverie t1_j031c7m wrote

I had to handle chargebacks at a restaurant for this kind of stuff. The restaurant has to send a copy of the signed receipt. I highly recommend doing this, so it's on the record. You might be helping the place by showing them bad employees or putting management on notice if they're complacent


Mindless-Budget9019 t1_j02qicq wrote

Op, can you name the restaurant?


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j02vdyr wrote

Without irrefutable proof, I hesitate to do so. That’s why I posted to photograph your signed receipts.


dorkishj t1_j04xd8z wrote

Ashford has done this. So has city diner.


fulanita_de_tal t1_j052p92 wrote

This is the most annoyingly clickbait post of all time on this sub.

“I got scammed in JC multiple times but I can’t tell you what any of the scammy places are so please just pretend that my advice isn’t absolutely useless!”


thebruns t1_j08y7io wrote

Came for the tea, left by downvoting an insufferable OP


keiyoushi t1_j03cmmt wrote

This happened to me at Papa John’s in Newport. Cashier added to the tip, for a pickup. Reported to card and central office


LincolnPorkRoll t1_j03jhd2 wrote

In a private message OP admitted it was the Ashford.


fatporkchop2712 t1_j04z5a1 wrote

LOL! I ate there once. Got the loose bowels and barely made it home without doodooing my trousers... maybe a coincidence or maybe it's "the stink" contantly floating around that place.


OddRedditNoun t1_j03kuep wrote

Really? This doesn’t surprise me.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j041ps8 wrote

I did not confirm this as I don’t know how to do this on this app.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j0410ht wrote

Please provide a screenshot of this private message!


LincolnPorkRoll t1_j0428yp wrote


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j0439y5 wrote

I’m not opening a sketchy link. Post it inline. Also, I’m the OP and don’t know how to direct message in this app, so I can tell you right now whatever you are posting is not real.


LincolnPorkRoll t1_j045ke6 wrote

prove it then. you post the private message where you admitted it was the Ashford.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j04i2s9 wrote

Are you literate? I don’t know how to send a direct message in this app so no such message exists.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j04i46w wrote

Are you literate? I don’t know how to send a direct message in this app so no such message exists.


LincolnPorkRoll t1_j04t0h3 wrote

Just take a picture of the private message with your handy receipt camera.


HobokenJ t1_j03tjg9 wrote

You need to name these places so we can keep our eyes open. Just say something like "I noticed what I thought was a discrepancy on my bill from xxxxx. Still gathering information."


Hot_Focus384 t1_j06yun0 wrote

Latham House was notorious for this. On our 5th and last visit ever, we brought it to the owner’s attention and she threatened us and called us liars, so we uploaded the customer copy and restaurant copy to Yelp and she cursed us out and told us never to come back, LOL! Sounds familiar!


datatadata t1_j030jkb wrote

I always take a photo as well. Doesn't hurt to be careful.


Lilmitten82 t1_j05bz7y wrote

Here for these unhinged comments.


Vidvix t1_j05g5yq wrote

I brought extra popcorn, it cost $42 dollars with a 69% tip. Worth it.


Alukrad t1_j0494wc wrote

The cheesecake factory at the Newport mall once did that to my aunt, my cousin noticed it and she went to cashier to complain. The lady didn't even say anything, she quietly fixed it.


zitrored t1_j04uvwc wrote

This happened to me several times at a place I frequented regularly in queens. It was a slight increase but still disrespectful. After one last time I stopped going.


jotjotzzz t1_j04wi93 wrote

Jersey City restaurants are the worst with fraud as well. So better watch out.


DontBeEvil1 t1_j047b10 wrote

I used to always do this. I still do, keep my receipts with tip amount added, however, I only really go back and check if I got particularly bad service.


yovman t1_j041tbo wrote

I always take a photo of the receipt


Icy_Safe_6428 t1_j05dth0 wrote

if I had to take a guess , I'd say Ashford - few other folks have also mentioned it. I'd called them about it and they said the accounting department will get back to me, which they never did. Never going to that place again.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j0ceqyw wrote

Paid with cash yesterday specifically because of this crap


Connect_Choice_3042 t1_j02ohxb wrote

I personally tip cash , and write cash in tip spot . And would report to credit card , they will see /track , and suspend Card services for habitual violations


HobokenJ t1_j07hu6a wrote

Since the OP is afraid to name names (for some reason none of us understand), I'll say that the Boil are sneaky bastards who present you with a tip screen AFTER they've already added 20% to the bill. I'll never go back.


Cap_Space t1_j07u4i9 wrote

This is diabolical behavior thanks for heads up bubbah. That being said, since I have a 4.90 stars on my Uber passenger rating I refuse to believe this could ever happen to me.


JerseyCityGeordie t1_j03yi60 wrote

Everyone should down vote this u til the OP tells everyone the restaurants/bars that it’s happening at. Not sure why the OP would want all restaurants and bars to suffer with these allegations rather that naming the ones that supposedly did this.

People who read this might go to Hoboken or NYC instead. You’re hurting the whole city with this bullshit post because that’s what it is unless you’re willing to share the names.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j042ne1 wrote

It’s a post for JC. The big picture point is to remind people to take personal responsibility to look at their credit card statements and get their receipts. I’m guessing it probably happens Hoboken and NYC as well.

If people want to downvote, cool. I don’t need validation from strangers on Reddit. Just trying to be kind to my neighbors and didn’t realize how many neighbors are more interested in being lazy and only looking out for a couple of particular places and being complacent about all the others.


JerseyCityGeordie t1_j0432p4 wrote

You’re not being kind. Hard working service people across the city might make less money during a difficult time because you want to make things up and post them. I believe you are lying about this and that is why you are refusing to name the places where this has happened. I think you’re a very sick and sad individual who desperately wants validation and you posted something you thought would get upvotes. You can pretend you’re a good person, but the fact is you absolutely are not. You are hurting far more people than you are helping but you aren’t smart enough to realize that.


Morrigan-27 OP t1_j04ge81 wrote

You’re free to have an opinion. Why you think I’m lying and why you’re having such a strong reaction when reminding people to check their own receipts is baffling and makes me wonder why. Are you doing something shady with credit cards that would get you in trouble?

I’m literally reminding people to check their own finances which we should do anyway, much like other adult things we should do but often forget. AND I’m not calling out specific establishments as one of them I’ve actually had positive experiences before and feel that it would cause more harm to the honest staff.


Happyjee t1_j02nqbt wrote

Why do you have to justify your tips. Tips are not required and 20 percent os a lot so much so that you pressure other people to give that kind of tip


fulanita_de_tal t1_j02sqqo wrote

If you can’t afford to tip 18-20% on a bill, then you should reevaluate the places you can afford to eat/drink at. That is a standard tip amount.


Ilanaspax t1_j07jjum wrote

Raise your hand if you’re not surprised this sub is full of bad tippers 👋


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j02tp8s wrote

16 percent is a reasonable tip for standard service.


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j03h4qv wrote

Don't let them fool you, 15% is a reasonable tip. It's not great or even good, but you're absolutely not stiffing them.


Ilanaspax t1_j07jqrz wrote

damn dude maybe you should consider riding the lightrail for free if you’re this hard up for cash


HappyArtichoke7729 t1_j07jx5k wrote

Hello troll. I know you support thieves and criminals, and you're still a piece of crap human being.


fulanita_de_tal t1_j03b8wy wrote

It’s not. I was being generous when I said 18-20. The standard really is 20.

Let’s put it this way. If your idea of a reasonable tip amount starts a debate, that’s a pretty surefire way to know it’s not a good tip and you’re being cheap.


Positive_Debate7048 t1_j03dkfw wrote

For years 16-18 percent has always been a reasonable tip. Not sure when this changed.


HElGHTS t1_j032b3i wrote

The thing is, what we think of as "standard" service is actually super amazing service, compared to some places that don't have much of a tipping culture. For example in some areas you're not going to get any automatic check-ins, all you ever get is a response to flagging someone down.

So even when you think "standard" in the sense that nothing went wrong, it's actually wonderful that you didn't have to flag someone down, and therefore at least 18%. More like 20% if something made you think "that was nice." And this is coming from someone who has no problem dipping to 16% when mistakes are made (where primary responsibility is with the server) that aren't neutralized somehow.
