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moobycow t1_j3bstx0 wrote

Have you seen America lately? The whole country isn't exactly oozing inclusivity vibes. I get why people who can expect to experience outright bigotry and potential violence in many areas feel the need to ask this question.

If you're from JC, or the area, it can be really hard to understand the extent to which almost every single place being welcoming is unusual.


_switch360_ t1_j3bt91t wrote

This is where I disagree and that was my point - the NYC metro area and most other urban areas have been bending over backwards with inclusivity for a very long time and over last few years it has been expanded exponentially.

Wasn’t defense of marriage act just signed? That’s at the national level. JC has been progressive for decades.


moobycow t1_j3btqfn wrote

Yes, it has, but that doesn't mean that people just moving to the area know exactly what that means from a lived experience perspective.

If you're moving here for the first time from a place less inclusive, not knowing the extent to which it is simply is not an issue here is understandable.

From the opposite perspective, in recent years the extent to which gay friends (and Jewish friends) have gotten smacked in the face by the national scene when they hadn't really had to think much about their identity as a target for years, has saddened me a great deal.


RAWisROLLIE t1_j3bzji6 wrote

Yes, and racism was completely fixed when slavery was ended! /s