
Laraujo31 t1_jeeknz3 wrote

Newark has a reputation for being bad but the Ironbound section and sections close to the Belleville/Bloomfield border aren't that bad. Judging by what you wrote, seems like Jersey City and Hoboken may be more fitting for you.


Laraujo31 t1_jeeik2u wrote

I believe tow companies let you pay a fee for them to drop the car. Previously it was all cash but i am sure they are using other methods to accept payment since not everyone carries cash. That specific Target has been cracking down on this lately.


Laraujo31 t1_je9qmn7 wrote

That area is flood prone and you tend to see rats running around after major storms. I personally think its a good value if your into the whole gated community thing and don't feel like paying a million dollars. You need a car but parking is not an issue here. The LR station and nearest bus stop is a long walk but not impossible. There is a supermarket close by and some other stores. I expect this area to blow up in a few years once the general 440 area gets redeveloped. Very safe to walk around and it also has some amenities that you can enjoy.


Laraujo31 t1_je4yzh4 wrote

Reply to Irvington NJ by MurrDOC_

The area by the Union and Maplewood borders are ok and by ok i mean you are on the outskirts of the terrible areas. I would absolutely stay away from the Newark/East Orange border. That area is basically a warzone. If you have kids, the school system in Irvington (JC and Newark as well) are terrible. Houses are cheaper in Irvington when compared to JC and Newark but that is for a good reason.


Laraujo31 t1_jdcr1l7 wrote

Stay away from MLK, Ocean, and Bergen Ave's. Everywhere else is ok. Downtown and the Heights are pretty safe. Journal SQ is decent but i wouldn't walk by myself at 2 am.

edit* when I said Bergen, I meant the part of that street that is parallel with MLK and Ocean.


Laraujo31 t1_jck6tni wrote

It is a decent option but its name doesn't jump out to employers either. You may want to look at Rutgers or St Peters University as well but both are more expensive. What you really should be looking at is what internship opportunities do they offer you? Are graduates successful when they leave?

Although the school plays a part in your career, what matters more is the connections you make while you are in school which is why internships are important.


Laraujo31 t1_jasiofd wrote

I think calling the tow company is more drastic then talking to the Church about this situation. Obviously i don't mean barge into the funeral service but nothing wrong with talking to the church when they have nothing going on.


Laraujo31 t1_jas18rp wrote

Not to sound insensitive but being at a funeral does not give you the right to block an entire street. What if there was an emergency in one of the houses? Has anyone spoken to the church? That would be the first step.


Laraujo31 t1_jadaa8a wrote

Yeah, my wife stays at home with the kids and we only have 1 car. However, we live in a city where public transportation is readily available so if i am not available she has a way to get places.

Congrats on the baby! I would look into paternity leave options where you live. If your salary is fully covered then i would take it.


Laraujo31 t1_jacrtd7 wrote

The big one is insurance. Make sure everyone is covered under your plan (if your job has one) or look for one in the marketplace. If you are not married, then she may qualify for Medicaid etc. As for budget, I don't know what your financial situation is but i would cut back on unnecessary costs (1 car instead of 2 etc.) I would also keep an emergency fund.


Laraujo31 t1_ja7y1ic wrote

The area around Journal Sq is not to bad. McGinley Square (roughly 10 min walk to journal sq) is a good option as well. Its not as safe as downtown but its not a warzone either. Downtown is the place where most people move to. However, you may have a tough time finding a place in downtown and Hoboken with that budget. You may be able to find a small 1 BR or studio apartment. Washington St area is downtown and is safe. You just have to deal with a lot of drunk people walking around at night. If you have a car, parking is a major pain. As for diversity, the entire city is a melting pot so you should be ok.