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CosmicQuantum42 t1_j8lp7as wrote

Then you must see the difference between a job that can be quit at any time for any reason and some kind of indentured servitude “contract”.


SileAnimus t1_j8lz3hd wrote

Teachers and public employees are fundamental to the long term viability and smooth operation of any nation. By encouraging employees to quit, or outright stating that improving working conditions through striking is not acceptable, you are directly stating that we should actively ruin the quality of this nation within two generations just because... teachers might be able to make what they're worth. Those people working those classrooms are more important than nearly everything you have ever done in your life and actively improve the nation in a way you evidently cannot fundamentally understand.

If your life is so shallow you don't know how much of an affect a "job" can have on a community, in the short and long term, then you shouldn't be talking about something as the fundamental as teachers being allowed to strike for what they are worth.

And no, a job, especially those in the extreme low end of pay, such as teachers, aren't something that most people can just "quit at any time". That's not how personal finances and anything resembling common economic sense looks like.