
CosmicQuantum42 t1_jdfc6e8 wrote

People buy property speculatively all the time with the goal of overturning stuff like this. Buying property is not some kind of agreement to abide by any unjust previous encumbrances on the property.

The easement either is or is not properly granted. If it isn’t, it should be overturned and the town should buy the property by eminent domain if it’s so important.


CosmicQuantum42 t1_j97ia3m wrote

Do not lease solar panels.

If you can afford paying cash or financing some other way they are a pretty good investment.

If you can’t, you should not get them.


CosmicQuantum42 t1_j8rjr5h wrote

Doesn’t matter, this is a nothingburger.

The state returned payments to you, so you didn’t pay state tax. Since you didn’t pay the tax, the tax you didn’t pay is now not deductible elsewhere (for the small percentage of people for whom this matters).

I hope the state government refunds even more tax next year. Good that Baker set the precedent for how this must be done which will make it very difficult for Healy to do it another way.