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t1_jblqb3w wrote

>...The report said Laudon had sex with students both in their dorm rooms and inside his cruiser when he was supposed to be on duty. There were also cases where Laudon didn't respond to radio calls, according to a former co-worker and student quoted in the report.



t1_jbls94v wrote

Normal cop behavior tbh. Don't forget about their other statistics. ACAB


t1_jbmeh2a wrote

The sad part is the suburbanites who were conditioned into groveling to the cops

They have no idea and they’re millenials. Another generation of spineless cowards who think the filthy pigs are there to protect them

Most white people have not a clue, they’re sheltered and benefit from the system. Subsequently they’re conditioned into closing their eyes when it comes to reforming police


t1_jbmyihe wrote

You'd think even if these people don't give a fuck about sexual assault, they'd get all up in arms about this guy not responding to calls.


t1_jbmklbt wrote

>The Blackstone report recommended the town share its findings with the Massachusetts Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission, which has the power to suspend or terminate Laudon's certification to work as a police officer in the state. The commission declined to say whether it has launched an investigation into the issue.

This story has been public for some time now. I first heard about it last year. They're not investigating it. They haven't really done much of anything, as far as I can tell. Cases like this seem like they would be an easy PR win for the Commission to let people know they're trying to make changes, and yet .... nothing. Won't even make a statement on it.


t1_jbm06il wrote

This is so fucked, but also: neighboring town? Dartmouth is nowhere near Blackstone.


t1_jbmpohw wrote

I mean....neighbors in the sense that they're high school marching band rivals?


t1_jboft01 wrote

No, Blackstone is in Worcester county on the northern Rhode Island border, it’s literally like an hour drive away depending on traffic through Providence.


t1_jborr1d wrote

I am aware of where Blackstone is located. I grew up there. I am also aware that Dartmouth is not close enough to be considered a "neighboring" town. That doesn't change the fact Blackstone considers Dartmouth to be a marching band rival which is why I said they are "neighbors" in that sense.


t1_jbmnd46 wrote

The cops/pedos/thugs/assholes have turned out in force to defend themselves here.

ACAB and fuck all y'all.


t1_jbm42hg wrote

The school made a deal with him allowing him to resign. When the chief of the UMass Dartmouth police informed other departments about the allegations the school threatened to fire the chief. ACAB though, right?

>Despite the agreement, Fioravanti shared negative things about Laudon with other departments on at least two occasions, according to a former UMass Dartmouth police officer and union steward who spoke to investigators. Both times, a school human resources executive reminded him about the agreement. And after the second occasion, she reportedly warned Fioravanti that he would be fired if he did it again.


t1_jbn5bc9 wrote

>The report also alleges the UMass Dartmouth police chief at the time, Emil Fioravanti, did not treat the allegations seriously and “failed to conduct a minimally competent investigation.”
>Fioravanti, now the chief of police at Wheaton College in Norton, refused to speak to Blackstone investigators and did not return messages from WBUR seeking comment.

Sounds like Fioravanti complied with the cover up, then shut up and moved on to save his career, so yeah ACAB.


t1_jbmfqxe wrote

I almost feel like this could be cause the school has more of a financial incentive to do that? Chief brings attention to this—-> people see UMass Dartmouth as a bad school——> enrollment drops? Idk it could also just be that it’s just an extremely corrupt institution. Some palms were probably greased.

Also the chief did the right thing, which is great, but the bar’s pretty low if we are patting him on the back for this.


t1_jbpdafr wrote

> ACAB though, right?

Both the cops and the school admin can be in the wrong here.

Was wondering why it smelled like bacon in here until I read through your comment history. Do you have a personality, or is it just violence and oppression?


t1_jbpgpcc wrote

Reading my post history and interpreting anything as "violence and oppression" is a serious insight into your world view.


t1_jbpi07m wrote

Your core interests appear to be guns, tactical gear, military, Israel (a notorious human rights abuser), UFC/MMA, and "law enforcement"

Did I miss anything?


t1_jbnka3c wrote

Um I thought the certification data base was supposed to stop this shit from happening. I know it's not complete yet but it's supposed to include anyone charged with a crime


t1_jbnu89i wrote

That's the thing, he was never charged. These are all accusations swepted under the rug.

The database needs to include ALL information. I believe the NYPD has something similar.


t1_jbp37w7 wrote

This occurred 10 years ago, prior to the new database. He resigned in 2010. The article presents this as if it took place this year. We can only hope this never occurs again.


t1_jbm68hj wrote

Sounds like business as usual 🙄


t1_jbm2hym wrote

All it takes to become a police officer is a GED. Massachusetts has to raise the bar on level of intelligence, integrity, psychological profiles, and morality. Low standards, low results.


t1_jbm3x5q wrote

Explain how someone having a diploma or degree, compared to a GED makes them less likely to molest a child.


t1_jbnvjep wrote

Exactly, all catholic priests have a bachelor's degree plus five additional years of training. That didn't stop thousands of kids from being molested.


t1_jbmgit8 wrote

It's an issue of access. Predators and power hungry thugs need to have access to their victims. Making it harder to gain that position is a win for everyone.


t1_jbmgxyf wrote

So again, show me how people with only a GED are more likely to be child molesters. Someone please make the connection because I don't see it. Is their some data available? Because the problem in this story is a child molester.


t1_jbmhlam wrote

Should i put larger spaces between the words? This isn't hard to understand. It *reduces access*. Predators seek access to victims. They seek the quickest way to achieve access to their victims. By increasing the difficulty of the barrier to the position, you are going to turn away people who don't have a genuine vested interest in the work.


t1_jbmjdqb wrote

Your take is hilarious and based on fantasy. Want to make it harder to be a cop, absolutely, claiming that has anything to do with child predators is hilarious. Civil service exam, background check, drug test, physical fitness test, psychological exam, police academy that lasts 3-6 months depending on the state/department. If that isn't enough hurdles to stop someone who is simply looking for victims, then having a degree wouldn't be either. A GED also gets you a job at Chuck E Cheese or the local batting cages, for without all those hurdles and way more access to potential victims.


t1_jbmjrqp wrote

Instead of repeating yourself you should try coming up with an argument actually holds water. Because you’re a long way off from that.


t1_jbmk2nu wrote

Ok, so what you're telling me is that you dropped out of school, you're feeling pretty goddam self-conscious about it so you're making this story about you. You should work on that.


t1_jbmlcxh wrote

Based on your theory everyone who wants any job where they might potentially interact with a child should have a PHD or equivalent to prove they aren't a predator. Fantasy land.


t1_jbmjkex wrote

Some the stupidest people on the planet have college or graduate degrees.


t1_jbo90oy wrote

The entire American system of policing is corrupt and violent from the top down, and has been since its inception. It has nothing to do with education levels.


t1_jbmsmby wrote

Your democratic legislators undid the Quinn bill which gave huge incentives to get college degrees (which lead to lower uses of force among many other positives)


t1_jboige7 wrote

It's not a bug, it's a feature. Cara Rossi was recently promoted to Chief of Police in Ashland after attempting to cover up the sexual assault committed by her coworker James Quilty in her old department in Natick. Despite Rossi's attempt to sweep it under the rug, Quilty was eventually indicted, plead guilty and was allowed to resign instead of being fired.


t1_jbtuh6f wrote

People who offer free SEO services to prevent the memory-holing of police misconduct are doing the Lord's work.


t1_jbo8w6r wrote

In case anyone was wondering why sex crimes get under-reported...


t1_jbpnutr wrote

This is why fired cops should have to register like sex offenders. You should be able to look online to see what cops in your town have been fired before and why


t1_jbpvuus wrote the residents of this town are just cool with this?


t1_jbnds8n wrote

Well why not. He clearly knows the topic intimately. He's able to really get into the minds of the perpetrators.

Frank Abagnale eat your heart out!

Edit: Y'all aint the sarcastic ass Massholes I grew up to know and love, what happened to you? Was it the Lite Brite thing?
