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Funkybeatzzz t1_ire2ycz wrote

Yep, 1-9 are Jan-Sep and 0 for October for regular vehicles. Commercial vehicles are all Nov and Dec and vanity plates are Nov.


egv78 t1_ire2z3x wrote

IIRC, 1-0 = Jan - Oct for cars. Trucks are 1, 2, for November, December.

I was told this by an RMV employee when I had to get new plates (so I had to select from the ones she had in stock that ended in the same month as my old tag)


SynbiosVyse t1_ire39xs wrote

Then what do you do for double digits?


superbbuffalo t1_ire7v4s wrote

False. Mine ends in 4 and we have to renew in July.


LinguiniAficionado t1_ire8wu5 wrote

That would be logical, but that’s not how it works. 1-0 is Jan-Oct, vanity plates are in Nov, and commercial plates are in Dec. I think there are other plate types that fall into Nov/Dec too but I don’t know what they are.


Funkybeatzzz t1_ireb9nh wrote

You get a 0-9 if you have a regular vehicle just like I said. Doesn’t matter if you buy in November or December December or January. This just means you’ll have to pay to renew sooner.

Edit: they use the last day of the previous month as your registration expiration. So, if you register in November you’ll get a plate ending in 0 for October. If you register in January or December you’ll get leftover plates from other months.


mikemerriman t1_ired0vh wrote

false. 9338 original plate renewed in oct.


ahecht t1_irej868 wrote

If your plate number is 9338, which is a lottery plate on a 2003 Dodge Dakota, your registration is next due on August 31, 2023. You're also overdue for your inspection, since your sticker expired in August.


toadstoolfae3 t1_irejty5 wrote

Do they not send yall yours to renew in the mail? I always get the bill in the mail each year in May to renew mine.


SmuglySly t1_irekrvr wrote

Yea this might work for the initial plate registration but now I am 4 cars in using the same plate that ends in 7 but my renewal is in March. So I am sure there might be more exceptions to this rule than anything.


VulcanTrekkie45 t1_irenug7 wrote

Except mine ends in a 2 and my stickers expire in September


dorkswerebiggerthen t1_irenwse wrote

I'm sorry, I'm not from here. What's renew your registration? Don't you just register once when you get car?


TheConeIsReturned t1_ireri76 wrote

I've seen plenty of license plates that end in a letter. What then?


AlistairMackenzie t1_irerrqi wrote

In Massachusetts you have to renew your auto’s registration every other year. Partly that’s so they can make sure you’re insured and partly it’s bureaucracy. You also have to have an annual safety inspection and pay an annual excise tax on the nominal value of the car.


NCSUGrad2012 t1_irersi3 wrote

Yeah, West Virginia and Missouri also do this. West Virginia is unique because they don’t have the month anywhere on the plate outside of the the first number on the plate which is the month it expires. Both Massachusetts and Missouri while including it in their number also put the month in the upper left. Although, when Massachusetts was issuing green plates they didn’t put the month on the plate and instead put it on the sticker.


HaElfParagon t1_irexvkj wrote

This isn't correct. Mine is a 2, but I have to renew in March


haroldebarel t1_ireyhb2 wrote

I was wondering about that actually. The first 5 characters of my wife’s drivers license now match the first 5 characters of my own after she changed her last name. (NJ drivers license and the numbers are a bit longer than the ones in MA)


VibrantSunsets t1_irff7mz wrote

Right. I got mine in April but he got his last month so definitely no changes recently. I know they stopped sending reminders for license renewals awhile ago, maybe the cop who told OP that was confused.


toadstoolfae3 t1_irffhxn wrote

Mine ends in 2 and I renew mine in May. Like I posted earlier I also get a letter in the mail for my registration so maybe this is just how different counties do it? Either way I'm confused.


VibrantSunsets t1_irfte1i wrote

I’m sure it depends but anyone I’ve ever known who forgot and let it lapse then got pulled over were allowed to just renew it right there. They see the confirmation and they’re good. But there will always be that one asshole.


Funkybeatzzz t1_irg6xm6 wrote

> In addition to the standard serial formats, Massachusetts also issues "reserve" plates. Reserve plates permit the plate holder to receive the same serial number when new plate styles are issued, or to transfer the serial number to family members. These plates are either all-numeric (1 through 99999) or consist of a single letter followed or preceded by a number (A 1 through Z 9999 and 1 A through 9999 Z). Reserve serials may also be of the forms A#A, A##A, #A#, and #AA#, where # represents any number, and A represents any letter. Low-number reserve plates – now called "Lottery Plates" by the RMV – are of the forms #, ##, ###, ####, A#, A##, #A, and ##A only. When a registrant cancels a low-number reserve registration, the number is placed in an annual lottery.


Academic_Guava_4190 t1_irgey9j wrote

Umm… how does that work for double digit months. Mine ends in 00 but it’s up in Oct.


Graflex01867 t1_irgyzkn wrote

My plate ends in 3.

I bought the car in 6.

Does not compute?


Statest16 t1_irhvu1z wrote

My plates were stolen and replaced so they don't correspond that way


Statest16 t1_iri6ibh wrote

Yea working nights driving Limo's in North Adams and my personal car was in the parking lot late at night ,and got back and the plates were gone.

There's a registry in North Adams I got new plates next day for $10


seesp0trunn OP t1_iri7i6r wrote

I work overnights and I’m always worried my car will get broken into. Never thought about my plates, I may not even notice.

As much as it sucks, that seems like it was the easiest and cheapest thing you could have possibly had to replace at least.