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Unique-Public-8594 t1_ivemyxj wrote

Don’t Blame Me.

I’m From Massachusetts.

(Proof it’s where the best schools are)


keegan1015 t1_iveqzt0 wrote

Going to get down voted but,

Nixon did end the Vietnam war, The draft, responsible for diplomatic relations with China and ballistic missile treaty with Russia, enforced desegregation in schools in the south and let’s not forget created the EPA.

Edit: forgot about the fact that he was he go to guy for foreign relations.


amrodr00 t1_ivetvev wrote

It is said that because of this, Nixon retaliated against MA and closed Westover AFB and Springfield Armory.


WaketheDeadDonuts t1_iveu2es wrote

Just got to say…50k Americans died and idk how many thousands of Vietnamese between 1968 when LBJ started peace talks that Nixon secretly, illegally wrecked by promising the North Vietnamese he’d give them a better deal only to do the opposite (expanding the war to Cambodia + Laos) and when he announced the war’s end in 1974

Sorry, but fuck Nixon.


Willis050 t1_ivewrhi wrote

On a side note we did vote in Reagan not too long after. But that was mainly a reaction to how bad the simple peanut farmer was at running the country


cimson-otter t1_ivex6it wrote

Wasn’t Romney governor here?

Maybe don’t get too high and mighty about voting records


cimson-otter t1_ivf65zi wrote

He left vacation early to veto an emergency contraception bill.

He vetoed an $8 minimum wage.

He introduced a Christian created Abstinence-only education program

Public school funding dropped while he proposed more money for private schools

Mass was 47th in job creation under romneys tenor

His health care legislation was garbage. Creating the predecessor to the national fines for not having insurance, as well as vetoing bills that would provide dental and eye care for impoverished residents.

He was with Bain capital before becoming governor. That right there should’ve been reason enough to not vote for the guy.

I know mass is a liberal state now, but the state needs to be real with itself and not act like it’s always been that way.


Dragongala t1_ivf9mfn wrote

Don't Blame Me, I'm From Massachusetts.


riefpirate t1_ivfbiv1 wrote

And Massachusetts was the only state that got it right !! Nixon is the building block that started our downward spiral twards fascism !!! Thanks GOP.


cjh79 t1_ivfeatt wrote

Well, he interfered in prior negotiations in Vietnam so he could run his campaign on ending it. Pretty fucking evil if you ask me.

Charming fellow though.


chomerics t1_ivfenti wrote

Huh? A simple peanut farmer? He was a nuclear physicist who had the foresight to install solar panels on the White House (Reagan took them down). His fall had to do with oil prices and the Iran hostages.

His presidency was the product of a turbulent 70s based on the oil embargo, and would have won if not for Iran. There are conspiracy theories abound by the hostage crisis, the coordination by Reagan to get their release after he was elected, the helicopter mission that was sabotaged (Ollie North was on the team and in theater)


atmc80 t1_ivffz8b wrote

I was just going to post this. Major hit to the Springfield metro. Both installations had a significant economic impact on areas like Chicopee, Springfield and even Holyoke that was never replaced.


fyshing t1_ivfnkcy wrote

Nixon got his revenge on Massachusetts by closing the Naval base in Boston. There's a little of it still left: The USS Constitution is based here.

Three years later, Nixon was out because of Watergate. A group of Republican senators told him that he would be convicted in a Senate trial, so he resigned. Gerald Ford (the VP) made himself very unpopular by issuing a blanket pardon to Nixon.


fyshing t1_ivfnyk5 wrote

The Massachusetts Archives (at the time, located in the State House) had an exhibit displaying the actual votes cast by the electors for McGovern in the 1972 election.


DrKedorkian t1_ivfoctu wrote

The legend is blank and I have no idea what I'm looking at


bbpr120 t1_ivfpoe8 wrote

Fuck Nixon, his sabotaging the Paris Peace to win the election and extend the war talks cost me 2 Uncle's (they were drafted in 69 and 70 ,served in Vietnam and and later killed themselves thanks to PTSD they suffered as a result).


Pappa_Crim t1_ivfrguf wrote

Its hard to imagine a time when there was that much national consensus in this day and age


WooNoto t1_ivfss7l wrote

At what point will the rest of the country carry their own weight?


BatmanOnMars t1_ivfsz1k wrote

He also opposed a few water projects out west because they were bad for the environment and long term the place would still undergo drought, and that really pissed off everyone west of the Mississippi. In 2022 it seems like he had the right idea, I was at the Hoover dam a few months ago and oh boy...

Reading Cadillac Desert which touches on that as a major issue of his presidency.


shameonyounancydrew t1_ivft66e wrote

I love this state! You really do get what you pay for, and we all pay a high price to be here.


Willis050 t1_ivfwjqp wrote

You do know he campaigned as a simple peanut farmer. It’s a joke lol but yeah no one could have succeeded in office with what he was facing. Reminds me of the current situation of horrid circumstances for a president to walk into in 2020


BigWinner4975 t1_ivfxerc wrote

A shame that will haunt all Mass voters for our lifetimes!


riefpirate t1_ivg6q01 wrote

I'd disagree because Nixon made China 🇨🇳 what it is today that was totaly unnecessary. He also set the trump template for trying to overthrow the government. Nixon did some good but to me he is the architect of the conservative movement. It is just my opinion though.


internetTroll151 t1_ivg8nrx wrote

Nixon was a genius politician. What policies of his were wrong? He was smartest guy we had on international politics.

His downfall doesn’t disqualify him from being the correct choice for president. And it really had nothing to do with domestic or international policy he was just an asshole


Lasshandra2 t1_ivgp6ay wrote

Nixon was known as tricky dicky. He was an awful person.

I was just a kid, but my parents were Democrats. They were devastated, mostly because they were smart and patriotic.

The economy was awful for the whole decade of the 1970’s. A hell of a time.


E4STC04ST0VERD0SE t1_ivh22rl wrote

as always, this makes me proud to be a lifelong MA resident. also, who's got a link for those "dont blame me" bumper stickers? my da totally put one on my mother's toyota corona back in the day.


JaesopPop t1_ivhagdh wrote

Nixon had some pretty decent ideas. He also needlessly perpetuated the war in Vietnam, and gave a blank check to Kissinger to commit war crimes. He also was paranoid and a criminal, and had some really fucked up domestic choices.


dirkvonnegut t1_ivheg4v wrote

It would be nice if politicians actually did things and added value rather than just attacking opponents. This is especially shameful because it hurt citizens, not politicians.


scientist4321 t1_ivhosfv wrote

That’s who we are. It doesn’t matter if they all think we are wrong as long as we know we are right


qanonrules t1_ivhw06r wrote

Typical dumbass libtards of MA


Itchy-Marionberry-62 t1_ivi4g9i wrote

MA has lost 3 electoral votes since then…and will lose another one in 2030. 👍🏼


Maximum_Radio_1971 t1_ivi5k60 wrote

china moved 400 million people out of poverty in 40 years, thats the greatest economic and social achievement in human history. Nixon helping a bit with that was his greatest achievement as president


Billh491 t1_iviegjn wrote

Right he signed in to law the lowering of the speed limit to 55. This caused people that would not break laws to do so when just could not drive 55.

Once they saw they could get away with it why not try and get away with other things.

All down hill from there.


HillsSt t1_ivifnwm wrote

Nixon deactivated Otis AFB on the Cape, major hit to the economy around Bourne between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Not sure about Westover. Otis is National Guard, I think Westover is too now.


HillsSt t1_ivig4j6 wrote

And the start of the 80's. Inflation now is nothing to then. And interest rates. My first mortgage was 10% in '87. That was after rates dropped. Think they had peaked around 17%.


PresidentGSO t1_ivihai1 wrote

Years ago, I was on the selection committee tasked with hiring a new president for a college in Massachusetts. One of the candidates actually listed George McGovern as a reference. I got to call McGovern to discuss the candidate. When I told him I was from a college in MA he said “I’ve always had a special place in my heart for Massachusetts.”


OppositeChemistry205 t1_ivii2ju wrote

Nixon expanded Social Security. Part of the expansion was creating SSI and federalizing the program which helped lower income and marginalized people the most. Even in the modern day the legislation is still helping people, the increase in social security payments next year to keep up inflation is because of legislation passed by Nixon. Thanks GOP.


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivjjmrq wrote

Strong words for someone who worships a man who spent that much time on Epstien's island.

As always with you sheep, Gaslight Obstruct Project

I can give you a dozen lawsuits filed saying Trump sexually harassed or assaulted women. What do you have, bitch?


BootyMcStuffins t1_ivjour2 wrote

Are you this fucking stupid? There's pictures, video and sworn testimony from underage girls that he raped.

Gtfo with your ignorant ass.

Thank you for validating, yet again, that you red hats are ignorant fucks


qanonrules t1_ivju18y wrote

Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is so bad! You should be focused on your ‘president’ PedoJoe and all his ‘accomplishments’! Your entire democratic, a.k.a. satanic world is about to crumble to the ground. Just wait and see God is at work #IYKYK #Q


bcsfan2002 t1_ivk24i8 wrote

Nixon dropped millions of tons of bombs on Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and is to thank for the rise of Pinochet. To call him a piece of shit is the understatement of the century.


internetTroll151 t1_ivk2oo6 wrote

Bull shit.

He laid the groundwork for international trade and saw China rising as an economic power before anyone else. He knew that we needed china as a economic partner to stop Russia. He built the modern day economy. We'd be in worse shape than Europe otherwise, and likely not be the worlds reserve currency and not be able to whether financial crises as well as we have ( and we have, compared to other nations)


jambonejiggawat t1_ivk6pow wrote

Sadly, as civics and decency have declined, and racism has skyrocketed in recent decades, many more of those states have become firmly entrenched as reliable voters for complete losers. Education is vital, and that’s a big part of why MA is both prosperous and a liberal stronghold. Say what you want, but Republicans are demonstrably moronic. Your comment only reinforces that fact.


riefpirate t1_ivkgla0 wrote

Oh so he was the first globalist I get it


Tanarin t1_ivn8dx5 wrote

>Nixon deactivated Otis AFB on the Cape, major hit to the economy around Bourne between Labor Day and Memorial Day. Not sure about Westover. Otis is National Guard, I think Westover is too now.

Westover is Air Reserve not ANG. Still is very much used not only for C-5 repairs, but any operation going into or out of Europe or the Middle East. Also was a shuttle emergency landing site (Since it has a runway long and strong enough to support such a craft landing.)


Tanarin t1_ivn8iuu wrote

>Westover is still an active reserve base. The armory, IDK but it's now it's a community college so not all was lost.

Yeah, the Armory is a National Historic Site along with having STCC.