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Appropriate-XBL t1_j5lzj7y wrote

Your jury duty will likely get called off the day before anyway. If it is your district, just take the date.


Username7239 t1_j5m0chc wrote

Woburn and Lowell are both in Middlesex County. This is why you're being called there, the main court for Middlesex county is in Lowell.

Yes, it would be wise to intend to appear for jury duty.


bschav1 t1_j5m0jd3 wrote

It’s by county. If you’re in the same county as Lowell, ya gotta go.


N0rmann12 t1_j5m1164 wrote

You are eligible for anything in your county. You're in Middlesex county, so it can be any court within Middlesex county.


blacklassie t1_j5m2oqy wrote

You can appeal for a closer location if you can demonstrate a transportation hardship - like no access to a car and public transit won't get you there by the appointed time.


Maronita2020 t1_j5m45na wrote

At least you got called within your own county! I live in one county and got called by a different county. I sent the jury duty slip back saying I wouldn't be attending because I live outside of the county and gave my address.


drjoker83 t1_j5mdw31 wrote

I live in Worcester county and I always get a summons for just duty in Franklin county and usually all I do is call them and notify them I do not live in their county and they tell me not to appear.


PakkyT t1_j5mo0tj wrote

"Should I try to get off?"

No, just edge until then.


rustythegolden128 t1_j5o6vkp wrote

Lowell isn’t to bad from Woburn. There are courts further/way more traffic than Lowell.


B-Roc- t1_j5ogom2 wrote

I use to always get Cambridge and Woburn and appealed for lowell. My appeal was granted every time (3 so far). I don't mind serving but would prefer it be convenient especially if you get called to serve and it's a multi day trial.


sydiko t1_j5onont wrote

You can always postpone it - they will come knocking (via mail) the next year though lol.


chancimus33 t1_j5p7y1b wrote

Just go. Been called for jury duty 4 times. Twice i got the notification the day before that i didn’t need to go, and the other 2 times i was dismissed before 11 without needing to serve.


Hoosac_Love t1_j5p850z wrote

I live in North Adams and got a jury summons for Pittsfield superior court and North Adams has a district court.I spoke to them about it and said I'm lower income which is true and if there was long trial driving to Pittsfield everyday would be a hardship.

They gave me a new jury date at North Adams court(Northern Berkshire district court)

There should be an option on the computer portal linked on the summons for a hardship change of local.


Fencius t1_j5ppqnz wrote

Same thing happened to me when I lived in Malden. But Middlesex Superior Court is in Lowell and, yes, you have to go.

If you get selected they pay for lunch at least.


movdqa t1_j5qm9zy wrote

I've only been called for jury duty once and it was when I was living in Westboro. I received the notice after moving to NH. That was back in the 1980s. I've never been called since then and I think that it highly likely that I could get it waived if I did get called due to a disability. That is unless I could do it remotely. My son has been called for GJ duty though.


kbmurphy217 t1_j5qppda wrote

I live in Somerville and just got called to Lowell 😑


BillWeld t1_j5re0ye wrote

Go and serve if impaneled but you might do a little reading on "jury nullification" first.


Mary55330 t1_j5rh6rj wrote

My sister and I both live in Abington. She got a summons last month to Plymouth and I just got notice for Hingham- both in Plymouth county. You can get called to any court in your county.


LadyGreyIcedTea t1_j5wgmdg wrote

Your judicial district doesn't mean the court closest to you. You can be called to appear in any court in your county.