friskers15 t1_iybjxt1 wrote
Happens to all of us.
ash_hashtag t1_iyblw7v wrote
I don't get paid money
LegitimateCrows t1_iybn9bc wrote
And when the cycle ends you are dead.
SpacemaniaXu t1_iybncit wrote
"I have no money"
"I have negative money"
Then you will be closer to the truth.
USAIsAUcountry t1_iyboec3 wrote
I don't have any money and absolutely nothing has happened for years. I'm starting to think money is the problem.
Matego_g t1_iybs3vx wrote
You still owe money after you are dead.
LegitimateCrows t1_iybsqy4 wrote
Yeah but I won’t give a fuck.
youarefartnews t1_iybtzm4 wrote
All part of the plan
North_Energy_1628 t1_iybyf4o wrote
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh...... Slay . That IS How a drag Queen work....
BigFatStupid t1_iybyh7u wrote
I like money. I have some money. I keep it in a jar on my refrigerator. I would like to have more money and that's where you come in
ChicknCharlie t1_iyc0055 wrote
I finally saved some money for a skiing trip and then boom. car accident.
animegirlGrivous t1_iyc1h3p wrote
And potentially the solution
PikkuinenPikkis t1_iyc3cpp wrote
That’s life.
BranRaul2007 t1_iyc4u84 wrote
What if i dont pay the bullshit and just keep the money?(it will eventually backlash but who cares)
Canadian_Poltergeist t1_iyc5buq wrote
You will when corporations start using life extending drugs to keep people alive for more work.
Not even that far fetched anymore.
Axxedde t1_iyc5h7e wrote
When my net worth is a fucking sine graph
kakkelimuki t1_iyc5nn2 wrote
At somepoint at least...
[deleted] t1_iyc5xl8 wrote
Send-the-downvotes t1_iyc6f6g wrote
Its designed that way on purpose, so that the slave labor force people living in the lower class are so fixated on struggling to survive they wont have time to rebel. Especially if kept distracted with super expensive overpriced toys also designed to siphon as much money out of pockets and into the higher classes hands as possible.
mean_pneumatocyst t1_iyc6lm6 wrote
For real. How does one break this cycle? Life sucks so so so so so much until you do. And idk how.
reyortsedrats t1_iyc6whj wrote
My entire life. FML.
Hier_Is_Sven t1_iyc77an wrote
It’s the circle of life
KnackieGamer t1_iyc7979 wrote
Mentos13371 t1_iyc7atf wrote
Same, thought i'd have at least a little left for the holidays but nooope fuck you here's a healthcare deductible. All this because i went to seek help for my mental health.
Elegant-Name1974 t1_iyc7pb2 wrote
I invest some money --> doge coin enters the chat
No-Thanks-7502 t1_iyc7tcv wrote
Congratulations of being a part of the slave society that makes the rich richer. Now back to the wagie cagie.
sausage4mash t1_iyc7z68 wrote
You have to go into work to make more money, and society needs you to work, the system works.
Batehripi t1_iyc839p wrote
Im glad you're okay. Shit happens but you will go on that ski trip!!
Midnight_Sick t1_iyc892z wrote
I have money in minus*
StuffProfessional587 t1_iyc9bbt wrote
Depending where in the world you live, saving money is a bad idea, invest in gambling or other forms of money exchange. Banks love money sitting untouched while you get fucked by extreme low interest rate.
mountaindue__ t1_iyc9c4s wrote
this is my life.
StuffProfessional587 t1_iyc9dq9 wrote
Nah, the banks will bring you back in a seanse.😂
hugthemachines t1_iyc9knd wrote
I know it is not fun, but if this is your life you have to live cheaper. Check out how to eat cheaper while still getting the vitamins etc you need. Food prices can vary quite a bit between different stores. Try to lower your electricity consumption.
BallumSkillz t1_iyc9rhb wrote
Only advice I can give is work in an industry that’s high paying, you’ll have to study/learn but that’s the only way unless you know someone who can give you a head start.
kajetus69 t1_iycaiv6 wrote
Solution: suicide
Goldie-96_MWR t1_iyceo0s wrote
lmao my net worth is measured with expired coupons
yabbasella t1_iychp84 wrote
This is what my girlfriend doesn't understand. 😞
DaikonNorth t1_iycimlc wrote
The irreversible cycle that is society
CommonCasual1 t1_iycjam7 wrote
The more stuff you buy the more stuff needs can break. So kinda yes. But then there is health, housing and many other things that can require money to fix
leviathanxxxx t1_iycntsj wrote
[deleted] t1_iycoab9 wrote
[deleted] t1_iycpwi7 wrote
Roger_Roger27 t1_iycra3x wrote
Circle of life
[deleted] t1_iycrao8 wrote
Cellblazer t1_iycrrde wrote
It's the circle of strife
[deleted] t1_iycry94 wrote
sock_templar t1_iycvk03 wrote
No bullshit, happened yesterday:
- I'll get my paycheck Dec 1st
- was in the car coming back from taking the kids to school
- car broke down 14:15
- had a meeting 14:30 with HR stating we would be getting a 1k bonus this month due to xmas
- had to tow to mechanic
- gearbox went to shit
- 1k to fix
asome3333e1 t1_iyczaau wrote
I would also go to say a good trade, like Electrical, plumbing, carpentry, HVAC, and other trades similar.
muhannad69 t1_iyd04gp wrote
Holyshit this is me
feeltrig t1_iyd2gao wrote
Replace i get paid some money with I don't get paid for unemployed life cycle
[deleted] t1_iyd31ob wrote
GeniusLabRat t1_iyd356i wrote
Stop saving and start investing.
DCpride26 t1_iyd4nhd wrote
If you can do this and then make some sacrifices to live below your means for a while, that's how you get ahead. Basically live off of less money than you make, be cheap, don't eat out, don't buy unnecessary things, work hard to try to save for a year or two. It sucks but it'll be worth it.
webnetwork1 t1_iyd5isv wrote
Also the root of all evil
SpacemaniaXu t1_iyd5tzs wrote
The devil permits the IRS in hell to extract back taxes
Elmore420 t1_iyd9j2f wrote
There is a solution to this, it just requires cooperating and choosing it.
brendanjeffrey t1_iyda2j5 wrote
Maskedbandit63 t1_iydbln3 wrote
Happens when the government and rich steal everything you have leaving you pinching Pennies which only ends up nowhere when life happens
PooPooDooDoo t1_iydbmh0 wrote
One can only hope
revoloveraudio t1_iydf48q wrote
Random speeding ticket has entered the chat
Willinton06 t1_iydilsf wrote
He’s probably European so health is not an issue, generational housing makes it a non issue too, except for fixes but if you’re e careful shit lasts long times
AnonymousP30 t1_iydj341 wrote
LOL this so on point it's frightening.
wombatthing t1_iydjol9 wrote
DOGETHEEGOD t1_iydl6ud wrote
This happens to me but includes an extra step, "going hungry so I can pay the rent"
Elmore420 t1_iydlova wrote
You could be if you quit complaining and feeling sorry for yourself and did something to change.
wombatthing t1_iydlsmi wrote
I literally don’t have issues nor feel sorry for myself, this is for the others. Fuck you.
ItsnotAhiret t1_iydneav wrote
My f*cking life. It is very difficult to be young in Turkey.
ItsnotAhiret t1_iydniut wrote
I need $50,000 to have no money.
noareyenoar t1_iydp3j9 wrote
Its even true in the opposite dirction though.
Alpha_pro2019 t1_iydsge0 wrote
You missed the "spends all my money on funky pops and video games" part.
GreatBayTemple t1_iye4v80 wrote
Worked overtime for a month and half. Get hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work. That's the kind of bullshit that makes me think capitalism is a lie.
giantrhino t1_iye6g15 wrote
Just cut out that starbucks yo. That's what all the billionaires are sayin.
hornystoner737 t1_iyelrem wrote
Every fucking time like clockwork
z0rrok t1_iyf2gbv wrote
Damn where I live the weed prices have been going down. Saw $40 oz recently
Zealousideal_Talk479 t1_iybiw1c wrote