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dylaneatscake t1_iu9c21w wrote

PSA: This is not a misprint one off. This is how this poster was mass printed. Originally it was called "Revenge of the Jedi" and those posters, and any other merch if original, are worth some money, George changed the title last minute because Jedi's don't seek revenge. These are all now massively reprinted.


DaftlyPunkish OP t1_iua1kar wrote

This one was specifically from the remaster/re-release era in the 90's. It's also dry mounted to foam board so any value it might have had is long gone haha. I didn't think I had a rare relic, I was just surprised to just now notice that detail after having it for so long.


dylaneatscake t1_iuaalaz wrote

Oh by no means was my comment to call you out or anything, my apologies if it came across that way. It was for the people thinking this was a misprint. I love this poster and all the history around it, I'm glad you could discover the little Easter egg with the lightsabers and imagine how audiences felt when this was originally released.


CptBlake t1_iubhqap wrote

Also, I remember reading that it was from a deleted scene where they'd use each other's sabers during the fight


Smeagol3000 t1_iuc4pd5 wrote

I remember that because I was in the SW fan club. I sent in my proof of purchase coupons, forgot about them, then, 10 months later I got a newsletter and the second ugliest SW action figure: Admiral Akbar. My mom observed that his head looked like a turd. Anywho, the newsletter announced the sequel Revenge of the Jedi. I wish I'd have kept that.


PathRepresentative77 t1_iu9a1pa wrote

Plot twist: they're actually right. They hint at Luke almost falling, and Anakin's redemption.

Double plot twist: it is actually depicting the internal struggle of Anakin/Vader.


PM_ur_Rump t1_iu9aqs2 wrote

That... actually makes sense.

Luke is so close to turning during their battle, and Vader so close to redemption.


Phenotyx t1_iu9cyzo wrote

Vader is redeemed in the end, specifically by his love for his son.

Anakin is the chosen one, the one to restore balance the the force.

But Luke is the one to restore balance to his father.


Dapper-Finery t1_iubdbkk wrote

Darth Vader is gone and there is a Return of the Jedi(Anakin)


Phenotyx t1_iubf1x3 wrote

I like that ! But personally don’t agree That is where the title of episode VI comes from, the reference of the movie is to Luke being the Last of the Jedi.

They’ve definitely retconned that, without using spoilers, to be untrue but from what I’ve read about the original trilogy GL definitely meant Luke, with that title


DaftlyPunkish OP t1_iu9cmfm wrote

I was wondering if it was some kind of foreshadowing but I thought that might be a little too deep for a movie poster haha


No-Cover-8986 t1_iu9s56o wrote

Not too deep for a poster of that time. It was how I interpreted the poster, which I have also had since it first was sold. Luke and Vader were waging war within themselves.


dehrian t1_iu9vom7 wrote

You are way too late. After 30 days you can no longer Return the Jedi


Optimus3k t1_iub70vi wrote

But, I have my receipt, it was a gift, and all I want is store credit! Surely you can make an exception?!


pbassfender t1_iu9essr wrote

Check out the documentary on the artist, Drew Struzan, called "Drew: The Man Behind the Poster." It's free on YoutTube and they discuss this exact poster among all his other classics.


LostMyKarmaElSegundo t1_iua4adz wrote

It's actually double wrong. Luke's lightsaber was green in ROTJ.


edgiepower t1_iubdugx wrote

To my knowledge it was changed in post production, the blue was found to be too difficult to make work during the Tatooine scenes against the blue sky with the tech at the time. It was planned to be blue.


beatles42o t1_iuariox wrote

this is why people think its "luke, i am your father" instead of "no, i am your father" because merch and shit used the wrong version for decades.


enescaV t1_iu9kn99 wrote

That’s why it’s the collectors edition lol


karmeleeon t1_iu98pi8 wrote

Yep, that’s a classic mistake


IskandarOfMaine t1_iuauujh wrote

I saw this on an episode of Pawn Stars once. I think it has some value. the one of the show got glued to the back board so it was all bubbly. Urs looks a little dented


ValeryeSnep t1_iubcm59 wrote

I've got a pyjama dress that has this too, never really bothered me but I've always noticed it!!


thajcakla t1_iubzejj wrote

I have that exact poster in my room (got it because it said Revenge of the Jedi and I thought that was cool) and I went to check it, and I noticed it for the first time too.


Glass_Cat_666 t1_iuci2d1 wrote

Anakin Skywalker technically is a Jedi.

And I can't really make a figure out of who he's fighting. Could be anyone really.


TheDriverJ t1_iucjpiw wrote

Is it not Luke?


mayobutter t1_iudods5 wrote

Could be Luke. Could be Shrek. Could be Joe Biden. Literally no way to tell. Terrible poster.


Glass_Cat_666 t1_iuedv9x wrote

I have no idea. I never really watches all these Star trek things anyway.


Jogginglogging86 t1_iu999dv wrote

That probably makes it more valuable.


JediMindTriq t1_iu9bcc8 wrote

I came here to say this. It could be a possible misprint which would be highly sought after by collectors


dylaneatscake t1_iu9bm8l wrote

It's not a misprint. This is how this this poster was printed. It's only worth money if it says "Revenge of the Jedi"


JediMindTriq t1_iu9c1zo wrote

Oh damn, I never noticed this before either. Just googled other RoTJ posters and saw they're all like that. I wonder how many fans noticed that back when it was first released


calvincrack t1_iu9s5ky wrote

This is a revelation, thank you. I googled it, and all the posters are like that.


Madeforbegging t1_iuaeedm wrote

Foreshadowing Vader making a light side choice at the end and Luke succumbing to the dark side


Raven91487 t1_iuamli0 wrote

Kinda unintentional foreshadowing. This was after all when Vader changed. Maybe they meant to do it this way. We just never picked up on it lol. Oldest spoiler ever maybe lol.


OpinionOk8290 t1_iuay39u wrote

Someone should make it into a clock


The_Meme_Dealer t1_iuc5n4z wrote

I mean luke does kinda use the dark side, and vader is redeemed...


mikkokilla t1_iucexey wrote

If it's an original poster from the 80's it's worth thousands of dollars I shit you not!


UseInteresting1769 t1_iuckqoq wrote

It is possible that this could be hinting to how Darth Vader still had good in him, and how Luke was leaning over to the dark side, when at the end he was using his anger to defeat Darth Vader.


neilmac1210 t1_iucxj7d wrote

My ex gf bought me a really cool Jedi bathrobe, but also a red lightsaber to go with it. That relationship didn't last.


OddballLouLou t1_iud7m05 wrote

I wonder if that’s something they ever caught and fixed… that poster could be worth something if they did.


xxwerdxx t1_iudj8gv wrote

My dad used to have an original print poster that said “revenge of the Jedi”