Submitted by MarloChrisSnoop t3_11czsvt in movies

I just caught the last act of this film on HBO a few minutes ago and was glued to the screen until the end of the credits. I first saw this movie in the theaters when I was in college and it blew me away. One of best cinematic experiences I ever had. You left that theater with goosebumps and a feeling of so much swag. It’s amazing how I still get that feeling even today after all these years.

Just amazes me how well this film still holds up. The replay value is just unbelievable. I’ve probably seen it over a hundred times and I never get sick of it. Even if it came out today, it would destroy the box offices. This movie is such a timeless classic.

Not only is it my best Bond film, it’s in my Top 10 favorite movies of all time. My Top 10 includes The Godfather 1 & 2 to put into perspective how high I rank this film.

Just wanted to express my feelings. These type of movies are what I live for 😢



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expiredeternity t1_ja5y9vh wrote

It's an awesome movie. The best 007 movie in my book. I have the DVD and it gets used often.


[deleted] t1_ja5yzvi wrote

Yeah it's so damn good. The plot , the acting and man oh man Eva Green ❤️😍


ze11ez t1_ja5z3sv wrote

I ALSO just caught it in HBO. Saw the last half hour of it. That eva green, whew.

Seen it a few times before. In a hotel and was happy to catch it


TheCosmicFailure t1_ja5zfti wrote

It was a great way to start Craigs run as Bond. I think it's tied with No Time To Die as the best Craig Bond films.


GetFreeCash t1_ja5zkzl wrote

I hope one day we'll get a Bond film that delivers on every level like CR does, but I think it will be a long time before that happens. it's just a masterpiece from beginning to end.


black_flag_4ever t1_ja622yr wrote

I don’t know. I feel like most 007 movies it’s all over the place and too long, but this run lacks any of the goofiness or charm of the older films.


DarkUpquark t1_ja62lgz wrote

You ought to seek out the original film version of Casino Royale from 1967, just to have seen it. Very, very, different.


Retikle t1_ja64zen wrote

The film that finally got the book character right: a willful, besotted brute with a patriotic, if hobbled, heart.

And one of the greatest -- if not the greatest -- chase scenes ever filmed.

Parkour on a hi-rise crane. Epic.

We hadn't yet seen anything in the Bond series like the raw violence of the opening pre-credits scene, which told us in no uncertain terms what we could expect from the new Bond, and how he would go about solving problems. No more improbable gizmos saving the day; no more baseless, magical power over women; just raw masculine power and the willingness to get down in the dirt.

This is also the Bond film that perfectly defines love: after fighting two assassins down a stairwell, getting slashed by a machete, being poisoned, actually dying, and being defibrillated back to life, the first thing Bond says to Vesper as he regains consciousness is "Are you okay?"

That's profound. No posing, no manipulating, certainly no self-worry -- just immediate, sincere, selfless concern for Vesper. She can't compute it. I love that scene.


>You left that theater with goosebumps and a feeling of so much swag.

Totally. Saw it with a friend, and we were so stoked coming out of the theater.


WhereIsThatElephant t1_ja65e23 wrote

Blond gritty human James Bond. I think they may have borrowed some of this spirit from Layered Cake.

Story was wild too. None of the running over the crocodiles crap.


cynic74 t1_ja6agwt wrote

You can definitely make a case for it being the best Bond film to date.


AppearanceSecure1914 t1_ja6gfov wrote

Nothing could ever live up to the chemistry between Daniel Craig and Eva Green


oatmealcrush t1_ja6hr03 wrote

My favorite as well. I wish daniel craig's movies had adapted more of the fleming novels


AirbagOff t1_ja6mdwr wrote

The Chris Cornell theme song is criminally underrated.

My favorite lyric that sets the tone for the entire movie is “Arm yourself because no one else here will save you”.

So many 007 movies had “the cavalry” show up to help James Bond in Act 3, but this film has 007 isolated and basically alone, a completely disposable asset to MI6. As it should be.


asoiahats t1_ja6rst6 wrote

Best action movie of the 21st century. And it’s a rare example of a movie that’s better than the book it was based on. The book is quite good, but reading it actually made me appreciate the movie more.


nubsauce87 t1_ja6xft3 wrote

One of my all time favorites, for sure. Excellent, excellent film.


MH3ndr1ks t1_ja72qs7 wrote

"Now the whole world's gonna know that you died scratching my balls!"

ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite film qoutes. And Mads Mikkelsen's Le Chiffre easily one of my favorite villains.


Looper007 t1_ja79cho wrote

Best Bond film by a good distance for me. Daniel Craig is fantastic as Bond (he was always the best thing even in his weaker efforts). Skyfall is also a top 5 Bond Film. Spectre is okay. QoS, I have a soft spot for and I like it more then I do Spectre. No Time To Die is a great send off for Craig's Bond.

The opening and credit scene with Chris Cornell's You Know My Name (my favourite Bond Theme as well) with Craig walking up as a badass to the end of the credits is great. That's why him and Connery are my favourite Bond's as they look like they could handle themselves in a fight but can do suave stuff to perfection.

Best Bond Girl with Eva Green too. The Bond girls definitely in Craigs tenure have a lot more depth to them and he wasn't like Roger Moore or Pierce going around sleeping with every woman he meets. Special praise for Olga Kurylenko from QOS, who was probably most interesting Bond Girl and one of the rare times Bond doesn't sleep with her by the end.

Mads Mikkelsen adds a bit of depth and coolness to his villain. Great scenes with poker games. Great fight scenes. Craig's Bond is a bit more of a hot head and bastard in his first two films which I loved. And the ending is great as hell.

Martin Campbell did a great job with it too.


RedditGGGB t1_ja79uum wrote

People had so many doubts about Craig and he shut everyone up. Insane movie all around


Looper007 t1_ja7abgn wrote

"Shaken or Stirred" "Do I look like I give a Damn" that line just summed up Craig's Bond perfectly.

I like that at times he showed his Bond to be the most human of the Bonds, something that I don't think a lot of old school Bond fans liked. But I certainly did. I also liked he didn't sleep with every woman he met, that's why I liked QOS more then most. Olga Kurylenko character like Bond is grieving and that's what drives both of them and they both get what they want in the end and it's refreshing to see Bond doesn't sleep with her.

His chemistry with Eva Green is off the wall. And they are heart of the film. And when she betrays him and he finds out, seen Bond heart break gives CR a different feel.

That's why he's my favourite Bond why someone like him was needed to give Bond franchise that clean break from the past and bring him into the future.


[deleted] t1_ja7akz5 wrote

From start to finish I was hooked. A great 007 film.


Looper007 t1_ja7an0w wrote

Great film, yeah it's before she started to go for that old 40's femme fatale look she does so well. She was perfectly cast as she looked like she would have fitted in with Nouvelle Vague film scene. She definitely left her mark in that film.


mediaucts t1_ja7e1yv wrote

As cool as skyfall was they should have stayed in my opinion was this version of the character for at least one film before turning into the suited clean cut professional. The broken, work in progress brute in the government agency was so compelling and made for a great film

Used to watch this all the time when I was a younger teenager


tqbh t1_ja7mu4i wrote

Yeah. Best modern Bond by a mile. Sad that this is really the only high in Craig's Bond career. Everything after was mediocre at best.


briancarknee t1_ja7nzd6 wrote

I'd say Skyfall (while a good movie and filmed really well) is pretty atypical of a Bond movie in terms of plot. It really diverges from the formula that most Bond movies had or have. For better or worse.


Looper007 t1_ja7p7gp wrote

It's my second favourite after CR, I loved it. I especially loved the ending...

"With Pleasure M, with Pleasure"

and the third act, it shows Bond doesn't need gadgets or such things and can handle himself well enough. It's first time I've seen that in a Bond film.

Javier Bardem is a great villain. Ralph Fiennes was a great addition. The Opening sequence is top notch. Adele song is great.

I still like No Time To Die, it makes the top 10 of Bond films. But CR and Skyfall are Craig's best and two of franchises best.


shaoting t1_ja7ufz0 wrote

> Parkour on a hi-rise crane. Epic.

I love the part during the parkour chase when the villain slips through a high window and Bond simply bulldozes himself through the wall underneath while in pursuit.


Ashamed_Ladder6161 t1_ja82f16 wrote

Except that bit where the primary antagonist has the no agency in the death of the main protagonist?


Babywipeslol t1_ja8a765 wrote

We've been watching all the bonds recently and I just have the latest one left, Casino Royale is def the best one so far, they are all great imo but casino royale is incredible


Truefreak22 t1_ja8nsve wrote

Agreed! This movie is, without a doubt, my favorite bond movie of all time! Mads Mikkelsen is so great as the villain & he's one of the few actors that's great with every single role he takes.


JamesCoyle3 t1_ja8q03h wrote

The moment I knew Casino Royale wasn’t like other Bond movies was at the end of the foot chase when Bond shoots the gas tank without a word. No quip. No reveling in the moment. Perfect choice.


DGADK t1_ja8qmq2 wrote

Daniel Craig's chemistry with Eva Green is part of why I didn't like Spectre and No Time To Die nearly as much as Royale and Skyfall. Craig and Green were incredible together; the tension in the train scene is palpable, and I quickly invested in their relationship in ways I never did with Craig and Léa Seydoux.


Truefreak22 t1_ja8sg7e wrote

It's really good up until the very end when there was some deviation in the plan because they didn't have the rights to use the Clarice Starling character. Great show though! Kind of like a murder mystery/cooking show. Hugh Dancy was really good & Laurence Fishburne had a good role too....& Eddie Izzard.


lostonpolk t1_ja8tfge wrote

So many great moments, which flow together seamlessly.

"Made you feel it, did he? Well, don't worry. The second is alw.." ::BANG:: "Yes. Considerably."

"Stop touching your ear."

"How was your lamb?" "Skewered. One sympathizes."


estacado t1_ja92c30 wrote

The aesthetics of the movie have a retro feel to it. It reminds you old Bond, but at the same time brings the new grittiness of the Craig era. The biggest mistake the Craig era made was killing of Vesper in the first movie. There was so much more they could've done with her character.


PugnaciousPangolin t1_ja9bfvt wrote

Best cold open.

Best song.

Best opening action sequence.

Best torture scene.

Martin Campbell should do more Bond films. He directed two of the best.


2BFrank69 t1_ja9f1i6 wrote

Second best bond movie ever. Goldfinger is number 1


Looper007 t1_jabrdcg wrote

Skyfall certainly isn't mediocre imo. No Time To Die is better then most other Bond actor films and a good send off. Spectre plays it way too safe for me. QOS there is a great Bond film in there and for it's flaws I still rate it higher then most people do.


Looper007 t1_jabrjo0 wrote

Poor guy got it bad by the press and a large portion Bond fans and you could tell Craig and everyone involved in the film wanted to shove it down the critics throat and those fans throats.

And after CR it went all quiet on the criticisms for Craig.


Looper007 t1_jabro3a wrote

Even though I think Hollywood has not given him anywhere near the roles that he deserves. Go see his Danish work to see the truly best of Mads. I think CR is probably his best performance along with Hannibal from his non Danish work.


Inchthemint t1_jac9mxp wrote

I do love CR. But this is one of the best comments sections I’ve ever read on Reddit! All comments are positive, great suggestions of non-Bond films from Green and Mads, and amazing Bond fans. It’s Craig or Connery for me. But I’m a fan of all you Bond fanatics and will watch CR and QofS again inspired by your remarks. And love Olga Kurylenko too (can’t leave out Oblivion). Pray for and support Ukraine for her (and for her fellow Ukrainians).