Hi, with Halloween approaching and the darker winter nights , wondering what decent horrors can be watched? I don't mean slashers with knife wielding maniacs like Freddy, Jason or Michael Myers. I had chills watching sixth sense, and white noise was scary , the conjuring was a good scare , and insidious, so wondering what others you guys like / have seen that I can check out. I watch a lot , so have seen a fair few of the probably 'known' titles but let me know what you recommend.
ztreHdrahciR t1_iu8w84h wrote
The original Omen . Terrified me as a small child. Not sure how I got to watch it
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8wp2y wrote
Its a great film, not really scary though is it? More a sci fi film..
Tunaversity t1_iu8wr52 wrote
Carrie (1976), The Omen (1976) and The Shining (1980).
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8wskj wrote
Yeah I have seen it but a long time ago. Might have to check it out again.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8ww49 wrote
I have heard about it follows. I'll check that one out. Not heard about raw.
MasterTeacher123 t1_iu8x0n0 wrote
Kathy Bates in Misery scared me because that could be a real person not a supernatural killer
TotesObviThrwawy t1_iu8xdsr wrote
I'd invite you to search "the thing chest scene."
Granted, I work in Healthcare, so it might hit me harder than most.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8xynf wrote
I haven't seen the shining or the exorcist, bit before my time and I don't know if they would have the impact by watching them now? I have seen carrie and liked it. I also liked the remake.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8y1tv wrote
Hah, yeah maybe, but then same could be said probably for alien with the chest buster?
LauraPalmersMom430 t1_iu8y3ot wrote
If you liked Raw watch Titane by the same director.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8y3wh wrote
Not seen it. Not sure if it would have the same impact now? I have sen other exorcism films like Emily rose and the Vatican tapes..
LauraPalmersMom430 t1_iu8y754 wrote
Aniara - existentially horrifying
yollie183 t1_iu8y97n wrote
I'll add it to the list, thank you!
yollie183 t1_iu8yf3r wrote
Raw is a French film from 2016
TotesObviThrwawy t1_iu8yo9u wrote
Is Alien not a horror movie to you?
Main_Tip112 t1_iu8z1ew wrote
The House That Jack Built was extremely unsettling and has some imagery that is still seared in my brain years later.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu8zpvo wrote
Well I know it's generally placed in the horror genre but to me it's still sci fi. Yes an alien hunts the crew one by one. But predator isn't classed as a horror and does the same thing.. Plus when alien is then watched with aliens, alien 3, resurrection and the rest it losses any horror elements and is a great sci fi film. Horror , real scary horror is invisible, realistic, believable, and sends chills through me. That's what I like to watch. Of course the 'chase' films are great and I enjoy them but I'm always looking for something new. Netflix is great as it has allowed me to watch Korean, German, Spanish etc films which wouldn't usually be shown on British TV. The Spanish make some good horrors /scary films and of course the Koreans are great at it.
Nightin9ale_Nadaku t1_iu91dem wrote
Insidious and Conjuring are scary. Why don't you check this out..
- The Fly
- Body Snatchers 1993
- Alien 1979 (Try playing the game. Its much scarier.)
- Get Out
- The evil Dead 1981
- Drag Me To Hell
- Shake, Rattle & Roll III: Undin (This one is from our local film (PH). When I was a kid I got traumatized by that creature and would not use the bathroom for quite some time. Thinking about this now gave me anxiety. lol)
- Ju-On: The Grudge 2002
sobuffalo t1_iu91kaz wrote
Aliens is more like Predator, more the action sci-fi, where Alien and The Thing, are more psychological horror, the paranoia of who’s “the monster”. The isolation of outer space, or a ice station, create far more than just monster movies.
I’ll toss Event Horizon in, although it’s very different.
ThePriceOfJoy t1_iu91x4u wrote
Train To Busan
t3rm3y OP t1_iu93egj wrote
Drag me to hell, was trying to think of the title, that's a good one. The fly is a good film but dated. Body snatchers - seen a few of them, is the 1993bversion the one with the weird pink 'strings' reaching through the ceiling? The grudge original was good and same for the ring, but the US remakes were not as creepy.
Alarming-Toe-2215 t1_iu942m8 wrote
Hereditary. Horror doesn't bother me, but after that I couldn't sleep for weeks. Idk what it was about it really but man did it make me feel unsettled
t3rm3y OP t1_iu944i2 wrote
See I love films and have seen a lot. But the two I referenced " white noise" and "sixth sense" both have that more realistic believable horror and scares. I remember when static appeared on screen after a station stopped broadcasting so that one got me good. I think sixth sense worked well because it affected the child so much.
Event horizon could have been great /better but the crew become the problem instead of the horror or what the portal lead to.
shanghairolls99 t1_iu94c2j wrote
The devil inside and the one with eric bana (sorry i forgot the title)
I have an open 3rd eye and have experience with paranormal and those movies came as close to real life possession (based on my experience) compared to other movies.
Simple-Title5772 t1_iu956xu wrote
It follows. Incident in a ghost land. Shutter (original Thai version)
t3rm3y OP t1_iu95rcz wrote
Is the Eric Bana film where he teams up with a priest? Think I seen it or some of it . Not sure if watched it all but sure I have seen it on Netflix. I'm going to try a film called "don't listen" not sure if any good but been on my list for a while.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu9616f wrote
Ok just IMDB'd shutter, will look for that. Thanks.
shanghairolls99 t1_iu97dal wrote
Its deliver us from evil (i searched it) there were some parts in that movie that looked too real for me, i actually dont care for the plot of those 2 movies, but they got the progress of possession quite accurately.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu98aqg wrote
Ok thanks I'll check it out. (Possibly again 😂)
Nobodycares2022 t1_iu995jp wrote
When I was younger it was the original Poltergeist. No horror movie has truly scared me since . You want true horror, just watch the news.
Haunting_opinion90 t1_iu9ay2o wrote
I watched speak no evil “2022” last night and that movie has stuck with me since. Pretty disturbing
Great-Turnabout t1_iu9d0qw wrote
The original Japanese Ju-On films maybe?
t3rm3y OP t1_iu9d50m wrote
Ha yeah good point Yeah poltergeist is a good film. Little dated now. And I felt insidious was a very good film that had many similarities to poltergeist.
tehlastsith t1_iu9iqmq wrote
Drag Me To Hell is scary ?? What.
seasidehills t1_iu9j98c wrote
Cure, V/H/S and Sinister were the movies that got under my skin the most.
GoldStarGranny t1_iu9jlu5 wrote
Omggg definitely watch The Shining. So influential, one of the greatest horror films ever made tbh.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu9kd9t wrote
I wouldnt mind seeing it. And I believe doctor sleep is related? But my concern is it may not have aged well? I'm aware of the axe through door "here's Johnny" scene but I'm sure I watched a 70's influential movie recently and was not impressed 😂 It was IT , I watched that a few months ago(original) and throughout was so lame, which was surprising considering how much it is referenced as a horror... I will try the remake at some point
GoldStarGranny t1_iu9manc wrote
Well, I can totally see why you would feel that way but IT is actually 80s not 70s, and also was a made for TV movie. It’s pretty cheesy (the remake was better imo).
The Shining had a big budget and a big star and one of the best directors of all time. It’s almost more of an art film than anything.
Try it and see! I think it aged well but I’m old so my perspective is different. Would be interested to hear how it plays to a young person today!
My only advice would be if you do watch it, try to give it your full attention and allow yourself to be immersed.
Javina33 t1_iu9rp89 wrote
If you liked Carrie you’d probably like Brian de Palma’s other early suspense films - Dressed To Kill, Body Double, The Fury and Blow Out.
sobuffalo t1_iu9wxjm wrote
The OG Stan
sobuffalo t1_iu9x3jq wrote
The 3rd one is eerily relevant, the anti-Christ running for President.
t3rm3y OP t1_iu9ypri wrote
Japanese version or US remake? I thought the former was creepier/better..
monalisa_leakednudes t1_iu9zhtw wrote
I watched the exorcist while stoned last year and its the only movie that has ever scared me in my 30 years of life. Holds up incredibly well.
Javina33 t1_iu9zlnb wrote
I’ve only seen excerpts from the Japanese one, and they were creepy as hell. The famous final scene which I won’t spoil for people is the stuff of nightmares.
Roncon1981 t1_iua3twp wrote
The ring. The grudge. The descent. The thing. Lots of the in this list. Henry portrait of a serial killer. The fly. Requiem for a dream
t3rm3y OP t1_iua4c08 wrote
Really? Might give it a go.
EBK301 t1_iuaj78j wrote
If u saw smile movie 2022 you’re gonna love it follows
EBK301 t1_iuajbry wrote
Sinister scared the absolute shit out of me. I remember I watched it at a time when i felt really down about life and thought nothing could hurt me or scare me lol. Then I finished that movie and had to sleep with my light on in my room.
tregorman t1_iuamw2t wrote
Hereditary made me more sad than anything and put the feeling of like a pit in my stomach
sobuffalo t1_iu8vq28 wrote
The Thing