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iraproulx t1_iuh7w3d wrote

> Horrible gore makes me less uncomfortable.

Found the American.


[deleted] OP t1_iuh8kup wrote



DarkNinjaPenguin t1_iuhbjkc wrote

Because it is an American thing. Censoring the slightest suggestion of titty or (God forbid) penis, while gore is just fine apparently.

The word titbits was changed to tidbits in American English, for goodness' sake.


MindCologne t1_iuh90rd wrote

Because only Americans are violent, remember?


mekanub t1_iuhb505 wrote

Nah because Americans are more prudish than the rest of the western world.


p_Lama_p t1_iuh8qpu wrote

OP is intimidated by Sex that lasts longer than 10 seconds


Taewyth t1_iuh7it0 wrote

Pirates 2 isn't an adventure movie mate


BEE_REAL_ t1_iuh8yo4 wrote

Just watch pre-1968 movies and you'll never have this problem


SanderStrugg t1_iuh9nc4 wrote

I don't mind them, but I feel Hollywood is really uncreative with them most of the time. Aside of a few exceptions they are all the same:

Some music, semi dark room, slow rhytmic humping

It gets super repetitive.


drvanostranmd t1_iuhajd1 wrote

Always sunny do a real tasteful sex scene with Danny DeVito in their lethal weapon 4 episode.


speculatrix t1_iuh7tgl wrote

So long as it's genuinely part of the plot and adds to the movie, then fine.

Too often they add things to movies just to get the age rating UP, that includes sex and swearing. But if I want to watch porn, there's a place for that. If I want swearing, there's stand up comedians for that.


MindCologne t1_iuh80hf wrote

That's all I'm saying. I'm cool if it's there to get the point across, but like you said: it doesn't need to be so porn-like. Chill with the yelling and moaning. It's too much.


Redcandle_15 t1_iuh8gzo wrote

Idk sometimes people moan when they have sex though. Is there a specific example you’re thinking of?


MindCologne t1_iuh8jkg wrote

There's a difference between moaning and "OOOOHHHHHH GOD MMMMMMMMMMM UHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!"


Redcandle_15 t1_iuh8lnw wrote

Again, I have heard and made those noises, lol. Is there a specific film you’re thinking of?


MindCologne t1_iuh8rvt wrote

Not specifically, mainly because most movies I watch are cause I'm bored and forget about them by the next week. I feel like you're purposely misunderstanding my point.


Redcandle_15 t1_iuh8zqz wrote

I’m asking for examples because I’m trying to understand your point.


MindCologne t1_iuh94pw wrote

I can't. I told you that. The only movies I remember are the ones I liked.

Imagine a porn with clothes on. Those are the ones I'm talking about.

I refuse to believe you don't know what I'm referring to.


travioso t1_iuh9c6m wrote

You don’t even know what you’re referring to.


Redcandle_15 t1_iuh9itt wrote

I can’t think of an example of what you mean and evidently neither can you, but excuse me for asking I suppose


aruexperienced t1_iuhc5eu wrote

There are a few examples I can think of where the sex scenes are definitely overshadowing the plot. Back Door Bashers 3, Anal Exploits 11, The ENTIRE Gay For Pay series. Ass Ventura : Crack Detective also bordered on the edge of too much, but ET : The Extra Testicle gets a bad rap.


chichris t1_iuh986b wrote

Can you give examples OP? Which movies?


xnocox t1_iuh8pcl wrote

What ever you do, never watch the TV series 'Power'. Each episode featured almost always 1 or 2 of the most dragged out, animalistic & gratuitous sex scenes filmed for TV.


SuikTwoPointOh t1_iuhbew5 wrote

I never really had this issue until I watched The Room but I ended up laughing so hard it wasn’t really an issue.


Random_Ghost69 t1_iuhblzm wrote

I don't like sex scenes. I just skip them.


AhoraMeLoVenisADecir t1_iuh8nhj wrote

You're so right, I think the same. On top of that, the large majority of those scene make me cringe, moans and breathing are so unreal, overdramatic and ridiculous, same for facial expressions.


truckturner5164 t1_iuh9j7p wrote

The fact that you are less bothered by gore than sex says all too much about you.


Nobodycares2022 t1_iuhatgc wrote

Are you a prude or sexually repressed? I can understand if someone was a victim of sexual assault, but if not , just get over and skip through it with your remote. I know it's your choice to make a post about it ,but do you really need to?


MindCologne t1_iuhb0jk wrote

I know it's your choice to comment, but did you really need to?

No, man. Why don't you guys get that they're too intense SOMETIMES.


Nobodycares2022 t1_iuhb6aw wrote

That's why I suggested skipping over it or just imagine some horrible gory scene you love so much while it's on or just grow up and get over it.


MarilynManson2003 t1_iuh8jgs wrote

I agree. I love gore, but I can’t stand sex scenes.

Also, sex scenes are one of my few issues with Stephen King books. They always seem so unnecessarily long and descriptive.


MindCologne t1_iuh8mwk wrote

It's the length of some of these that's the problem. Sex scenes are fine to get the point across, but it doesn't need to be 2-5 minutes for me to know what's happening lol