Submitted by baryflawless t3_z8szpc in movies

As Shuri in MCU, Letitia has a far stronger presence as a character and to the plot in general. She's about the same age as Zendaya and has really powerful acting skills too. But the kind of fame that Zendaya has, is far more that Letitia does. Is it the whole MJ, Tom Holland thing that makes her have a warmer place in the audiences hearts? I'm not able to put a finger on it.

Update: It's surprising how most Redditors believe that learning the reason behind something is a bad thing. 🤷‍♂️



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onga999 t1_iyd2h20 wrote

Because Letitia Wright is a covid denier/anti-vaccer who brings her conspiracies to set. She believes some really crazy stuff.


Vinyl-Rabbits t1_iyd2jsr wrote

I honestly think Zendaya is a better actress than Letitia, but it could also be because she's passing. It's called "colorism".


rice_fish_and_eggs t1_iyd2m4j wrote

Probably because Zendaya has done larger projects outside the mcu and put alot more work into marketing herself as a star than Letitia.


olddicklemon72 t1_iyd2oyd wrote

Zendaya has been in the public eye since she was a kid, slowly working her way up to more interesting and complex roles.

I’d imagine most people really don’t know Wright outside of Black Panther, and fair or not, the AntiVax thing likely didn’t do her any favors.


Gloomy_Travel7992 t1_iyd2un9 wrote

Because Zendaya started out on the Disney channel, which is always a helpful boost, and she’s in a incredibly popular movie franchise and television show, and a popular sci-fi movie so she has more reach. For most audiences Wright has only had a major role in the two Black Panther movies.


girafa t1_iyd2vkn wrote

Zendaya is model pretty, Letitia is movie pretty


CRoseCrizzle t1_iyd2vp5 wrote

I assume because Zendaya is considered more attractive to most people.


MagicMer4042 t1_iyd2wkc wrote

the popularity of euphoria contributes a lot to zendaya's stardom i'd imagine


IslandChillin t1_iyd31v1 wrote

"During a November 2022 feature with Variety, Wakanda Forever co-star Angela Bassett stated that she had never heard Wright share anti-vaccine sentiments during filming, while Marvel vice president Nate Moore claimed that he did know her vaccination status, that she was not sharing her views on set, and that her status did not affect production, aside from her injuries from a motorcycle accident while filming."

So yeah she denied but she didn't bring it on set at all. You're just making that up, some really crazy stuff.


Dry-Mortgage5063 t1_iyd3650 wrote

Zendaya has a pre-existing fanbase from her stint on Disney.

Also, as that guy in the Depp/Heard trial said: "Zendaya...goes by one name."


RelicBeckwelf t1_iyd389k wrote

Letitia Wright is an anti-vaxxer. She shared a video from a climate change denier, anti vaxxer, and anti trans personality. She's doubled down on her views multiple times. She's also reportedly been very disruptive on set, pushed back the production of black panther 2 with her behavior and refusal to get vaccinated.


RGbudvit t1_iyd38kx wrote

Letitia Wright is Zendaya level famous... in the UK.

She's a british actor with a background in british shows.

Zendaya has an equally strong background set but it's US based. Larger audiences mean higher fame.


rocker2014 t1_iyd3euq wrote

I think most of Zendaya's fame has come from other things than Spider-Man. She was already known for her music before the MJ role, then MJ made her more known to the general public, and I think things like Dune and especially Euphoria has propelled her. Euphoria is a lead role in a really popular series where her acting has been praised and she's an executive producer on the show too.

Letitia, at least for me personally, I only know her from Black Panther. And until recently, her role in Marvel was pretty small. She was a supporting character in the first movie and was barely in any others. BPWF is her first major starring role, so it may propel her now.

But she also had some controversy for her stance on vaccines in 2020, which has died down, rightfully so. But regardless of public opinion, Studios may not have wanted to work with her during that time because of the controversy. But, I think that will change after her performance in this movie.

At this point, I think it's up to how good of an agent Letitia has. If her agent can get her a big role outside of the MCU, then she may become more popular. I hope she does, she was great in BPWF.


Dazed-and-excused t1_iyd3fs2 wrote

Zendaya had the advantage of her Disney days fanbase for whatever she did subsequently.


MintyTyrant t1_iyd3nel wrote

Zendaya started out on Disney, that's a big factor. Letitia had good parts in Doctor Who and Black Mirror but a lot of people grew up with KC Undercover and Shake It Up.

Plus Letitia hasn't done the best job at winning fans with her born-again Christian views


M3rkaba- t1_iyd3pr2 wrote

could it possibly be .... 'Z is prettier- has broader physical appeal to a wider range of demographics and races.... dated Spiderman... for nude on HBO, filmed Dune and grabbed attention of boomers unfamiliar with MaryJane..... 'LW's character is not a quirky teen girl like MJ in Spiderman.. she is a strong willed dark skinned -grown woman. ... Was the question rhetorical?


MintyTyrant t1_iyd3slz wrote

Tbh I feel like it worked the opposite way for Euphoria, she brought her fans to that show. I feel like if they cast an unknown instead of her then the show would be nowhere near as big


paranoidhustler t1_iyd50j1 wrote

Zendaya is more conventionally attractive and likely has a much better agent. Nothing about her being more known than Leticia Wright is surprising to me.


zerg1980 t1_iyd5bmn wrote

I think Zendaya has better technical chops as an actor (I don’t think Wright could do what she does in Euphoria), and she’s just more charismatic with a stronger screen presence. I liked Wright’s performance in Black Panther 2, but I also felt like the movie put too much on her plate and she seemed a little out of her depth as the emotional center of the story.


Elvira_Mc_Flutterbat t1_iyd5xqb wrote

Angela Basset portraits a strong willed dark skinned grown woman. Danai Gurira portraits a goddess.(Always hoping for a Okoye spin off). Most people love them.

LW is just...she is giving spoiled brat vibes. Her social media personality doesn't help either. Zendaya on the other hand seems nice and clever.


Fair_Cheesecake_1203 t1_iyd73f6 wrote

Because questioning the effectiveness and risk factors of any vaccine is off limits


DrRexMorman t1_iyd98cp wrote

Zendaya is much, much, much, much smarter about how she talks to the press than Wright has been.


riprumblejohnson t1_iyd9cq4 wrote

The fact that you’re even asking this is disrespectful to Zendaya


Frosted_Flakes1971 t1_iyda6x0 wrote

She hasn’t done anything huge outside the MCU. Zendaya has Disney fans, Dune fans, euphoria fans, model fans, marvel fans, instagram fans.


TrickNatural t1_iyddaea wrote

Exposure, thats all. Zendaya is everywhere. Letitia Wright isnt.


Klaytheist t1_iydezxn wrote

People are pointing to Zendaya's other projects outside the MCU which is true but it's also likely due to the fact that Zendaya is just more talented. Her performances in Malcolm and Marie and Euphoria are incredible.


FractalCurve t1_iydj2q8 wrote

Zendaya is a far better actress with a much more versatile talent pool and filmography. She has a very open, likeable and comedic public persona (Wright is uneducated, ignorant and a religious conspiracist nutjob), and she's much more physically attractive.

What's confusing you exactly?


Rickykkk t1_iydkoln wrote

Her ‘Malcolm and Marie’ acting was horrendous. Very one note actress imo


dtcstylez10 t1_iydkwx8 wrote

Zendaya has more talent in her left foot than Wright has. She's been a star since she was a kid, has proven she can act with some pretty serious roles in Euphoria and has great vocal ability as well. She is one of the few ppl where you wouldn't be surprised if she got an EGOT.

She's also not anti-science and spreading conspiracy theories on sets. So there's that too.


nayapapaya t1_iydtk2m wrote

Zendaya was a child star on the Disney Channel so she already has a fanbase from that time. She's been able to successfully graduate to more mature roles without falling into the wild child trap that a lot of former child stars end up in. She has also used fashion as a way to maintain relevancy and stay in the public eye and she has a great stylist and a good fashion sense for what works for her. Plus now she's one half of a Gen Z power couple who both seem relatively chill and sweet.

If you want to understand what has led Zendaya to where she is today, I highly recommend The Take's video essay about her.


fart-debris t1_iydwgrl wrote

Zendaya is conventionally hotter, has been acting for Disney since she was a kid (and has a career being a model/spokesperson outside of being a movie star), has been in way more films and hasn’t become an anti-vaxxer.


NeverFlyFrontier t1_iydzwe8 wrote

Being a celebrity is probably like maintaining a whole other career outside of acting. I'd imagine the difference between Wright and Zendaya is similar to the difference between Daniel Day-Lewis and Brad Pitt.


Miserable_Track_1885 t1_iyekhh1 wrote

It’s actually annoying you even insinuated that Zendaya’s popularity has to do with Tom (who imo is not as good of an actor as his lady) and not the fact that she’s been acting for years longer than Letitia. And the girl has range. And I’m reading that Letitia has anti vax views too and if that’s true then yeah…that probably don’t help.


Miserable_Track_1885 t1_iyekujt wrote

Zendaya has really made a name for herself with her acting in Euphoria. I’ve never seen an episode of the show but I’ve seen clips of her in certain scenes and even just clips have brought me to tears.


imlavanow t1_iyf0437 wrote

Zendaya was already mega famous with a legion of stans before she joined MCU. LW is also a Covid denier anti vax weirdo


Single_Kangaroo_4373 t1_iyf64iq wrote

Have you been on Twitter or tik tok? She is getting the same push. But Hollywood don’t like her cause of her homophobic & anti vax past, she lost hella fans cause of that & seems a lot in Hollywood bts don’t like her cause of it.


EdJamic8 t1_iyf9dv1 wrote

Note the discrepancy in numbers of their Followers


D6Desperados t1_iyfagnt wrote

Zendaya was already a huge deal and accomplished actress before she was part of the MCU. She has been working in tv and movies her whole life pretty much.