Submitted by Boss452 t3_zycd6a in movies

The 90 minute long re-imagining of the iconic Sam Raimi Evil Dead trilogy is one of the scariest horrors to come out of the 2010s. Credit to Fede Alvarez, also famous for Don't Breathe, for using the premise of Evil Dead but putting his own spin on it. The movie dispenses with the comedic elements of movie 1 and goes full on into horror and gore territory. It becomes its own thing.

Horror movies sometimes take their time to get going. And then place boring drama between the chills and scares. ED 2013 doesn't do any of that. It opens strong and keeps on going after 10 or so minutes. Just when you think the movie has come to an end, more dreads arrive.

Have to give credit to the makeup artists and vfx/practical fx crew for the extremely gory scenes which amp up the horror. Also credit to Fede for staging some memorable horror scenes. The ending in particular is fantastic and very cinematic with the burning house in the background, the blood rain & of course the iconic chainsaw making a crucial cameo.

The movie's only weakness were the characters who I think were all goofs. It's a bit disappointing because ED trilogy had the immensely likable protagonist Ash Williams so you expect an ounce of charisma in this new version. Except for Jane Levy, none of the actors impressed and their characters were dumb and colorless.

However, good thing is that horror is a genre that can get by with bare bone character and plots. The main ingredient is the horror itself and I think the movie delivers and then some.

My rating: 8/10

How did you folks find the new Evil Dead?



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garrisontweed t1_j251ais wrote

When the posters says-‘The Most Terrifying Film you will ever experience.’ I did roll my eyes.I went in with low expectations,but it was a great ride.

Full credit to Jane Levy.She earned her pay check.I can’t image acting how many hours a day they filmed for a few months either hysterical or intense.

Her arm gets trapped near the end and then she just rips it off,crazy stuff.


Boss452 OP t1_j252699 wrote

> I did roll my eyes.I went in with low expectations,but it was a great ride.

Same. I saw it on Netflix recently after having it in my watchlist for a long while. I thought it would be a lazy remake. The scores on RT (63%) and IMDB (6.5) didn't inspire much confidence. But by the end I was really convinced. I don't think it's a great movie. Don't know even if it makes my top 10 horror movies. But it surely makes my top 10 movies with the most/best scares.

> Full credit to Jane Levy.She earned her pay check.I can’t image acting how many hours a day they filmed for a few months either hysterical or intense.

Yes Jane Levy was immense. She was also excellent in Don't Breathe. I think she should have had a much better career with great scripts being thrown her way. Great talent and is charismatic. Very pretty too.


Moidahface t1_j255k3p wrote

Why does this read like a review someone pitched for a website?


zootskippedagroove6 t1_j255wqw wrote

That was the first movie I saw in theaters solo, all my friends were like "nah fuck that" so as an Evil Dead nerd I was like for sure no worries, peace out. And it ended up being one of the best theater experiences ever.

Love how shit just continually hits the fan throughout the movie, just when you think they'll get a moment of peace, something else horrifying happens. Whole crowd was going wild for the last 20 minutes especially. But like in the fun, not obnoxious kinda way.


stressmacher t1_j2565lr wrote

To me it's one of the best old-school style horror movies of the last ten years and I'm really sad they didn't go forward with the sequel. I like this type of horror so much more than anything James Wan or Ari Aster put out.


brettsolem t1_j256gbo wrote

This and the TV show were both awesome. I’m very surprised that this has been one of the most successful franchises with hits


Boss452 OP t1_j2578f9 wrote

> That was the first movie I saw in theaters solo, all my friends were like "nah fuck that" so as an Evil Dead nerd I was like for sure no worries, peace out. And it ended up being one of the best theater experiences ever.

I can imagine. Horror makes for a fantastic cinema experience, granted there are no annoying teens who ruin the fun.

> Love how shit just continually hits the fan throughout the movie, just when you think they'll get a moment of peace, something else horrifying happens.

Exactly. The horrors are brutal. They just keep on coming at quick pace. No room to breathe.

> Whole crowd was going wild for the last 20 minutes especially. But like in the fun, not obnoxious kinda way.

Must have been really fun. The last 20 mins are awesome. I can imagine a loud cheer at the line "Feast on this, motherf***er!"


ThisIsCreation t1_j25cgy0 wrote

I was afraid it would water down the Evil Dead formula & create a safe reboot for a wider audience but about 30 minutes in the movie switches up & becomes gruesome & even more gorey than the original trilogy.

There are times where I winced at what was on the screen, but putting all of that to the side, it's a really great movie.

The whole idea of this character dealing with her own personal hell in withdrawal while all of this happens adds a very unique layer to this movie.


SalaciousDumb t1_j25dnuh wrote

I wish we had gotten the Mia/Ash team up they had talked about after this movies success.


itjustgotcold t1_j25isk7 wrote

Glad this comments section is showing this movie love. I was very impressed with this remake and like another commentor said I was super pumped for Ash to meet Mia but then everything got canceled.


_deadcruiser_ t1_j25j3xn wrote

I liked it. Saw it in high school and even today it's the only non-superhero / Star Wars movie in my personal top 10 theater experiences.

Looking forward to the next one coming out next year but really wish Fede Alvarez was the one directing it again.


Boss452 OP t1_j25jprw wrote

> Saw it in high school and even today it's the only non-superhero / Star Wars movie in my personal top 10 theater experiences.

Man I really regret not seeing this in cinemas. Must have been a riot?


Resistyrox t1_j25kh4f wrote

Really dislike the opening scene but i loce everything after that!


blocodents t1_j25lce2 wrote

The whole movie is crazy, but that first drop of blood falling from the sky, god damn. What a film.


Wh00ster t1_j25tfy5 wrote

It was fun but I wouldn’t categorize it as scary


ohiolifesucks t1_j25wlka wrote

This was the only time I witnessed someone vomit because of a movie.


Chem-Memory9746 t1_j2681yr wrote

The Unrated Cut is much gory, gritty, and very gruesome.


Xerosnake90 t1_j26ts57 wrote

Fucking awesome movie. Need to watch it again!


NC_Vixen t1_j270ck5 wrote

Easily the most "oh shit, wtf" I have felt at the theatre.


HeywoodPeace t1_j272dsi wrote

The problem here is Evil Dead isn't supposed to be scary. It's satire, over the top and silly. The new movie missed the entire point, and should have been named something else


Leave-Revolutionary t1_j27atrt wrote

Fun fact: Evil Dead (2013) holds the world record for most fake blood ever (70,000 gallons) used in a film. It cost over $3.5 million!


westdl t1_j27dj6x wrote

Original was much better.


NoIncrease299 t1_j27nxww wrote

I built the digital marketing campaign for that movie and got to go to a screening at the Sony lot ... with Sam Raimi. (Bruce Campbell was SUPPOSED to be there as well but didn't make it)

Pretty fun chatting with him after. He said something to the effect of loving it because it was truly scary and less campy than the original.

Prolly the coolest project I worked on in my decade of Hollywood advertising.


TreeBearded t1_j27p1kt wrote

Judging by the comments in here, I'll get downvoted to hell for this, but.. I genuinely found this movie highly unmemorable.


farbekrieg t1_j27pxep wrote

it was a completely forgettable film being an adequate reboot of the series but not doing anything to make me want to rewatch or be inclined to see a sequel.


732dlrowthgiliwt t1_j28dybl wrote

Oh yeah fucking incredible movie. Need to rewatch it asap after this post


littlejawn t1_j2943sh wrote

The best song covers are ones where the artist puts a new spin on it rather than trying to mimic the original. The Evil Dead remake took a concept and instead of making a carbon copy it told the same story through a different lens.


smithyithy_ t1_j2a7eok wrote

Exactly, even Sam Raimi's Evil Dead 2 was a comedy sequel / remake of his original film.

There's no strict rules to how a film should be made regarding its genre, Sam already proved that in the 80's


weareallpatriots t1_j2aaha5 wrote

Don't see anything all that "scary" about this movie, but it was certainly gory. Toward the climax when there was still no chainsaw, I was thinking "Man, I hope they don't make the girl the last survivor as a Paul Feige twist" and of course they did. And some of the main girl's dialogue was ripped straight from The Exorcist, which was a bit annoying. Pretty dec flick, but you can't mess with the off-the-wall effects and creativity of the original.


Existing365Chocolate t1_j2aqb21 wrote

So apparently the sequel is supposed to just as scary and dialed up to 11 as it takes place in an apartment building


Geonjaha t1_j2b81cl wrote

Yes, but when the underlying horror plot for the original is one of the most cliched and generic in the genre, removing the comedy aspect leaves it as just that; the shell that has been seen so many times in so many other films in the genre.

Outside of the gore, the remake was not at all exceptional imo, and was almost completely forgettable. So yeah, if you’re specifically a fan of gore then go for it, but I don’t think a film is worth being elevated in the genre just for having good gore when there are quality horror films that succeed in many different aspects at once.