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smartest_kobold t1_iweagy2 wrote

Number #2 would be a lot easier with mandatory paid sick days.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_iwexevh wrote

Or more appropriately, people hadn't already burned through their 40hrs of sick time and 80hrs of vacation time with 1.5mos left in the year.

It does suck getting fired for attendance since you burned all your time when you weren't sick and now have no time when you are sick.

If it is a documented illness and you aren't a job hopper you qualify for FMLA after a year with an employer as well.

Fact: there are a shit load of job openings in this state with decent pay, full health ins. and investment benefits that also have paid time off.


kells938 t1_iweidem wrote

Unfortunately people would abuse them.


CostcoBrandDinosaur t1_iweivte wrote

So? Illness costs the economy billions every year. A couple days off isn't going to hurt.


kells938 t1_iwek2zx wrote

No need to get flustered. Just saying why it won't be a thing. Didn't say I agreed with it.


zeus6793 t1_iwenzuh wrote

Actually, studies have shown that the vast majority of people do not abuse their allotted time. People are surprisingly honest on the whole.


kells938 t1_iweojbx wrote

Interesting. Do you remember the source?


ElisabetSobeckPhD t1_iwg01gh wrote

my source is the number of people that just come to work sick because people don't want to call off, even when they are sick. I'm guilty of it too, and yes I have plenty of sick time on the books.

it's kind of the mentality in the US.


zeus6793 t1_iwep2hg wrote

I don't. But google is your friend. I'm sure it's out there.


PreparedForZombies t1_iwgbg4o wrote

Don't make a claim then when asked for your source/backing say, "Google it"


zeus6793 t1_iwgbkjb wrote

Why not? It works perfectly fine. Put the labor on them to prove me wrong. And it worked.


kells938 t1_iweqvis wrote

Surprisingly not as easy as you'd think.

That goes into it costing employers.

That one the inspector general found IRS employees abusing it.

Unfortunately most of the articles that come up are employers policies, managers asking what they can do about abuse and state laws regarding leave.


zeus6793 t1_iwerjht wrote

Hmmm, maybe I'm wrong. I thought for sure I read that employees are more honest about their work times than was originally thought. It was some sort of academic journal perhaps. Well, either way, I hate the entire idea of PTO. It's a way for the corporation to limit your days off and avoids paying you when they can. It's driven by greed and control.


kells938 t1_iwesolg wrote

Unfortunately the internet sucks these days. So much misinformation and contradictory articles out there. You never know what is legit or not. As an employee, I absolutely love how my sick time, vacation and personal time are all separate. But I can also see why employers would hate it. Because, no matter how many downvotes I get, there are people out there that abuse anything they can.


zeus6793 t1_iwex2oe wrote

I will admit, I was also surprised when I saw that article. It certainly feels like it's not true. I worked in the auto industry for 30 years. People suck. They will lie, cheat and steal if they can get away with it, so I'm not surprised if it was bullshit.


Nowhere_X_Anywhere t1_iweycsd wrote

Part of why it is compartmentalized is to make it easier to address abuse. Personal/sick time can be used with no/little notice.

People burn that time and then get termed for trying to use their vacation time without notice.

Attendance is the easiest way to term a bad employee with cause. Categorizing time off makes the process transparent for all parties including Unemployment Insurance.