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vexingsilence t1_izb7qhb wrote

Then you must be financially capable of covering the loss, according to state law. What was your plan if you were in an accident and were legitimately at fault? You wouldn't compensate the other party?


NHDraven t1_izb9665 wrote

I'm not going to go down that road of blame and hindsight 20/20.

OP, they sent you that letter because you don't have insurance and they know they're a lot less likely to have to pay you. First, I would come up with a realistic number of what your car is worth to replace, then call them back.

"I received this letter. According to my lawyer on retainer, this will cost $x to replace. If we have to litigate, this will cost $x plus his fees $y plus court costs $z for you. The police report already states your driver is a fault. So either you're going to pay $x or you're going to pay $xyz. Let's save some time, pay me $x for the car, and we can all move on."


vexingsilence t1_izbcluz wrote

It's the city, not an individual or a business. There's no downside for them refusing to pay. OP can try, but court is likely to be the only recourse.


Vegetable_Medium_458 OP t1_izb9v7s wrote

So this actually explained quite a bit to me, I was wondering if I could even approach or try to level with anyone because that’s truly all I’m looking for is payment for the damages not some big thing or lawsuit I’m not hurt I work everyday, but that car was like all I ever saved for to get for a very long time I literally come from shit I work and try very hard I’m not a fucking bum I don’t even need the whole value of my car if it’s inflated now versus when I got it I’ll take less and get a perfectly used decent awd or 4x4 to take care of like I originally intended


NHDraven t1_izba3kw wrote

See other comment. How far out of insurance are you right now? Can you call your insurance company, tell them you forgot to pay but had this accident, and see if you can square up to have them take care of it? Worse that happens is they tell you to pound sand.


ThreeTheGhost t1_izcahyq wrote

Definitely probably do not call them and tell them that now that you have been in an accident with a state vehicle, and fault is in question, you'd like to get your lapsed insurance squared up

They're going to express how absolutely fucking elated that they are to hear that your insurance lapsed before you got assblasted by a plow truck, and that's about it

You might (NotLegalOrIllegalAdvice) have better luck, if you're not too far outside of coverage, calling and trying to get your shit reinstated without mentioning the accident

Considering that as soon as you submit that claim, they're going to fucking eagle-eye your entire shit, and that you are going to be getting into it with the State, I'm not entirely sure how deep you want to get into trying to submit a claim under lapsed insurance in that circumstance


Vegetable_Medium_458 OP t1_izbacfj wrote

Oh they did tell me to pound sand


slayermcb t1_izbv1q4 wrote

My wife was dating a guy a few decades back that canceled his insurance and then drove it to the shop he was selling it to. Got into an accident on the way there (his fault) and was responsible for the entire cost of the accident. He lost his license for two years until he could pay it. Letting insurance lapse is too risky, but I know the struggle. Hindsight's always clearer. Not ragging on you, just sharing.


Vegetable_Medium_458 OP t1_izb8wtp wrote

You’re absolutely right, while my shit was lapsed me I was commuting to work four minutes away or not, I was risking being sued and financially demolished if I hit anyone anyways, I went four days with no insurance, Irresponsible of me but I literally just couldn’t afford it at the time I don’t drink alcohol or do drugs or smoke anything at all I try hard to make ends meet


Vegetable_Medium_458 OP t1_izb92bx wrote

And insured or not I would never endanger people on the road I just don’t play that shit road safety is important to me this is my first accident of any kind ever too actually


vexingsilence t1_izbf5b6 wrote

Not suggesting you would, but you can end up with an at-fault through no fault of your own. Been there, done that. Unless you have video evidence or an army of witnesses, cops will assign blame according to however they feel was most likely the cause, regardless of what actually happened.

For example, if you were in reverse at the time of a collision, you're almost certainly at fault regardless of what the other motorist was doing. Which is insane.