Submitted by TurretLauncher t3_10otzt5 in newhampshire
MajorScrotum t1_j6hjo0e wrote
That could all change on the campaign trail tbf
asphynctersayswhat t1_j6oburw wrote
And now he’s calling for more border security….. for our 50 mile border with Canada. This train is never late.
mafiafish t1_j6ja1xo wrote
He's not the worst, not by a long shot, but he's definitely been inconsistent with his opinions/policy leanings to match different audiences. He has also been very evasive in refusing take a view on big national policy issues that attract controversy, that's politics, but there are figures of any or no party who are more principled in that respect.
I'm sure he'd make for a much better executive branch than most other contemporary GOP figures, but he doesn't really have any consistent platform on national issues beyond being relatively moderate.
CommunityGlittering2 t1_j6hqs49 wrote
no he fits right in with all of that
V1198 t1_j6hpvol wrote
Auditioning to be VP, basically acting as a moderate mask for whatever extremist they run at the top of the ticket…meanwhile they could probably win with this guy and Romney.
PebblyJackGlasscock t1_j6ifh9g wrote
Chris and Mitt would need a Time Machine to win anything in America.
ShortUSA t1_j6jbxxr wrote
WeimarStreetCrust t1_j6hqxcp wrote
I’m pretty sure he and many other GOP governors that are popular in their respective states might throw their hat in the ring to collectively snub Trump and deny him majority delegates on first ballot.
Think about it this way, if you were to throw Baker, Sununu, DeSantis, (insert GOP governor here), in just enough states…you could prevent Trump from reaching enough delegates on the first ballot, have all delegates get released on the second ballots (IE they don’t have to vote for Trump anymore) and then the RNC would get their pick instead of it being Trump.
If Sununu runs, I’d be the first to bet that is what will be going on, cause frankly…neither him nor DeSantis have any chance of winning…
Collectively though? Yeah, they could all find a way to beat Trump together.
emptycoils t1_j6hzny9 wrote
This guy primaries
PebblyJackGlasscock t1_j6ihxw6 wrote
Baker is the new President of the NCAA. Gosh, the number of jokes I want to make. Anyway, he’s not in on this idea.
But it IS a good idea. Needs to be broader than just recent Governors. Utah, for example, and Evan McMullin. It’s really too bad Arnold is ineligible because he’d definitely throw his hat in as a spoiler and California would be essential to any such plan. New York, too and there are any number of people with a high enough profile, the money, and the personal grudge needed to run a Quixoitic campaign. Where’s Lynn Swann at these days? That’s a good spoiler for PA.
Ok, I’m done thinking about this because I now know LeBron could run for President in CA as a Republican and… well, that’s a five minutes I’m not getting back. Suffice to say, spoiler candidates can work, and there’s lots of interesting ways to game that.
Da66y t1_j6ihwwl wrote
What exactly is Weimar street crust?
WeimarStreetCrust t1_j6jbqt5 wrote
Weimar is a reference to hyper inflation in Weimar Germany during the 20s.
Add the street to tie that to Wall Street today with our current high inflationary event, which has made the folks on Wall St even richer.
And crust is just the touch of crustiness that our modern world is today.
ShortUSA t1_j6jcjjv wrote
is not a better alternative to Trump. He might appear that why right now, but given POTUS I am sure he will be his own Trump.
No one who will deceive immigrants into boarding a plane for unwitting Martha's Vinyard has a moral fiber in their body. In this important attribute, DeSantis is not different than Trump.
AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j6i9ome wrote
I suppose its too much to hope for a replacement Governor who is more modern and isn't super hardcore in one direction or the other, right?
didntdonothingwrong t1_j6mee0r wrote
Best we can give you is Don Bolduc.
Ok_Nobody4967 t1_j6k82aj wrote
Considering that he thinks governing is just wandering around the state getting photo ops. I personally think he’s a tool.
Automatic-Raspberry3 t1_j6i27d0 wrote
This is my surprised face.
AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j6i9ezt wrote
Yeah, real shocker right?
Cass9840 t1_j6lhmdr wrote
He’s too sane
Lucky_Device3182 t1_j6hwsai wrote
He wants that campaign money… probably planing to leave politics. Take the campaign money, then take a consulting job, and fellowship at a university. Cash out. This is what a lot of Govs do
Rolling_Beardo t1_j6kowlo wrote
If he resigns as governor 1st/doesn’t run then I’m all for it.
Fuzzy-Scar3055 t1_j6lcizk wrote
Pffff lol yeah right, Chris. I don’t believe he could beat Trump, and he certainly isn’t what America needs. Personally I would prefer DeSantis get the GOP nomination and I think even most NH Republicans would prefer DeSantis to milk-toast Sununu.
He’s like former Ohio Gov that did well here in 2016 during the GOP primary.
warren_stupidity t1_j6mxqf3 wrote
Yeah he ain’t anywhere near nazi enough. We need a real fascist like DeSantis.
livefreeordie2-75th t1_j6hyxam wrote
Self serving RINO. Doesn’t have a snowflake’s chance in hell. If it wasn’t for all the Massachusetts libtard transplanted pukes he wouldn’t be governor of nh. He should switch to democrat. He’s no Patriot. The nomination is Desantis’ if he wants it. He’d win the presidency in a landslide. Another term of FJB means Civil War.
WeimarStreetCrust t1_j6i1wca wrote
DeSantis wins in a landslide?
Lmfao, bruh, he’d be a repeat of 2012. Have you not done any research on him? He’s literally no different than Romney, Jeb Bush, etc.
livefreeordie2-75th t1_j6igv2i wrote
He’s brilliant. He was a law officer in the Navy. He was in charge of clearing all Navy SEALs missions. He went to Harvard Law. He’s a Patriot
razed_intheghetto t1_j6j8xfa wrote
Let me know when the Militia boys meet at the Tavern, I love dumping Tea in the harbor!
Wiked_Pissah t1_j6kic7c wrote
He's a POS who practically kidnapped and stranded a plane full of immigrants. He is horrically against teaching actual American history and prefers to stick his head up his ass instead. Crist was a horrible candidate, but the best that swampland Florida could come up with. That's the only reason Mr. Don't Say Gay won re-election. The rest of the country sees he is no different a POS than Trump. Maybe less of a con-man. But that's like saying this priest is better than that priest because he has molested fewer kids.
livefreeordie2-75th t1_j6kxc36 wrote
Get use to it my sensitive butthurt friend. He’s going to be the next president of the United States and Dems will lose the Senate as well in ‘24.
Wiked_Pissah t1_j6l439d wrote
Well there is no point arguing with you on that, because anyone stupid enough to believe a statement like that likely still believes the world is flat. So enjoy your fantasy world while you can Mr. Single-celled organism.
livefreeordie2-75th t1_j6m268v wrote
Yup. Everyone who’s not a homo loving woke Commie is a single called organism. Lol. You should enlist in the military and see the real world and how savage it still is out there and maybe you’ll realize weakness in the White House only brings calamity.
asphynctersayswhat t1_j6ocf75 wrote
No he won’t. Your pal Donald trump will make damn sure desanctimonious doesn’t win. He will flat out order his maga base to stay home and let the democrats win to teach the republicans about “loyalty”. Y’all should’ve listened to ms. Lindsay graham
ShortUSA t1_j6gx0am wrote
Is he running as an independent or a Dem? Because there's no way in hell he'll win the Republican nomination. He's level headed, fact oriented, not a pathological liar, principled, doesn't loath immigrants and fly them around the county under false pretenses for political gain, etc etc. There's no room for a president like that in the Republican Party. All the luck to him, he's going to need it.
Let me be clear, I am not a fan of Sununu. On the other hand, he is not an election denier, and lives primarily in the real world, versus the world of alternative facts that so many Republicans choose to 100% live in these days. Which is why Republicans will NEVER nominate him.