Moving to New Haven this summer from NYC, looking for apartments around Downtown/Wooster Square, will be working at the Yale hospital. I don't have enough money to buy a new car so I am wondering how feasible is biking to work every day and for running errands?
Goodbye_megaton t1_jbtdgu0 wrote
Fairly bikeable if you take the right streets but like the other commenter said, expect punishment passes from out of towners who hate driving downtown
roadpupp t1_jbteuyk wrote
This year wasn’t bad, but definitely plan for ice and snow part of the year
Not_on_Reddit t1_jbtgc4a wrote
Definitely bikeable, though not designed for bikers. Weather only problem I’ve had.
Edit: only problem other than bike being stolen.
noobiedoobie902 t1_jbtgd7z wrote
Good for 6 months of the year imo, other half you probably would need to uber
awebr t1_jbtjc6g wrote
Biking in the winter is fine once the roads are plowed, just need to put on a jacket and gloves. And taking the bus is going to be a lot cheaper than ubering everywhere
paddyboombotz t1_jbtw2hz wrote
I wouldn’t risk it. I was a bike messenger in nyc for a number of years too. The amount of bad/distracted driving I see and the amount of pedestrian deaths makes it not worth it to me. It’s a shame too because it is a very bikeable city infrastructure-wise.
dslicex t1_jbtwzfo wrote
Very bikeable. Stay on sidewalks, I got hit only 2 months ago. Also watch out for pedestrians and other cyclists, lots of people with a deathwish
poweredbait t1_jbu1eja wrote
I lived with out a car for 4 years and biked from Wooster Square, then East Rock to work at the Yale Med School. I would get Groceries from Whalley Ave stop and shop and would stuff them in a ortlieb pannier. Most people would hate doing this but it wasn’t bad…my determined stubbornness was key.
East Rock might be a better bet since you can get groceries from P&M or Nicas. There is also better shuttle coverage which will help in the winter/snow.
Extreme-Cupcake5929 t1_jbu221q wrote
Just stay aware because drivers are distracted often , you’ll be fine . Invest in a couple good bike locks
dickhoff3 t1_jbu2krf wrote
While it’s very bikeable and things are close, as others have noted, the drivers in the state in general are awful and dangerous. Also bike theft is very common. They tend to strip seats and tires too so keep it locked up tight.
ApatheticAbsurdist t1_jbu3nhn wrote
Pretty bikeable. Some drivers are aholes but that is life. Also Yale has free shuttle buses that are great for inclement weather.
green_lemonade t1_jbu4dzm wrote
I don't own a car myself and bicycle around town. Get good lights and know when to turn on red your own safety - basic urban bicycling stuff. The town is slowly improving its bicycle infrastructure. Be sure to check out college street cycles, Devil's gear, and Bradley st co-op for gear/maintenance, we've got an excellent bicycling community.
Illmatic5291 t1_jbu5yxu wrote
Didn’t they put bike lanes in so won’t go on the sidewalk?
notakrustykrab t1_jbu6597 wrote
The bus system here isn’t that bad.
MattFantastic t1_jbu7dv7 wrote
Please don’t ride on the sidewalk. It’s dangerous and illegal. If you need to go more than half a block to your destination or whatever, get off and walk it.
MattFantastic t1_jbu7vyv wrote
I haven’t owned a car in a long time and ride everywhere and it’s great, but yeah, drivers are fucking bonkers out there.
I just assume the car is going to do whatever the worst thing is and plan accordingly and do alright. The flip side is that being comfortable and assertive on busy streets is also key some of the time. Knowing how and when to shift between the two is probably the best skill to develop.
dslicex t1_jbu98fo wrote
i'd rather ride on the sidewalk on whitney...downtown...or pretty much anywhere there aren't bikelanes...
dslicex t1_jbu9bci wrote
doesn't really cover everywhere around town
MattFantastic t1_jbua4rv wrote
Preference isn’t the issue. Killing/hurting someone walking when you run them down on a bike because you’re too selfish to care about the people around you is.
It’s really not hard to take some responsibility. If you don’t feel safe riding where you’re supposed to the solution isn’t to make other people less safe, it’s to remove yourself from the situation.
MochaUnicorn369 t1_jbuej85 wrote
FWIW a friend of mine who’s a surgeon lived in Wooster Square and walked to YNHH daily.
dslicex t1_jbuerxa wrote
I get what you’re saying, but I still disagree. It’s not like I’m sending it on the sidewalk, when there’s tons of people around.
At say 6 o clock when no one’s on Whitney sidewalks I’m definitely riding there—it’s rush hour for cars and twilight. But if it’s mid day downtown, I’m not going to bike on the sidewalks by the green you know? That would be stupid and selfish.
It’s also not a black and white issue of being selfish by riding on sidewalks. The somewhat limited and sometimes usable infrastructure for bikes around town is piecemeal and haphazard. Like going up Orange St past Humphrey towards Downtown, the bike lane disappears so cars either come too close to a biker, swerve into opposite lane to pass, or just ride your butt. None of those are very smart on a bike if you like not being mangled…
6th__extinction t1_jbukvlc wrote
Lice_Queen t1_jbuvqef wrote
It's literally illegal. Stop doing it. It's incredibly annoying and dangerous and ILLEGAL.
greysuru t1_jbuvqyb wrote
I agree. The road is a bike lane. Intentional swerving to be more noticeable is a lesser known technique. Cyclists probably think it's dangerous or too aggressive, but my life is on the line, so I'd rather be where drivers can see me.
dslicex t1_jbuwnu9 wrote
arrest me
TopChemical7226 t1_jbvm9cw wrote
Don’t leave it or it will be stolen
Difficult_Ad5098 t1_jbvpqqg wrote
I agree ☝🏽
[deleted] t1_jbvpzj0 wrote
thewafflehouse827 t1_jbvr4tq wrote
Honestly, small enough that you're better off walking. As many have said drivers can be dangerous. But bikeable nonetheless.
tombuzz t1_jbvuqaz wrote
Totally doable worst cause scenario you have a half hour walk. I did it for years. Still easier than driving in paying for parking etc. In warmer seasons it’s a nice little walk.
poliscirun t1_jbvyrnn wrote
Wooster to YNHH is not bad at all on a bike if you take the right streets. You can stay on grade separated bike lanes almost the entire route, but the bits that aren't separated, definitely be careful as others have said
New haven is putting a lot of work in becoming a very bike friendly city with lots of grade separated or protected bike lanes but we're not there yet, but the city adds several miles every year to the separated/protected infrastructure. Last year I think they added nearly 20 miles of new lanes along a few key routes, many more in the works/planning stages
poliscirun t1_jbvz843 wrote
Adding lots of separated lanes but only a few protected or grade separated lanes (i don't count plastic bollards as protected), but the city is drastically improving it's infrastructure pretty rapidly. But there's lots of streets still without anything
Honestly super disappointed we didn't get a new bike lane on De Grasso when they took away that car lane for portions of it, so easy to just stripe it for bike cuz they already repainted and installed the plastic bollards, nice wide berth from the cars too
xotepingo t1_jbwvwl4 wrote
Definitely bikeable, especially from Wooster or Downtown to hospital, be careful with locks, and check out the Bradley street bicycle coop for repairs and great bike community
Dry-Fee9923 t1_jc0ff1l wrote
None of this matters - if you don't feel comfortable riding your bike on the street, then don't ride your bike. I ride from Bethany to downtown nh and back multiple times per week and NEVER ride on sidewalks. Get some lights and a reflective jacket if you are really worried. By riding on the sidewalk you are dangerous to others.
Dry-Fee9923 t1_jc0ftk1 wrote
didnt they do that to stop street racing?
poliscirun t1_jc0tf6t wrote
That's what I've heard. No reason still to not add a bike lane with the extra space tho
dslicex t1_jc1kga3 wrote
As the third person to lecture me and say the same thing, you’ve definitely convinced me. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m eating a catalytic converter under a car the next time I get hit while following the rules of the road!
0651x t1_jbtchyx wrote
It's bikeable and there is covered bike parking by YNHH, but traffic is not bike friendly. Think punishment passes even if you're going the speed limit.