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arch_llama t1_ixxcvre wrote

They were there because the deals were so crazy. The fire department was there yesterday because the deals were too hot.


BasilHaydensBitch t1_ixyo9et wrote

Next up they’re sending in EMTs because the deals are SICK… also, a kid ODed on fentanyl in the bathroom.


Proramm t1_ixxiw0b wrote

There were heavily armed officers at GSP today as well. Pretty sad that it's come to this in this country


financialanon t1_ixz0st2 wrote

Funny how these good guys with guns are everywhere when there is no danger. Never around when shooters start firing.


love2Vax t1_ixzl38e wrote

They showed up while a shooter was active in Uvalde. But then they just stood around while kids continued to get shot.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixypgmk wrote

I actually feel more comfortable with heavily armed officers. Idk why you wouldn’t


Fryceratops t1_ixyqt3l wrote

I feel less secure knowing having more heavily armed police is a logical response in our current situation.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixyrife wrote

And having them there makes you uncomfortable?


Fryceratops t1_ixyrl9g wrote

Knowing that it is necessary makes it uncomfortable.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzbcxs wrote

What does that have to do with them? Lol so you would rather not have them, still knowing we need them? I don’t get your rationale..


Fryceratops t1_ixzbyso wrote

Having armed people around is inherently less safe. I get why it is needed but I wish it was not.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzd62s wrote

That’s a relative feeling. I don’t feel the same.


Fryceratops t1_ixze3qg wrote

Part of that is an objectively factual statement as having armed people around is inherently less safe than having no armed people at all.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzhfda wrote

I don’t see facts, i just see opinions.


Fryceratops t1_ixzjh7a wrote

Do you not understand how having no one with weapons around is safer than having some people with weapons around? Are you thinking "What would happen if someone showed up with a gun?" because if it isn't clear that would change the situation from no one having weapons to some having weapons.

Thus the claim that no one having weapons is inherently safer than some people having weapons is a logically valid statement that is also objectively true.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzjrup wrote

We are right back in the beginning. You have no facts to back up your opinion.


Fryceratops t1_ixzkvrv wrote

Ok explain how having armed people around is safer than not having anyone be armed. Keep in mind if you are talking about the people needing to respond to other armed people you have completely changed the circumstances.


jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzsu1q wrote

I’m not the one saying it’s factual. I’m the one saying it’s relative. It’s over. Stop clown


Fryceratops t1_ixzy2pu wrote

But it is. It's like you can't drown if there is no water around. No arms means everyone is safer.

As you are the one making an illogical argument maybe we can avoid being uncivil.


xAdzyy t1_ixzqvxa wrote

Bro everyone is born with arms


outcome--independent t1_ixyz1r8 wrote



jEsTsBaCk t1_ixzbri5 wrote

Then by all means.. stay home.


DelayedContours OP t1_ixzm6yo wrote

He's pretty much saying it's a sign you are in a potentially unsafe area. In Europe they don't have people with machine guns guarding groceries and t-shirts lol. Honestly reminds me of when I was in Nigeria.


rainofshambala t1_iy01f92 wrote

Until you get suspected and shot at or get caught in badly aimed crossfire


swoonmermaid t1_ixxclm4 wrote

I don’t feel safer….


RepulsiveCorner t1_ixxls4i wrote

In the last week or so I've noticed a massive increase in police presence. I don't feel safe, I feel like I'm being monitored.


d0mini0nicco t1_ixynork wrote

i are. we all are when we go, as it is prime target for shooters / icels / right wing domestic terrorists/ domestic terrorists from countries we've pissed off.....the list keeps going.


BangoSkank1919 t1_ixypi7k wrote

Just being pedantic but if they're domestic terrorists of other countries they're no longer domestic, just good ol fashioned regular terrorists. If they were terrorizing their own country they'd be domestic terrorists.


d0mini0nicco t1_ixz5sef wrote

Thank you. I’m at negative sleep with a congested and hungry newborn. Words are difficult at this stage.


biological_assembly t1_ixypzde wrote

>I feel like I'm being monitored.

As you conduct all of you personal business on a handheld device that constantly monitors your movement though your GPS and can have it's camera and microphone turned on covertly by law enforcement agencies


outcome--independent t1_ixyzel2 wrote

By law enforcement agencies? Can it? I don't think so, pretty sure it's just for marketing and data capture by the manufacturer.


h0w13 t1_ixz16oi wrote

Until there's a subpoena or a warrant


retardranchhand t1_ixzordo wrote

Yes, pretty much everything. Think agencies like CIA NSA because they will do whatever they can without you knowing.


Comfortable_Monk7372 t1_ixz2mzy wrote

I’m glad that someone is monitoring me(us) in a mall. Not sure how much of a deterrent this would be for a deranged gunman.


Boogiepop_Homunculus t1_ixwdryp wrote

They were there yesterday. I assumed cause it was super busy.


jetlife0047 t1_ixyfin8 wrote

That’s normal to you ? Even in a busy mall ?


Boogiepop_Homunculus t1_iy06j8z wrote

I don't often go shopping on Black Friday weekend so I can't say how normal it is. But given the recent news, I thought "oh that must be why." That's just what life is in America. Kids will ride around on those animal things. People lining up for sneakers. It is what it is.


outcome--independent t1_ixyz72d wrote

Heavily armed police? For shopping? Third world country.


[deleted] t1_ixzggf2 wrote



DelayedContours OP t1_ixzmgw1 wrote

No when I went to Nigeria it was common to have police with AKs at certain venues. Honestly it seemed like AKs where standard issue there.


idkinfo t1_ixzo185 wrote

Good point. My assumption was incorrect third world countries can differ in experiences small markets vs large cities or how the local governments provide security weapons of this size are normal some security guards at condos and etc.


deereverie t1_ixz1007 wrote

A lot of people sadly means that there's a greater chance of an active shooter


srddave t1_ixx3iwu wrote

That’s the Bergen Town Center?
Are those rifles?

I am not used to seeing cops with rifles like that except in the subway/transit centers, and once inside of the Barbie Department in a Soriana in Mexico City. Have people seen this in other shopping malls in NJ?


DelayedContours OP t1_ixx9gfo wrote

Same that's why I was surprised. I guess that's just the climate we are in now, also Bergen is a somewhat affluent area so I guess they can afford these activities.


srddave t1_ixxb1j4 wrote

Well I am wondering if maybe there was a specific threat.

Seeing these guys in the shopping mall really does bring us one step closer to developing countries with high levels of violence, which I guess we have—considering all the mass shooting events.


love2Vax t1_ixzmv9x wrote

Summer of 2019 I went up to Alaska for a family vacation. Just north of Anchorage, we dropped into a small shopping center with a JoAnns fabric store. There was a security guard in full police tactical gear with a rifle inside the store. It did not make us comfortable thinking about why they would want that level of armorment in a store that sells sewing machines and craft stuff. After leaving we, searched maps and found it was really close to an impoverished trailer park.


srddave t1_ixzn46x wrote

Oh man you are talking about the Northway Mall I think. It’s a pretty notorious mall. I just watched a dead mall video on it last week.


Btdrnks2021 t1_ixzmi18 wrote

Those “developing” countries probably have less violence.


srddave t1_ixznaqd wrote

Nah. I have friends from Honduras and El Salvador and those places have MUCH higher levels of violence than the US.


chungusscru t1_iy0fjjh wrote

In my home country all the major malls and hotels have this. Violence is not common but over a decade a go there was attacks on some hotels and tourism took a hit. Since then security was upped and nothing has happened since.


srddave t1_iy0g5vj wrote

I have worked all around the world and I have only seen police with rifles like this in hotels in the developing world (where they are very common). What is your home country?


chungusscru t1_iy0ly0p wrote

Jordan its for sure a devoliping country some parts are very modern while other parts not so much. I think because its so normaized it doesnt make as worried (plus its pretty close to some natiobs at war) but seeing armed guards at tge malls here honestly worries me a tad.


aspoels t1_ixy8flp wrote

I’ve seen lots of cops with rifles both at BCC and at the GSP. More often than not tbh


vc1914 t1_ixyvp05 wrote

I used to see them roam GSP years ago when I was working there. It’s was not a common thing but they patrolled from time to time with long rifles.


guacamole579 t1_ixzev17 wrote

There have been a lot of robberies and attempted abductions at BTC in recent years so I can see mall management hiring police to patrol the area during heightened shopping times. Its a really popular mall for parents with young kids and people do not feel safe. The close proximity to rt4 makes it an easy target-Unless you get stuck in traffic. Lol Same situation with GSP.


srddave t1_ixznebq wrote

Oh interesting! Thanks for that. I always feel safe there…so interesting to hear that.


JudyLyonz t1_ixwnfbn wrote

Welcome to the holidays.


Intelligent_Ear_4004 t1_ixxv74z wrote

Nothing is normal about this. Especially considering we are taking about Maywood and Paramus cops. Cops need to stop playing soldier


benjimyboy t1_iy0fo1x wrote

NJ is a blue state. I thought Democrats defunded the police lol.


Intelligent_Ear_4004 t1_iy0x89y wrote

If people would only do some research. Even at the federal level - the Biden admin throws more money at cops than trumps admin. But don’t tell Fox News.


benjimyboy t1_iy1liaq wrote

Yep. Must be too busy researching COVID conspiracies


OnlyRogueSquirrels t1_iy05qsv wrote

This is a normal counterterrorism deployment to the Bergen County malls for the holiday season. These rapid deployment teams have existed for many years and are part of New Jersey’s Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), a homeland security program.

From 2018:

From 2020:


logan44man t1_ixxev51 wrote

I missed when it was the bergen mall


Educational_Paint987 t1_ixzi3ii wrote

I think they are reacting to recent news of shootings in malls / walmarts. They did same with schools last time there was a school shooting. Not as obvious as this but they had patrols there all day long over a couple of days.

I think its commendable.


stalkedbycats t1_ixxox5o wrote

Is that a suppressed rifle hes holding?


leschampignons t1_ixymzcg wrote

I was wondering that too but I think it may be a flash hider.


sailtothestars t1_ixyqv3g wrote

Yes, lots of depts will provide suppressors to specialty trained officers so they don’t blow out their hearing and everyone around them’s hearing if, heaven forbid, they have to take a shot indoors.


BigJohn662 t1_ixyzfyg wrote

I do feel safer seeing armed officers in malls and the gsp, but It saddens me that is going to be the norm given all the problems our country faces today. No where is safe nowadays.


MyLilPwny24 t1_iy052aw wrote

Shocking the amount of people with no Law enforcement background commenting on what is "normal" or "excessive" for the police to carry and why. Most NJ departments switched from shotguns in the cars to patrol rifles to deal with criminals using rifles. Not "assault rifles", ANY rifles. Handguns are much more difficult to hit their target at a distance and police need to be able to engage at a distance if need be. It's the same reason we now block streets during live events and street fairs with the Town's garbage trucks, buses etc. In case some POS wants to drive through another Christmas parade. Departments have to adapt to combat what criminals might or may do in any given situation.


Web_Sleuth47 t1_ixzql8z wrote

I think its because of the increased threat to stores for robberies and just plain craziness. I don’t mind them at all especially @GSP where theres constantly something going on with kids hanging out by AMC.


discreetburneracc t1_ixzw43j wrote

Yeah, because kids hanging out near a movie theater requires lethal force


Web_Sleuth47 t1_ixzxp2f wrote

If it keeps these kids from destroying properties and hurting innocent mall shoppers & patrons then so be it. These thugs do not belong to places where families are simply trying to go about their lives and enjoying time.


discreetburneracc t1_ixzxx8a wrote

Your first comment said “kids” and now this comment says “thugs.” So which is it? Are these children hanging out or thugs assaulting random shoppers? Or do you just not like the way the kids look? Like what is the real issue you’re even talking about because I haven’t heard about any shoppers being assaulted by children at the mall.


Web_Sleuth47 t1_iy0sxr6 wrote

Kids that act like thugs. No I love kids that are respectful and knows how to have clean fun. I am pretty sure it does not take much to differentiate between the two groups of kids!


discreetburneracc t1_iy1klid wrote

So they’re not assaulting people, you just don’t like them. Got it


Web_Sleuth47 t1_iy1nslw wrote

Anyone really likes thugs? And there have been assaults.


ranna2018 t1_ixziyg1 wrote

Worked in GSP for years. Armed cops have strolled on busy Saturdays for years. Definitely more frequent though the past year or two in particular though.


necronomnomnom t1_iy0ai5g wrote

There was probably an armed and dangerous criminal who had already been caught and detained by unarmed civilians a few hours ago and they just got the o.k. that it was safe to go in.


My_user_name_1 t1_ixxm3m5 wrote

Around 06-07 I remember seeing a NJSP helicopter around a coupw of Malls during the Xmas rush


mikebanetbc t1_ixylvmb wrote

Bergen County doesn’t fuck around. 🔫🤨


Aggressive-Rain t1_ixzqbrp wrote

also saw this in paramus park mall yesterday


NYKallDay123 t1_iy0ieez wrote

At first I was put off by this when I saw them in GSP yesterday, but with the multiple mass shootings just in the past few days this is necessary until real change can be made.


lov3street_ t1_iy0rtp1 wrote

I saw that!!! It was on Saturday


jonbagnato t1_ixzodft wrote

It’s simply cause effect higher escalation of force (crime) higher the response of enforcement.

No state is paying these people over time or paying for extra “enforcement” if there wasn’t a tangible “need”

NJ is a Democratic stronghold with a governor that will eventually become a presidential candidate, I doubt he wants pictures like this circulating but equally he doesn’t want his state to fall to complete trash like New York or California.

NYC and Cali have the highest concentration of rich people (roughly 160 billionaires live in CA and 125 or so live in NYC) these are the two highest depots of billionaires globally, NJ doesn’t rank that high- but the power in NJ is substantial.

FBI/CIA run operations regularly. All up and down the GSP, their are more known terrorists in NJ than any other state, (Monmouth county being a stronghold)

Regardless of all this NJ remains a fairly safe state. We pay for it tho a lot. But seeing armed “law enforcement” or the future “corporate soldier’s (paid security by large corporations that can afford armed guards)”

We hope in any case of an “active shooter” we hope that we have the appropriate response to protect anyone that could be in danger.

And lastly maybe there’s something going on that none of us have any remote idea about yet we snap a photo like this and people speculate.

So speculate knowing only so much that we will Probably never really “know”