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hfhifi t1_ixt2kup wrote

It’s the greatest City in the world. It’s the cultural and financial center of our country. If you are from North Jersey, NYC is in your DNA because of proximity and because your parents or grandparents came from one of the Boroughs. I was the first person on both sides of a large family to be born in NJ and not a Borough.

No NYC: no Jersey bagels, deli, Chinese food and so many other things.


scarletknut t1_ixtvp19 wrote

you cannot claim Italian pastry and pizza. There is an endemic Italian population here in NJ that was making and selling those products to the public at the same time as their New York counterparts— most of them never lived in NYC


sutisuc t1_ixx3kxr wrote

What we think of as NY/NJ pizza was first developed in NYC though


[deleted] t1_ixv42l8 wrote



Isosceles_Kramer_ t1_ixvcz1b wrote

I think the “New Yorkers” you’re referring to are just self-aware New Jerseyans.

NYC has food (both diversity and quality), entertainment (nightlife, broadway), culture significantly above Jersey.

It’s unfair to Jersey as a state to say we have better stuff to NY in those regards. We’re great in our own regard.


CrashZ07 t1_ixvcjnp wrote

My grandparents are from Newark and my great grandparents are from Italy so no not everyone comes from one of the boroughs. Having a cultural impact on surrounding areas isn’t the same thing as saying everyone’s family is a transplant from the city.


hfhifi t1_ixvdo51 wrote

Of course. My in laws were second generation and their parents entered the US in Boston. Ironically, they moved to Edison when my father in law got an insane job offer from a large corporation in the Garment district. And Edison was a much nicer place to live in the 70s than Dorchester, Massachusetts. Still is.


ballinallday123 t1_ixvfuqi wrote

This isn’t true. My great great parents from Italy and Germany came straight to North Jersey. That’s a big misconception that NJ people all have NY/Philly roots, a lot do not. New Jersey also makes all the food you listed better imo and it has nothing to do with New York, they all had their own food joints born and bred in Jersey.


hfhifi t1_ixvis7x wrote

I just replied to someone else that my in-laws parents came into the US via Boston. My father in law moved to Edison because he was offered a monster job in Manhattan. He still has a Boston accent


My_user_name_1 t1_iy0un8n wrote

Agree. My grandparents settled in Trenton right off the boat. My parents grew up there


hfhifi t1_ixvme2a wrote

P.S. American Bagels originated from the Lower East Side by Jewish Polish immigrants. Not NJ. NY deli originated in the same place by German immigrants. Not New Jersey. The first pizzeria was in Boston going back to the 19th Century. Not New Jersey. The first pizzeria in NJ didn't open till 1912. American Chinese restaurants originated in California in the 1850s and came East a few decades later.

Please do your homework before making such statements.

However, I will agree that pizza and bagels are better in NJ than NYC. 2nd best pizza is New Haven.


ballinallday123 t1_iyb4yr3 wrote

And all of those things originated in Europe way prior. It’s not like New York created any of those things. It still doesn’t have anything to do with New York. People are always disrepecting NJ and acting like we are a direct copycat of NY/Philly, could not be more false. The real Jersey people don’t care about NY/Philly the way everybody makes it out to be. I like both but I am not associated with them. New Jersey has it all and it is not because of NY/Philly.


hfhifi t1_iyb9t6i wrote

Sorry. I have to disagree. The NYC bagel and pizza were different than they were in Europe. Legit American pizza (no pineapple ever) is not the same as it was in Naples. Legit American bagels are more doughy and crispier on the outside than the European version. And the practice of putting toppings on (salt, sesame, garlic) started in NYC. Cheesesteak absolutely started in Philly in the 1930s. It is uniquely American and has no European predecessors.

You seem to have a real chip on your shoulder about the origins of Jersey food. I’m happy that our state has improved on them. Fair Lawn Hot Bagels is often rated the best in the country. Anthony Bourdain rated Camden cheesesteak as better than Philly.

Disco fries are about the only food item that I can think of that was invented in NJ although some claim they are a version of poutine.

P.S. New Jersey would still be mostly farmland if not for those 2 cities.


ballinallday123 t1_iybghoa wrote

I completly disagree as well. If they created their own foods with their own origins then yes you fan say one has stole their culture. New York did not invent those foods, Europe did. It’s not like they created an American born food like Pecan pies or Corn dogs. No NJ would not still be farmland if it wasn’t those cities, that could not be farther from the truth. Jersey City became a city in 1618 seven years before New York City. Newark was in the 1600’s. as well. Those two cities are a large part of what makes Jersey go. You can also say how much NJ people has helped build up NYC/Philly as well with how much we have supported those cities for over 100 years. NJ is just getting started on getting revitalized and every part of this state will be.


sutisuc t1_ixx3fqd wrote

What makes you think it’s the greatest city in the world?


hfhifi t1_ixx4uxe wrote

I’m not going to get into this with you. It’s a stupid question. Most of the world feels it is.

If not NYC, then what do you think is? London? Paris? Shanghai? Tokyo? Those are good answers too.


sutisuc t1_ixx5f49 wrote

Yeah I’d say paris personally. I like to ask people because I feel like people just default to that claim so I’m always curious what makes people think that.


hfhifi t1_ixx7pgc wrote

OK. Paris is better than NYC in cuisine , culture and history. Hands down. Unfortunately, it is populated by Parisians who are the rudest people I’ve ever experienced in the world with the exception of Muscovites.

NYC has the 2nd best food and a much broader range of ethnic food. New York has far greater diversity. The people are way nicer than the French. You can get by in NYC if you don’t speak English whereas you can’t get the time of day in Paris if you don’t speak French. I speak high school French yet they pretend they can’t understand me.


sutisuc t1_ixxf6ln wrote

That was a great breakdown, thanks for sharing.


hfhifi t1_ixxyxpu wrote

Forgot to mention that French wait staff in NY somehow understand my French perfectly. New York is welcoming: Paris isn’t.