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dexecuter18 t1_j1kpm6s wrote

Damn, was clearer than normal when I went home Southbound between 127 and 98 around 5:30 wheres everyone going.


iforgetthings22 OP t1_j1kpsys wrote

Unfortunately we had 3 speed racers fly past us going 90+ and two of them were part of the accident. Please everyone be safe tonight. Let’s enjoy the holidays and new years with our families and friends!


LeagueMysterious2896 t1_j1kqswt wrote

I was considering leaving my house today, but after seeing this I'm glad I didn't 🤣


scrubjays t1_j1kwbhg wrote

There may be several people in those cars who have never seen someone change a tire before.


thefudd t1_j1lla0s wrote

backroads baby, nice and clear yesterday


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1m4njs wrote

>3 speed racers fly past us going 90+ and two of them were part of the accident

Where are those people that say they are just "fast drivers" and that if you're not fast driver just move over from the left lane, those guy know what they are doing and it's not your business anyways?

Well looks like it is, when you stand in traffic created by possibly fatal accident involving "fast drivers"


scrubjays t1_j1m76mf wrote

It is sarcasm, should probably have an /s. I never cease to be amazed how often in NJ I am in a slowdown or traffic jam, and it is rubberneckers looking at a person change a tire, often in the opposite lane! Meaning there is not even a good reason to slow down for safety. There is a full blown Jersey barrier between them and the tire changer. In my dreams, every driver would try to give room to people on the side of the road, and keep traffic moving.


audaciousgummybears t1_j1m7rn2 wrote

I wouldnt conflate this sort of reckless driving with people who go like 10 above the speed limit. I absolutely believe slower drivers should stay out of the left lane, and I also know that with ‘racers’ like this they swerve through lanes anyways.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j1memmx wrote

>it is a law to move out of the left lane for faster traffic

The law says you should use the left lane to pass the slower traffic on the right. Nowhere does it say you should move over for a faster-than-you car.

update. I was actually (partially) wrong here, as in some states the interpretation is that you have to move over from the left lane even when the car behind you is speeding, and you're not below the speed limit.


BlackWhiteRedYellow t1_j1mhfts wrote

“Slower traffic keep right” signs are posted everywhere. It’s amazing that so many people have trouble interpreting those signs. You are being passed if you are in the left lane going slower than people behind you.

Forcing them to pass on the right or slow down to match your speed creates either unsafe conditions at worst or traffic at best.

Just because you think your are justified in your speed in the left lane because you’re inching past the middle lane doesn’t mean it’s lawful.


Smacpats111111 t1_j1mn3xm wrote

You should pass cars going at least 10mph faster than them. Any less and it takes you so long to pass that you’re barely even passing, and people will go around in the far right lane. It’s also just not safe to hang out next to cars, ideally you want to be in front or behind them.


Smacpats111111 t1_j1mnk4c wrote

No, I’ll take a guess based on context (that they were supposedly racing) that these guys get some sort of thrill from cutting through lanes. That’s very different from people who just want the left lane to be open so they can drive 85 in a straight line and get home a few minutes quicker.


ardent_wolf t1_j1mwnc7 wrote

Look at the red lights! Loving the Christmas spirit ❤️


LavenderMenacexxx t1_j1my1km wrote

I drove past this last night going south. Bunch of people speeding last night, almost had someone side swipe us.


SD-777 t1_j1nrf4u wrote

>​Just because you think your are justified in your speed in the left lane because you’re inching past the middle lane doesn’t mean it’s lawful.

Seems like a contradiction, if they are still passing traffic on the right then they are being lawful. That's what I see 99% of the time during my daily 1 hour commute, cars in the left lane slowly passing cars in the middle lane. Except the cars passing on the left aren't passing fast enough for some, even though the regular flow of speed in the left lane is 10-15 mph over the limit. At that point I won't harp on who is breaking the law going over the speed limit as I regularly follow the flow of traffic just like most do.

I just wish that drivers would understand basic physics and realize that cutting off someone leaving a 2 car distance in front of them means they are still stuck in that same traffic lane at the same speed, maybe they will get to their destination 0.0000827 seconds faster. It's really rare I see someone get ahead a few cars, and then magically the highway opens up into total open road.


SD-777 t1_j1nseqq wrote

Doing 85 in a straight line never happens, at least not during my commutes. You are more likely going with the flow of traffic, usually 75mph if there is only light traffic around (at least on the GSP where I drive it). 30 miles @ 75mph = 24 minutes. 30 miles @ 85mph = 21.11 minutes. It's always fascinating to me that those less than 3 minutes are so important to some. Yeah I get it, add up the 3 minutes over a lifetime, but then subtract the high blood pressure and risk factors.


Smacpats111111 t1_j1nya6y wrote

85 is hard on the parkway during a busy time but on some of the 65mph interstates (ie, 78, 287) you can get long stretches of 85mph, especially during somewhat off-peak times. I kind of agree with what you're saying with the time save, but you usually average a few mph slower than your top speed on the whole drive, so 80-85 is often worthwhile so that you can average high 70s.


Jaydog718 t1_j1szfhp wrote

People are just too stupid 🤦