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bligh8 t1_j1zfm7r wrote

There is a cannabis underground operating right b4 our eyes. Last Friday from 6pm to 11 pm there was an open sale for a 20 dollar entrance fee. There were 15 venders there from Camden to Long Island. Prices were reasonable and wide range of products. Dig deep into Facebook where there is a sub-set of post covering this. no taxes, no lines.


The3mpyrean t1_j1zm1vm wrote

Or dedicate a failing industrial, commercial area to be redone as “weed” mall. I.e like santa Ana in CA does. Most of dispos are in one industrial area.

Instead of putting a strip mall on route 27 that will fail, put a large parking lot with 3 dispos next to each other.


fuzzy_dunlop_221 t1_j1zuawv wrote

Pretty much. A lot of these events do have some decent plugs but some of them also sell boof bullshit products.

A lot of growers too. Grand majority of them aren't great but there's a good amount of decent to amazing growers in the black market that put these dispensaries to shame. I'm a medical patient and I haven't gone back to a dispensary in several months. Just no point when your plug is getting you stuff from craft shops from Maine. California too but it's way pricier and generally not as fresh.

I see these events happen every month or so but a lot og these plugs operate off of Instagram or telegram.


Ribeye_King t1_j20311u wrote

I'm sure that the tax revenues will be spent wisely on funding drug treatment and prevention programs as well as schools, and that the money won't immediately be diverted into the general fund. NJ is well-known for its careful stewardship of tax dollars after all.


rockmasterflex t1_j2082t2 wrote

Your final statement is absolutely incorrect. The demand for a guy wanting a six pack is universally high, but so is supply.

The only reason there are lines is the lack of businesses selling it. The constraint on supply.

You can continue to thank politicians for this because they only want the “Amazons of weed” to win, not small businesses.


fuzzy_dunlop_221 t1_j20ejfw wrote

Breakwater is ok but they are kinda inconsistent and dry and when it's dry it can feel terpless. Also some of their strains just lack in potency. Maybe I just have a high tolerance.

They're the best dispo in NJ as far as I'm concerned, but they're also the only decent dispo in a sea of bad MSOs so it's also not saying much. Love their pheno hunts and small batches events. More dispos need to do that. I go to a local grower and he does pheno hunt boxes and it's the best. His stuff puts boujie craft brands from Cali and Maine to shame. I think once the legal industry settles in more, people will realize that a meticulous grower who puts TLC in it is incomparable and likely won't be toppled by industrial scale growth cultivars aka dispensaries weed will never be as good as it should be.

I would love to see what this grower can do with some seeds of Animal Face because as it is in the rec market, great strains like grease monkey and animal Mints are considered boofs.


The3mpyrean t1_j20ftsr wrote

That came out way more passive aggressive than i thought it would.

Creates more competition, which in turn THEORETICALLY should lower prices, increase product quality and force those dispos to sell quality stuff, otherwise your potential customer will just go next door who’ll sell it for better price and better quality.


Jake_FromStateFarm27 t1_j20g2m4 wrote

>they are kinda inconsistent and dry and when it's dry it can feel terpless. Also some of their strains just lack in potency. Maybe I just have a high tolerance.

Never once gotten dry bud from there nor has anyone I known gone there gotten dry bud, it's easily the most consistent and best in program for med patients. Always tasted terp profiles fine as well. Potency is average although higher potencies are not necessarily good or better and there are even plenty of studies now showing that higher than normal THC potentcies can actual be detrimental.

>They're the best dispo in NJ as far as I'm concerned, but they're also the only decent dispo in a sea of bad MSOs so it's also not saying much

I've been to Maine and they are pretty on par imo with their dispensaries just wish they had more availability and selection but they are a restricted grower rn which is unfortunate.

>Love their pheno hunts and small batches events. More dispos need to do that.

That we agree on! It's also good for the plant itself as more hybridization yields better cannabis in the future generations for the strain.

>I think once the legal industry settles in more, people will realize that a meticulous grower who puts TLC in it is incomparable and likely won't be toppled by industrial scale growth cultivars

Also agree! I think a lot of people in the general sub here do not realize the impact of limiting market access has done to our cannabis industry, but at the same time we are reaching the one year mark of legal weed. That said I have heard good things from inside that there should be more small businesses opening up in general this year as many more growers were given licenses this past year to begin cultivation.


The3mpyrean t1_j20hb7f wrote

If you put AYR, Zen Lead and Apothecarium next to each other, assuming Kind Tree is higher quality than the other two.

You’d go to apothecarium unless the other two would either offer better prices OR better quality than Kind Tree/Cookies. Ayr and Zen would be forced to either drop prices or improve their quality.

Now when selection of dispos are very minimal, you go to either the one thats closest to You, or the one thats reasonably close but sells cheaper.

But knowing NJ and that those 4 co’s run the scene, you’d have price fixing. (Which is what’s happening now.)


fuzzy_dunlop_221 t1_j20hwba wrote

Well with Breakwater we will agree to disagree.

Sure go ahead with the downvotes but it's just not worth driving 2 hours there and back for products that I get are inconsistent and nothing people say on reddit will change that and they're not good enough to justify 2 hour drive when I can get someone who delivers Maine stuff to my door. On top of that it's fair to say cannabis affects everyone differently so if you like it more power to you. I dry herb vape so terps are very important to me and inconsistencies stick out like a sore thumb.

I've been told people never got chloroform tasting weed from Rise yet I've gotten them all the time from strains I get many times to know it's not normal so let's just say people get different batches and maybe you're very lucky with BW. I'm not alone with that and that still doesn't change that they lack in potency.

Fwiw There's a lot of bad Maine cultivars like Green Truck. You can't tell me though Breakwater is anywhere near on par with Maine Craft Cannabis, Frost Factory, Bissell Buds or Mentation though. So I agree being in a better state doesn't automatically mean you will be protected from the bs in our state just like how being in the Grey market doesn't automatically mean people are getting good/better weed. Also, even for cultivars that I find are on par with BW like Native Relief and Skunkfoot, they're still way cheaper than BW so again 2 hour drive for expensive weed or no drive for cheaper weed that I think is better. It's a win win and I think it's fair to say cannabis is a medicine that affects people differently. I gave BW credit where it's due. No need to downvote because I don't like your tribe. People were raving about the papaya strain from BW but imo that strain was nothing special. Papaya strains are nothing new.

BW really just needs a solid competition imo to take them to the next step.

As for the final point in regards to grower wirh tlc vs industrial corporate growth, price issues causing dispensaries to close down in California. Something to consider.


L0pkmnj t1_j20mo83 wrote

>NJ is well-known for its careful stewardship of tax dollars after all.

Careful now. Someone might read this and take it seriously. Hell, a government funded study might use it as a talking point.


ThereAreDozensOfUs t1_j20wezr wrote

The only time for me that Bellmawr has been bad was start up and this last week. Monday wasn’t great. I usually go during the day when I have off and the line is less than 5 mins.

Tell me about the selection. I haven’t had an issue with the selection. I usually just grab 1/8 of something cheap, some edibles, and go on my way


meatball402 t1_j20xel6 wrote

>Comparing a dispensary to your local liquor is not a good analogy that many lawmakers are using. The demand for recreational weed is massive compared to the guy who wants a 6-pack.

There's so many differences, and they are all imposed by legislature.

Theres no chance they would allow more than one dispensary in most towns, where there are 3 to 4 liquor stores in any given town (at least, there's usually more. A lot more)

There's fewer restrictions on homebrewing alcohol, which can literally kill you if done incorrectly.

People will come out against a dispensary before they come out against another liquor store.


warrensussex t1_j2124r6 wrote

There's only 30 dispensaries, medical and recreational, in the state. Over 1,500 liquor stores and over 7,000 bars/restaurants. If there were only 30 places in the state to buy alcohol there would be a civil unrest and the hospitals would be full of alcoholics going through withdrawal.


Human-Pick8435 t1_j21di4m wrote

I refuse to drive 20-30 mins to the closest dispensary, so I can wait another 15-20 mins in line, just to get raped with tax & overpriced bud.

I’ll continue to go to underground dispos that offer the connivence, no lines or waiting, and zero tax.

There’s some shady shit going on bc only a handful of dispensaries are collecting all the real money from a state with a massive population.

Sucks bc that tax revenue could be 5-10X more than it is, they just making poor decisions at the cost of the consumer!!!


Beelocks21 t1_j22g79r wrote

Do I get a tax credit? If I keep receipts 🤔