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333cdh333 t1_j1ocbb9 wrote

For a single person with no financial responsibilities, yes. That’s a good pay. Make sure you are wise with your money. Invest, save, and spend wisely.


anonymous_plus_ultra OP t1_j1ocmx7 wrote

follow up but i want take home to be 5k a month some calculators say i need 84k or 42$/hr to get that

but my math says i need a tiny bit over 76k

What do you think?

and whats the likelihood ill get that? im probably going to over shoot slightly to contest it but i dont know how much either.

th is an offer i got (kinda want to be above median in jersey but thats also all over the place)


333cdh333 t1_j1od4ez wrote

A good tool is Smart Asset - NJ. They’ll give you a rough estimate of your take home pay after taxes. Note this doesn’t include health insurance, STD, 401k, etc.

Without knowing your background and career and stuff, there’s no way to tell you whether or not you’re able to reach a higher salary and to what. A job recruiter or other professional may be helpful with that aspect and as far as how to manage your money, you can look into a professional financial advisor as well.


ohlardalmighty t1_j1ogljo wrote

For $5,000 take-home pay each month, yeah, you need closer to 84k.


ghost_robot2000 t1_j1ohm5n wrote

Yeah I was going to say, I make 78K and my take home is only $4100 per month, would be more like $4300 but I contribute about $200 to my 401K. That's with no health insurance because I'm on my husband's plan through his job.


willypguy t1_j1onhi5 wrote

I make a little over 100k and i take home 5500. You need at least 95-100k to reach 5000 a month. And if you work in NYC, closer to 110k.


fuckimbackonreddit9 t1_j1q22lp wrote

Is this considering retirement deductions and other things? I was making 88k and my take home per month was 5.6k.


Ravenhill-2171 t1_j1qeu1e wrote

Healthcare can be a big factor in take home pay. Could be a person that has a family and the health care costs can be a lot higher.


anonymous_plus_ultra OP t1_j1oh1yj wrote

damn how can that be eesh 5k a month is NOT luxury at all and the work to get up there is kinda bigfrom 73k/76k


ohlardalmighty t1_j1oi3b9 wrote

Sorry, I failed at replying directly to your response to me, OP 🤦‍♀️ See reply further down in comments.


imMakingA-UnityGame t1_j1qkis0 wrote

Welcome to adulthood, where your only two certainties are death and taxes.

Income Tax is a bitch. Wait until you see the taxes you get hit with for owning a house here.

I personally find it worth paying these extras to be near my family/other benefits of NJ life, but I will say if this is a big issue for you there are multiple states that dont have income tax (federal income tax will still apply but its not as bad)


anonymous_plus_ultra OP t1_j1qm6em wrote

worst part is i know ppl who dont make as much as what im offered :,( based on my old min wage job


imMakingA-UnityGame t1_j1qw78c wrote

Oh for sure. Count yourself lucky, its a salary to be proud of. You can not only survive on it but if you learn to budget well you can thrive on it.

I will also say have you tried asking for more? Its extremely common in the negotiating process.

For example my last job I took offered me 80, I said in, professional terms, I feel based on industry standards, cost of living Rises, and comparing to average salary in my field in my area, etc, that 85 would be a more fair compensation. I started the job at 85.

Might work, might not, but I’ve never heard of an offer being taken away because someone asked for more than the initial offer. Worst case is they just hold their ground and your salary is what they offered.


Tough-Giraffe t1_j1od8o9 wrote

No other info than 73k? Sounds cool for a McDonald’s manager pay, sounds terrible if you’re in a more specific profession


pleiop t1_j1ojfiz wrote

In what world does an average McDonald's manager make 73k? Either I'm completely out of touch or you are.


anonymous_plus_ultra OP t1_j1ol3ja wrote

u didnt hear this from me but working as a GM at a certain office supplies store gets you that

and no thats not my industry or job position tyvm


AsBadAsAWetShit t1_j1ovjoq wrote

20 years ago a GM at a Wawa told me he was making 90k, and that gas Wawa GM’s made over $120k