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vibrance9460 t1_j8fyrvp wrote

Setting up another “new office”?

Over a year ago the pentagon let two pilots go on 60 minutes and talk UFOs.

About six months later Obama said on Colbert and Corden that there is footage, and archived photos of things we do not understand.

Forward another six months and Congress has created an office dedicated to UAP.

All branches of government have been pointing towards disclosure for quite a while

The reaction of most people has just been “shrug”


Owain451 t1_j8g5xyj wrote

I mean, aren't they kind of basically just admitting to a secret we all kind of assumed was possible anyway?

I think we're all kind of holding our breath to hear what they are definitively, if we even get that. The implications of what these objects are could change our understanding of the universe we live in, and I care far more about that then if the government "knew all along".

If it's true, it's not that hard to believe.


InternationalCut2610 t1_j8gsxd6 wrote

Some of the outspoken UFO researchers for years, maybe even decades have been saying the reason that the government won't disclose is because they are interdimensional phenomena, vs interstellar. Because that would shatter our idea of what reality is.

I've never been sold on it, mostly very skeptical. But I'm a little more open to it now that our government is slowly acknowledging things that they for decades said didn't exist, have been monitored, recorded and we can't explain it.


lunchypoo222 t1_j8h3jbz wrote

Inter-dimensional travel is something I can easily suspend my disbelief for, simply because the universe as we know it is so vast and uncharted. I know zilch about astrophysics and really zilch about most other physics in general. But nature is comprised of some pretty surprising things. I guess the adage of ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ comes to mind. Either that or I’m just ignorant and easily convinced, haha


FapMeNot_Alt t1_j8ijkac wrote

I've seen gasses combine to create solids, inedible clothing turned into juice and hard metal pulled from liquid medicine.

All of these are essentially magic to me, even after the time I've put into learning chemistry and understanding the changes occurring. If inter-dimensional travel was announced tomorrow I would be fascinated, but there's no reason to think it's impossible. We just haven't figured out how to do it yet.


RedRocket4000 t1_j8gdk4z wrote

Goes with my idea past forty years. They been hiding the fact they know very little of what this actually is. Basically a we don’t want to sound like we don’t know anything and try to forget about it till now. This would go with historical fact it near impossible to keep long term secrets.


vibrance9460 t1_j8gh80e wrote

I think UFOs are our biggest secret. And yes they have kept it secret. Black operations, completely off the books with shell company inside shell company- this is a well-known fact. Even presidents have been denied access.

That’s how we got the Gillibrand Amendment. Admiral Tom Wilson, who should have legally had oversight access, was categorically denied access to these programs. After 50 or 60 years of stonewalling while receiving massive black ops funding, Wilson got Congress pissed off -leading to the amendment with coming “amnesty” for those that signed NDAs, regular classified and public briefings on the topic as well as the establishment of an official UAP office.


[deleted] t1_j8i82vk wrote

But why would they keep it such a big secret? I think most people generally accept that aliens with interstellar travel capabilities are something that is possible. Most people wouldn’t be/weren’t surprised when the government said “yeah, there are some objects flying around we can’t identify why, weird, huh?”

Even if the government verified that beyond a shadow of a doubt these objects were extraterrestrial in origin, I doubt there would be any big upheaval. Most people would believe it, some would think the government was lying, and after a week or two where it was all anyone talked about, life would go on like normal. Maybe with an uptick of interest in astronomy.

Why would every single government in the world agree to keep this knowledge secret? What is the benefit to them?


vibrance9460 t1_j8j1uxb wrote

Major studies in the past have shown society would completely lose it if aliens just showed up on earth. I think there has already been a long steady slow disclosure so that even now people are far more accustomed to the idea.

Imagine Billy Bob in Arkansas, with his shotgun and his family behind him, meeting a strange alien. How would that go? People can’t even handle immigrants from other states. I know that as a Californian I am, right now, almost universally despised in Arkansas. And I am a good American.

Imagine if we suddenly had cold fusion or anti-gravity propulsion, maybe through reverse engineering. Totally free energy.

Imagine what that would do to the oil industry, upon which the world’s economy is based. Like suddenly we didn’t need it anymore.

Again, massive societal collapse.


[deleted] t1_j8gnztr wrote

They even released gun camera footage of UAPs going faster than anything we can make can. Everyone seems to have forgotten since it was during the pandemic.

Whatever this was doesn't seem to be that though.


onarainyafternoon t1_j8iqsu0 wrote

I don't think people have forgotten, it's just that so many people just assume it was a camera malfunction or something like that (talking specifically about the tic-tac footage). They don't believe it was extra-terrestrial. My opinion? All of the people saying it's a camera malfunction or parallax effect are completely missing the fact that we have actual eye-witnesses to these phenomena from the Navy pilots. I don't necessarily believe it's aliens or something like that, but I'm also open to explanations that don't involve some confluence of unlikely events involving camera malfunctions and the like.