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emolga587 t1_it7u4eh wrote

Hopefully something like this and not something more sinister.


Cricketcaser t1_it7ukmc wrote

Hopefully not a killed his family to protect them from some kabal situation


Nihilismisanthrope t1_it80pit wrote

Yes, I much prefer normal disappearances. Alien abductions, Murder hotels, the usual stuff.


Urgonnahateme4ever t1_it8293a wrote

If there's no mental health issues perhaps there in fact was something or someone after them... people are so quick to dismiss illogical actions without we've giving thought or credence to what these people are actually saying.


JungleCatStevens t1_it82b9s wrote

Sounds to me like the father could be experiencing a psychotic break and perhaps fled his home to escape the "people after him" or "the CIA" or something similiarly delusional. Hopefully they are okay, if it is mental health I really hope he gets the help he needs.


GallowBarb t1_it855vq wrote

I read or heard somewhere that the two sons were autistic, but I can't seem to find any confirmation on that.

Edit- a word


MsAnonymouse84 t1_it85oyc wrote

Another conspiracy-obsessed Fox News Father who murdered his family maybe? Wouldn’t surprise me, there’s been two already.


Imakemop t1_it88mcw wrote

Just looking at the whole family makes me uncomfortable. Whatever crazy shit we learn about them will not be surprising.


cornnndoggg_ t1_it89i4m wrote

Isn't this pretty similar to what happened in Walled Lake in September? Granted, that was violent, and immediate, but the same foundational detail between both cases. I think the Walled Like family annihilation thing was actually the morning of, or day after, 9/11. I thought I read the father had been having similar delusions about the events of 9/11.

edit: this case, and it looks like it was the morning of 9/11.


catfishman85 t1_it8bxyi wrote

Damn. Something about hardcore followers of Abrahamic religions and weird conspiracies. Oh wait. Core tenets.


malphonso t1_it8cbtb wrote

You mean Bill Cooper? While Jones might have modeled himself after Bill, he definitely wasn't mentored by him. Bill Cooper hated Alex Jones and would frequently call him out as a fake or government plant.


HIM_Darling t1_it8cpvk wrote

Kind of weird they left grandma and the pets behind to die I guess? If grandma hadn't been found wandering the neighborhood how long would they have gone without care before anyone realized the family was missing?


ZalmoxisRemembers t1_it8it30 wrote

There are phone scams going around these days that threaten to kill you and your whole family claiming they are from cartels unless a large sum of money is paid. Sometimes these scammers also use phone #s to track the people’s personal info down and use that to further try to extort money from them. I think not enough coverage of this has been done in the media but you can look it up there are a lot of people experiencing this.


cornnndoggg_ t1_it8uljs wrote

Not really. I live about 10 miles from where it happened. There was quite a bit more talk about it locally, and it went quite a bit deeper in detail. I am saying that there is quite a bit of familiarity between the two stories, and there are also many other stories that have happened recently that also share those similarities. Honestly, I am not really sure what is the point you're trying to make?

Look at my post history. If I was concerned about karma I wouldn't spend half my time talking about Civilization 6.


AndyB1976 t1_it8ux2z wrote

OMG! You're on to something here. Very sinister and manipulative. Look! He has 12 upvotes in only 2 hours! Thank god you're here to call him out for his disgusting behavior.


colemine63 t1_it8ydzt wrote

One kid looks exactly like the dad and the other looks exactly like the mom. Interesting to me.


SofieTerleska t1_it95iy9 wrote

That's not very helpful unless they give further details, though. "Autistic" can mean anything from "Doesn't speak and needs diapers" to "you wouldn't know it at first glance."


s1227 t1_it97759 wrote

The dad killed them all. It’s so obvious.


Solleil t1_it9bxou wrote

What's going on with these family kidnappings/disappearances lately?


Trance354 t1_it9dsmw wrote

Dad's in a cabin deep in the woods. Mom and sons? 50/50. Not necessarily dead, more like they might have had a moment of clarity and noped the f&ck out.


Irishjohn831 t1_it9hapf wrote

Premeditated insanity defense from father who wiped out his whole family, leaving the person who would have no recall ?


REDWlNELOVER t1_it9irh3 wrote

They have been spotted in the U.P. at a gas station.


irwinlegends t1_it9l52z wrote

The day before they went missing he called 911 asking for an officer to be sent to his home for protection. He believed that he had uncovered some information about the 9/11 attacks and was scared for his life.


Willing_Nose7674 t1_ita68mt wrote

When I first hear family of four missing I think of the McStay family, that was so bizarre and still hasn't been completely explained in my opinion. Suddenly disappeared without a trace in 2010, food left out, dogs in the yard. Car found abandoned by the Mexico border, surveillance tape seeming to show the whole family crossing the border at night. No one ever hears from the family again.

Investigators find searches on the home computer about documents needed to travel to Mexico. Reports are the father Joseph had been ill for months and doctors couldn't diagnose what was wrong with him. Also reports the mother Summer had a bad temper and there were marriage problems.

In 2013 shallow graves are discovered in the desert and the remains of the McStay family is found. A former business associate of Joseph McStay, is arrested for the killings. After going to trial in 2020 Chase Merritt is sentenced to death for the crimes. He claims he is innocent.

Then there's the Merced CA family that was kidnapped and killed recently, Jasdeep Singh, his wife, baby daughter and brother. All found brutally murdered. A former employee of the family business, Jesus Salgado, has been charged in this crime. He has pleaded not guilty.

And now we have this case. I hope there is a better outcome but it doesn't sound good.


Bekiala t1_ita6jtu wrote

That is a really interesting read. I wonder why. I tend to think they had some chemical exposure that caused it.

Our brains can really become our enemies.


origamipapier1 t1_itavp96 wrote

If this case ends up similar, I highly suspect or suggest that the FBI look into the computers of this family and look for patterns in internet activity to that one. Dark web history, regular web history. Anything that links these cases together. This could potentially be a situation where a particular website/conspiracy group is driving people into full blown paranoia.

Enough societal stress, and enough brainwashing (think psychological breaking, which can be done and has been in the past) and you get people that snap.

Also, these two cases are the same state..

Commonality 1.


kbrook_ t1_itbh0zn wrote

They live around my neck of the woods, will have to keep my eyes open.


CupHot508 t1_itbqzzn wrote

One article said that they had been going to a Christian day school, before being pulled out to be homeschooled. I don’t like that at all. Plus the mom and boys are SO skinny… maybe things weren’t as “happy family” as people thought


cornnndoggg_ t1_itbu8h7 wrote

I personally think there is definitely similarity between the two generally, but I am trying to think of it more locally. While I would normally say that there is a pretty big divide between the southeast and southwest of the state, the specific area of the southeast where the first case happened is not really all that different.

The southwest is known for being very conservative and very Christian, which seems to be prerequisites for Qanon. It's not so homogenous in the southeast... well it generally isn't, with the exception of this area. Sure, when you get north of major metropolitan areas, in like Almont, Romeo, Richmond, or Metamora, you run into a lot more of it, but areas even north of hall road are still mixed, like Washington or Rochester Hills. There just happens to be this strange pocket through Waterford, the lakes, and continuing east through northern Sterling Heights that is extremely galvanized in not only being Christian and conservative, but performatively Trump supporting, which I have noticed only makes Qanon beliefs a lot more common. I live in that area, and I always considered the Trump parades an element of deeply supporting areas, and not something I would ever see... until they were happening here every day.

A lot of these people have spent 6+ years believing, and nuancing their beliefs in that whole grift, and many of them went even deeper by reading into Qanon and opening themselves to some pretty insane conspiracies. The more you think about it, the less surprising it becomes that we are seeing things like this now.


big_nothing_burger t1_itby17f wrote

My dad will repeatedly tell me he's not a conspiracy nut like Alex Jones because Alex Jones is the plant in place to make "real" conspiracy theorists look crazy. Dad said he never followed him but he sure did buy his 9/11 Truther DVDs...also he believes 95% the same nonsense that Jones sells.

Ah...those failing mental faculties.


cornnndoggg_ t1_ithjpca wrote

I get the joke, but it's pretty commonly known that hall road is a division line in terms of a lot of things. The history behind it is interesting, since it's basically the marker of what could be considered a second white flight in the northern suburbs, when people who originally moved to areas like Warren and St. Clair Shores decided they hadn't moved far enough once more people moved to those areas.

But this is true everywhere. I noticed the ideological divides almost down to the street when I lived in Louisville, Seattle, and Phoenix especially. Detroit's history of it is just way more emphasized.


NAGDABBITALL t1_itopcjg wrote

So what's the prognosis?.....nobody's saying.