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Its_Nitsua t1_iyi5llo wrote

The Republicans may be more brazen in their attempts to abuse democracy to their own and their financial backers benefit; but this is not a trait unique to them.

Reddit gets so caught up in the ‘republicans are the root of all evil’ mentality that we forget the few at the top seek to keep themselves and their friends there at the detriment of the whole.

They are two sides of the same coin, one may seem much more detrimental than the other but the truth is that the metaphorical ‘well’ has been poisoned for a while.

Democrat and Republican government officials as a whole, do much much more for the benefit of billionaires and corporations than they do for the common American.

We need to quit this ‘us vs them’ mentality and focus on the fact that our government is filled with what are essentially the political arms of trillions of dollars of corporate wealth.


caspruce t1_iyicc13 wrote

Let’s get rid of the racist authoritarian seditionist party before we start taking on the Dem billionaire shills.


[deleted] t1_iyio30m wrote



Bagellord t1_iyiuzub wrote

Remind me, which party has attempted to overthrow democracy? Which party has tried to declare any election where they lost fraudulent, without any proof?


[deleted] t1_iyixjye wrote



Bagellord t1_iyiy595 wrote

What does that have to do with anything? Yes, we are a republic, not a direct democracy. But people still vote for their representatives. There's only one party I know of that constantly insists, without evidence, that there's massive fraud. There's only one party that has members insist that because of said "fraud" that the loser of the election should be instated, and not the winner.


[deleted] t1_iyiyw7n wrote



[deleted] t1_iyjrc40 wrote



[deleted] t1_iyjrn99 wrote



TheLycanSubScribe t1_iyjwlip wrote

Those are great questions! You'd have to tell me about being a jobless lout, but your mom and her basement were terrible lol.

As far as being a pathetic and truly miserable stalker type, you've also clearly got the experience there too.

So, get along with sewing your mouth shut then little boy.


ClownCarnival t1_iyif130 wrote

I know that the Dems are corporate shills but at least they don't want to murder gay people and other minorities so I guess I'm stuck with them because Republicans are absolute fucking monsters. But yeah both sides.


sleepydorian t1_iyjsrmx wrote

I'm disappointed in democrats. Angry even. But I'm scared of what elected Republicans say they want to do.


GunpowderLad t1_iyiglh5 wrote

I like how you gave yourself gold as if what you wrote was an insightful comment and not just typical centerist “both sides bad” drivel.


Its_Nitsua t1_iyiq1zz wrote

I didn’t give myself anything man, I wrote that on my 10 minute break and just took my lunch.

I find it hard to believe what I wrote is ‘typical’ when there are front page threads with top comments calling for the deaths of anyone who voted republican.

It’s so backwards that when it comes to minorities or ethnic groups Reddit as a whole touts the ‘you can’t strip a group of individuality by throwing them all together like that!’ but when it comes to what political party you choose every republican is suddenly a carbon copy of Donald Trump.


TheDodoBird t1_iyiw0m2 wrote

> there are front page threads with top comments calling for the deaths of anyone who voted republican.

Show me one, just one thread on the front page of Reddit calling for the death of republicans. I will wait patiently, sir.


Bagellord t1_iyizj6h wrote

And where it's been up for a decent period of time, without having been removed. Removal isn't instant, depending on the sub and can take a minute for someone to review.


Its_Nitsua t1_iyjfiij wrote

Maybe that was excessive, but my point is that as a whole reddit tends to view the republican party as one big racist, woman hating, xenophobix zeitgeist.

I know and am friends with republicans who dislike the fact that roe v wade was overturned, but they do not trust the democratic party to put their interests first.

You can say ‘well the republican party doesnt either’ but for them they legitimately think that the republican party aligns with their views more than the democratic party.

Especially on issues like 2A, where they have been hoodwinked into thinking democratic views on gun control involve taking your guns away. You WILL NOT be able to convince them otherwise.

They aren’t evil, or racist simply for voting that way.


caspruce t1_iyjwlw5 wrote

A majority of the Republican party refuse to condemn racists, bigots, anti-semites, neo-nazis or variations there of. Representatives like Gossar and MTG actively support these groups. Your friends don’t have to vote Dem, but they need to stop voting Republican. It is the only way to cure the disease in that party.


RevLegoFoot t1_iyiqz54 wrote

> there are front page threads with top comments calling for the deaths of anyone who voted republican.

We must be subscribed to different subreddits.


Maxievelli t1_iyizuiu wrote

Minority/ethnicity is not a choice, nor does it have any bearing on someone’s worldview. You can certainly note a demographic trend on Reddit without getting downvoted if you aren’t using it to justify bad policy ideas.

Political party, on the other hand, is a choice. And it’s a worldview. I don’t think every Republican voter is a carbon copy of DT but I do think almost every Republican politician and Republican media completely capitulated to him. And anyone who remains a Republican voter after that doesn’t see how fundamentally bad that form of politics is. I can’t speak for Reddit as a whole but I do think that’s how most of the users you are talking about feel.

I actually did like your original comment. Reddit does get very caught up on how bad Republican politicians are and can forget that there are bad Democrats too. But the majority of Reddit does not like the “both sides are equally bad” argument because it’s obviously not true. Democrat media and politicians do not capitulate to Biden’s every whim the way Republican media/politicians capitulated to DT. Even if they had; it would have been more understandable because Biden is not a narcissistic trustfund dickhead.


Its_Nitsua t1_iyjetsw wrote

I’m not saying both sides are equally bad, just that they’re on the same team.

They put on a show for the peasants but at the end of the day they all get richer together.


PipeDream2000 t1_iyibe7r wrote

And why do you see so many billionaires voting red? The right wing politicians wants to keep the rich rich. Sure some Democrat politicians are like that, but it is way less. The right is a terroristic cabal dead set on instating a regime and making us a dictatorship. You can’t be all “BoTh SiDeS bAd” when one side is keen to slaughtering minorities. They’ve started with the antisemitism too, so when we repeat Germany’s mistake, I hope you’re still oh-so-bold enough to claim the left just as bad.


Independent-World-60 t1_iyiv3ll wrote

So you're suggested alternative to an us versus them mentality is a different us versus them mentality.



CyberGrandma69 t1_iyibkkb wrote

Yeah it wasn't just republicans helping companies pass laws to deregulate industries so profits could be privatized or increased to ludicrous levels at the expense of the consumer/taxpayer

I'm left as fuck and even I can recognize there is too much wealth in politics and too many fingers in the purse at this point. Whole system is rotten with it.


Allaroundlost t1_iyxv8xz wrote

But the Republicans MADE it normal people vs them. Dems are not the good guys but the Republicans are the biggest evil.


thisplacemakesmeangr t1_iyiycgq wrote

I don't doubt the conservatives do more damage. They've got a larger wealth network and closer ties to the most egregious offenders. But yeah, while dems encourage social progress with one hand plenty of them are pickpocketing you with the other. And they're using the bifurcation of the parties to promote a culture war instead of the class war the wealth disparity would naturally bring by this point.
