
CyberGrandma69 t1_j5mmiuq wrote

The past few years have shown us a shocking number of people know approximately shit all about viruses and immunity

The amount of times I've had to explain to grown adults with (supposedly) functioning brains that "natural immunity" isn't better because getting sick hurts you on a cellular level is mind melting

People are almost actively now not making the connection in their heads that a virus destroys your cells and a vaccine is a buffer against that destruction. We really need like an intro to bio refresher or something so people remember how their goddamn cells work.


CyberGrandma69 t1_iyibkkb wrote

Yeah it wasn't just republicans helping companies pass laws to deregulate industries so profits could be privatized or increased to ludicrous levels at the expense of the consumer/taxpayer

I'm left as fuck and even I can recognize there is too much wealth in politics and too many fingers in the purse at this point. Whole system is rotten with it.


CyberGrandma69 t1_is7qct1 wrote

And yet hilariously the province I live in ia obsessed with the concept of "Wexit"

If we don't bust up these conservative media monopolies we will lose the rights our forebears fought so hard for and will slip even faster into the weird corporate boring cyberpunk dystopia we are headed towards


CyberGrandma69 t1_iqyytjl wrote

A book by Margaret Atwood about life in a dystopian (lookin probable) future where America is overthrown and run by patriarchal Christian Fascists and women are forced into subhuman categories. There is a TV series that is also really well done even if it is agonizing to watch.

Unfortunately within the book are many stories that have truly happened to women. Margaret Atwood made sure to include things that have and do happen in the name of mysoginy, racism, homophobia... and when you see those stories you recognize them as real and really happening around you to some degree and that's what is so scary about it... she didn't just write about things that could happen but things that do happen :(