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jofizzm t1_j21ez10 wrote

I'm one cynical mother fucker, but goddamn some of yall are unreal.

Grande has continued to give back to the city since the May 2017 Manchester Arena attack in which 22 people were killed, and hundreds more injured, after a man blew himself outside the arena as fans were leaving her concert. The singer honored victims with the "One Love Manchester" benefit concert following the tragedy, and was also named an honorary Manchester citizen that same year.


sunmi_siren t1_j21ip3y wrote

She organized One Love Manchester in under two weeks following the attack, and raised over £17 million from the concert which she donated to the victims’s families. She also uses her platform to spread a lot of mental health awareness after developing PTSD from the attack, which I think is a great thing for someone of her calibre to do.


keyser-_-soze t1_j223sm2 wrote

Yeah this is definitely one of the best handled tragedy adjacent situations by her.

I say tragedy adjacent because it wasn't her fault or the production company's fault. That's something like this happened. It was a person who blew themselves up. Like would we blame the Boston Marathon organizers?

And handled.l, I don't mean like manufactured or fake.. I mean like her team and herself are doing a good job of highlighting how somebody at her level "gets through" mental health issues, and just maybe some of her fans see that, "oh somebody with "everything" also gets depressed and has mental health issues" While also doing great things for the town.


besuited t1_j2361cz wrote

Your first phrase suggests she has been involved in a lot of different tragedy adjacent situations, and this one is one she is dealing well with, but there are others she has dealt with even better.


chrisdurand t1_j236gm0 wrote

I think they were saying that there are other incidents where bands are near to tragedies and don't do nearly as much, whereas Ariana has been consistently propping Manchester up since it happened, even though she had no obligation to go out of her way.


BusbyBusby t1_j23aa7v wrote

>I think they were saying that there are other incidents where bands are near to tragedies and don't do nearly as much


Travis Scott's Astroworld stampede would be a good example.


keyser-_-soze t1_j23dfus wrote

This was the initial one I was thinking of. Then I remember a few where the stage collapsed.


besuited t1_j237szw wrote

I was purely pointing out the grammar as it amused me, the addition of "by her" at the end, rather than "by any celebrity", suggests a pool of other incidents. I totally understood the point and agree with both you and him.


keyser-_-soze t1_j23d6aj wrote

Lol all good :)

I thought it sounded a little off, but thought it was good enough.


icematt12 t1_j23ckyh wrote

I see her as a sort of victim that day too but the damage was mental or emotional. Good for her.


GapingFartLocker t1_j21trtt wrote

>after a man blew himself outside the arena

I think you missed a word


jofizzm t1_j21urz5 wrote

That's how its typed in the article. I don't think editors are a thing anymore.


MonkeysJumpingBeds t1_j24pk9i wrote

So you think the people dying is a joke l. Wtf is wrong with you dude?


tommykaye t1_j21ilj3 wrote

Yeah, but she’s rich and a woman, so…. /s


PM_ME_UR_DIET_TIPS t1_j21nv09 wrote

It was a horrific event and she was young, if I were her I'd still be rocking and screaming inside a safe room.


lawofficeofbobloblaw t1_j21od4b wrote

I agree, I remember her being very open about the PTSD she suffered, largely in part to something similar to survivor guilt.


Nop277 t1_j223s35 wrote

Yeah I'd find it difficult if I was like one of the only to survive a plane crash. I'd be twice as fucked up if I was the reason everyone was on the plane. Like damn that must have been rough for her.


elizabnthe t1_j22kf9a wrote

Yeah if I had a bunch of young fans blown up outside my concert I'd be utterly devastated. I think the way she responded to it seemed very real and kind.


bagelizumab t1_j24yb88 wrote

Most people would. But also most people are not rich and have a team of PR dudes figuring out how to turn a tragedy into a marketing opportunity. Not saying if she did anything wrong, because everything she did was great. But priding it at this point is like praising bankers knowing how to count money, or an accountant for being good with numbers and excel.


spunk_wizard t1_j224q9o wrote

>named an honorary Manchester citizen that same year

Has the poor girl not suffered enough?


Sunkenking97 t1_j236yrz wrote

It’s not even cynicism tbh. A vast majority of redditors can’t handle the fact that rich people can do something good with their wealth because then their dreams of a class war get shattered.


Ath47 t1_j2281xa wrote

> Grande has continued to give back to the city since the May 2017 Manchester Arena attack in which 22 people were killed, and hundreds more injured, after a man blew himself outside the arena as fans were leaving her concert.

Why couldn't the editor pick that up. I mean, Jesus.


curtyshoo t1_j22v2cr wrote

Dollars to donuts.

A Freudian slip.


mechwarrior719 t1_j235flz wrote

A freudian slip is when you say one thing but you mean a mother.


curtyshoo t1_j235tdj wrote

>In psychoanalysis, a Freudian slip, also called parapraxis, is an error in speech, memory, or physical action that occurs due to the interference of an unconscious subdued wish or internal train of thought. Classical examples involve slips of the tongue, but psychoanalytic theory also embraces misreadings, mishearings, mistypings, temporary forgettings, and the mislaying and losing of objects



Midnight_heist t1_j24b98e wrote

How many Fruedian psychologists does it take to screw in a penis?...Lightbulb! I mean LIGHTBULB!


surle t1_j23v1m3 wrote

For real. What did they think it was, a tool concert?


darkjurai t1_j24h8m5 wrote

A character in a Reddit writing prompt about weird super powers became real.


DungeonGushers t1_j2565x9 wrote

I blow myself frequently, but have never slain 22 people as a result. Rather, millions of potential people, instead, get jetted across the floor like the island chain of Hawaii.


xc2215x t1_j21zqbx wrote

Good gesture from Ariana Grande here, glad to see.


Cheapthrills13 t1_j22pvvh wrote

For a person of her age to be able to be so selfless and jump right back into the “grinder” of that situation is amazing considering what she also experienced. I wasn’t even a huge fan until this and now when she sings No More Tears Left to Cry - it makes my heart ache for her. She’s never quite been the same and it’s horribly unfair to be collateral damage to these a&@&#* terrorists.


Cheapthrills13 t1_j243d5n wrote

I also believe she even tattooed “a “bee” for the city of Manchester as it’s their “official” adopted symbol of being a hard working industrious city. I believe she’s fairly committed to helping them heal together. 🐝


2-timeloser2 t1_j23ttv4 wrote

A wonderful young woman. She deserves all the love she gets.


EvangelionGonzalez t1_j245sg9 wrote

She's great. People love to act like pop music is trash, but a lot of these people are doing great work. Taylor Swift, Carly Rae, and Olivia Rodrigo are very positive pop idols for teens. Being mad about pop music for the sake of being a contrarian asshole is like being mad at rainbows and candy.

Kurt Vonnegut said it the best, but replace "literary critics" with "contrarians upset about pop music for no reason."

>As for literary criticism in general: I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel or a play or a poem is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae or a banana split.


[deleted] t1_j2464im wrote



Windwinged t1_j24bfzq wrote

People change. Also very much different circumstances that they were under versus now. Child actors (especially on Disney) are essentially pitted against each other by their parents from a very young age.


Redpandaling t1_j24uzsf wrote

I don't recall her memoir blaming Ariana directly? More complaining about how Disney favored Ariana and let her do things they wouldn't let Jeanette do, like skip episodes to do other projects.


[deleted] t1_j22x2qr wrote

I hope she has people in her corner.


VRDV2 t1_j23nxy0 wrote

22 people killed cos a man “blew himself” good lord


[deleted] t1_j21ckgn wrote



irwinlegends t1_j21dgyq wrote

She didn't report or post about it, the hospital did.


Ascian5 t1_j21gd9n wrote

Except in this case, there was a major tragedy associated with her that she's seeking to turn into a positive. Think a little more, neckbeard a little less. 1000+ gifts, each year, over years. There's nothing wrong here, nor did she promote it.

But please, I invite you to violate your own rules and let us know how real you've been.


tetoffens t1_j21g5to wrote

Maybe to charity in general but I kinda feel like to little kids knowing a big celebrity I liked bought presents for me would make it mean a lot more. Trying to think who I liked when I was these kids age but a gift in general and the same gift from a big celebrity? The one from the celebrity would have made me a lot happier.


Sirus_the_Cat t1_j21dp8h wrote

This is the correct way


timsterri t1_j21lxln wrote

Then tell me exactly what she didn’t do correctly here. Why is her charity not up to your “standards”?


[deleted] t1_j21hx6i wrote



Bdk48126 t1_j22bvo3 wrote

Remember when she licked the donut and put it back?


Cheapthrills13 t1_j242hxy wrote

Who hasn’t done that … or at least wanted to … I think she was a kid


BlueJDMSW20 t1_j22demm wrote

Im not criticizing Ariana here, but i think reliance on philanthropy by the exorbitantly wealthy individuals to solve problems insofar is a very ineffective way of addressing humanitys needs


DefinitelyNotAliens t1_j22rwif wrote

A man blew himself up outside her concert as people were leaving and killed 22 people and injured over a thousand people in the stampede that followed.

She's been donating in the city since her concert in that city was the target of a terrorist.

Wrong time and place to talk about why philanthropy can't fix the world. This is probably as much about her as anything else and her way of coping because a terrorist attacked her concert and killed her fans and injured over 1000 of them. When they came to see her. Her concert was attacked by a suicide bomber, man. Read the room.


Blackdow01 t1_j22eltp wrote

Yo. No downvote, but you should definitely read up on her history with this city and all of the work she has done since a crack pot attacked one of her concerts.


_mister_pink_ t1_j240p6g wrote

What’s that got to do with anything? The victims didn’t need their medical bills paying for, her money wasn’t going towards anything the state wasn’t covering. It literally just went to the victims families to help deal with the trauma of losing a loved one as well as giving to charities in Manchester.


MeasureTheCrater t1_j21d2h3 wrote

Santa tell me, does she really care?

Edit: It's a line from her Christmas song, not a judgment. People below need to relax. 😄


tetoffens t1_j21fe50 wrote

Yes? Children who were her fans were killed or harmed by a bomb set off by a terrorist at her concert in Manchester. She didn't randomly choose that city. Celebrities are living quite different lives than us but I don't think the "being greatly saddened about children who look up to you being murdered at your concert" is something to think they're faking or they'd just forget about.


JubeltheBear t1_j21oeyp wrote

She did something. You’ve done nothing. So maybe you should shut the fuck up?


OrdoMalaise t1_j239d0d wrote

On behalf of the people of Manchester, fuck you.


Zerole00 t1_j24qqtk wrote

Are you mentally ill or something? What happened to get you to this point in life?