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demarr t1_j61m5z5 wrote

Someone is that government just got a new hired gun. I wonder how long it will take to release the jury notes. In small towns these things are driven by favors

"Relief is one emotion, yes," Dolan told NBC 10 News

When asked what’s next for him, Dolan said he hasn’t gotten that far yet.

The other is worry that he is owned now


robertgrayson t1_j61nrjc wrote

Right? The shithead wasn't even in uniform and was driving his personal vehicle when he approached the driver with a gun, plus the ballistic evidence shows the driver was shot though the side-window, so the shithead wasn't even in front of him.


Foe117 t1_j61r3az wrote

If more and more of these acquittals with QI as a factor come out, some day someone will take a "Vigilante" justice on an officer, regardless of an actual complaint. Endangering both public and LEOs out there minding their own business on a random day.


commandrix t1_j61rcj5 wrote

Unfortunately so. Even allowing for one or two jurists who know that "jury nullification" is a thing, the law doesn't necessarily allow for a lot of flexibility. (For those who don't know, "jury nullification" was supposed to be a sort of a check on the judicial system that allowed a jury to say "not guilty" when they thought the law was being unfairly applied.)


mohammedibnakar t1_j61sf6t wrote

Another day another lack of police accountability. And on the same day that 5 cops were charged with murder three weeks after beating someone to death. When will we decide enough is enough?



ruiner8850 t1_j61vj1z wrote

I don't understand the mentality some people have where they think it's okay to be the aggressor and then kill a person when it gets out of hand and they try to defend themselves. It shouldn't be legal to arm yourself and then go around confronting other people. This goes for everyone, not just cops.


NYR_LFC t1_j61w9t9 wrote

This dude has 2 other active cases against him and another dropped recently. Rules for thee and not for me much? Fuck the police


ruiner8850 t1_j61wf37 wrote

> The city of Pawtucket sent a statement to NBC 10 News about Dolan's future, saying it's obligated to follow the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights, or LEOBOR.

So it sounds like he gets to keep his job if he wants it? Don't worry though, from what I've seen in other cases they'll just offer him early retirement with a full pension and benefits.


YomiKuzuki t1_j61y15d wrote

> When asked what’s next for him, Dolan said he hasn’t gotten that far yet. And if he could say something to the young men in the car?

> "I think that’s between myself and the young men," Dolan said.

Wouldn't be surprised if he intends to finish the job.


Castrated_Monkey69 t1_j61y7hg wrote

Is the one where he’s eating a burger in his car in I think San Antonio then just gets fucking shot at by a cop?


seatown2nyc t1_j61yiq2 wrote

That's where the "police are heroes" bs comes into play. A regular person who claims to have feared for their life objectively unreasonably will get laughed out of court and straight to prison, but when a cop does it people think "well they do have a dangerous job..."


hpark21 t1_j61yka0 wrote

Basically, it all boils down to whether a normal person would have had same outcome and the answer is 'NO'. If it was me who shot that teen, then I would definitely NOT be acquitted and he should NOT have either.


forestrox t1_j61yv9p wrote

Second degree murder. There needs to be a harsher category when the people entrusted with state sanctioned violence commit these crimes. They must be held to a higher standard to build back and maintain public trust.


ScrewAttackThis t1_j6231dk wrote

Tl;dr: off duty cop tried to stop someone for driving recklessly and then shot them as they tried to get away.

The kicker might be him describing his intent as "a fatherly conversation" 🙄.

What bullshit. This fucker is going to keep doing it until someone dies.

E: shocked to say he abuses his own family. This guy is literally a giant pile of shit, wow

> Last March, Coventry police also arrested Dolan on domestic disorderly and vandalism charges. They charged that he grabbed his 10-year-old son by the neck and pushed him outside to get to school, then with the family in a car, threw a toy hard enough to break the windshield. Prosecutors dropped the charges days later.


ShitFuckDickButt420 t1_j623o1o wrote

Also said he grabbed his ten year old by the neck and threw him out of the car, then broke the windshield by throwing a toy at the car with his family inside. He perfectly fits the stereotype of an abusive militarized piece of shit loser needledick racist pig.


Psychological-Law950 t1_j6242pl wrote

EXACTLY!! This is what I’ve been emphasizing on like crazy. People with guns are now literally starting to instigate situations that they have no business involving themselves in the first place, and when the shit hits the fan(the shit they started) their gun is their first resort because they “felt threatened” or were “in fear for their life”. It’s gotten waaaaay out of control


starman123 t1_j625r6x wrote

> a violent overthrow of corporate overlords is the only option.

That requires getting off the computer and going outside, something I doubt many Redditors have the right to do.


hurdurBoop t1_j62662c wrote

and they don't, relatively. cop deaths don't even make the top ten, they're behind freaking kitchen employees.

not to mention at least half those deaths are traffic accidents, not tHiN bLuE LiNE bs.


SST0617 t1_j628q97 wrote

This has nothing to do with qualified immunity. He was acquitted in a criminal trial. Qualified immunity has no bearing on a non-civil trial. Please stop spreading false info if you don’t know what you are talking about.


victorix58 t1_j629vys wrote

This is a criminal case. It has nothing to do with QI.

Also, jury of 12 acquitted him. A lot of people blaming the system, but it sounds like that jury's fault to me.


polecy t1_j62e0d1 wrote

Honestly sometimes this shit makes me feel like we as people should just take this justice to our own hands, we the people should decide if govt officials/workers are guilty or not, fuck the system. It's obviously blind for their enforcers.


PaxNova t1_j62foaf wrote

Off-duty cops. On-duty, the government is literally telling them to arm themselves and go around confronting people. I'm not sure how to get around that shy of eliminating guns for officers, and I don't think that'll fly in the US.

I don't think people are understanding this is a criminal trial, and the jury must be convinced beyond a reasonable doubt. A rock could convince a jury that a group of teens that went 100+ on the shoulder to grab pizza might do something stupid, and that an officer might confront reckless driving and felony speeding while off-duty. This result is not surprising.

There might still be a civil trial, and I hope there is. I'm not sure qualified immunity will apply here, since reckless driving is sometimes specifically called out as something off-duty police are highly discouraged from confronting people over. Depends on the local policies and regulations.


Kaiisim t1_j62p7du wrote

American Juries are a complete state and are clearly just doing whatever they feel like at this point.


TheRedContinues t1_j62s9fq wrote

This happened in my hometown. The guy is a police officer from about ten towns over, and he was on a federal interstate when this happened in an unmarked car so of course the guy wouldn't pull over. He followed him to a pizza place just off the highway, cornered him, then shot him. We often have problems with police in the area being brutal for no reason and doing shit like this, so I am not surprised that this happened. But he shouldn't of been acquitted from it. Just more cops doing bullshit in a state that's supposed to be 'liberal'.


Binlawdy t1_j62wz5f wrote

Wait, so if he wasn't tried as an officer, just found not guilty as an average citizen, does that mean RI just set legal precedant for being able to walk up to any teenager in any parking lot, yelling at them while aiming a gun in their direction, and then shooting at them when they try to run away from you?


ESGPandepic t1_j62xb1z wrote

Maybe they need to start teaching girls in school not to date or marry cops when they grow up, domestic violence from cops seems to be absurdly common and their law enforcement friends protect them from any consequences. Having a relationship with one seems to be statistically an extremely bad idea.


SeeIKindOFCare t1_j6355j1 wrote

But if a citizen did the same it be attempted murder


OssiansFolly t1_j63jav1 wrote

"Violence against police is on the rise!"

Yeah, no's kill or be killed for some people. That's why the entire premise of more guns means more polite civilization is always want to be the first person to shoot.


RonocG t1_j63jrl8 wrote

The judge specifically told the jury to treat him as an ordinary citizen, not as a cop on duty or off duty. He also happened to be driving an unregistered vehicle and had an open beer bottle in his cup holder. Also testified that the car the kids were in hit him, which he never said to police when they interrogated him. I can’t imagine what the jury was thinking. Also read the article linked above, especially the last part. He’s had multiple instances of use of excessive force on duty and been sued for it. The criminal charges against him for assaulting his family members were dropped… what a surprise.


TheRedContinues t1_j63mm57 wrote

In this case the victim was an unarmed teenager who was speeding and made the police office angry, so in response he cornered and shot him. It wasn't necessarily kill or be killed, unless I misunderstood you.


Chippopotanuse t1_j63n37z wrote

Undercover cops should only be used for stakeouts and court-approved warrant operations.

Police should never be doing this bullshit unmarked car traffic citation crap. Why would a motorist trust that an unmarked car is really a cop?


TAC1313 t1_j63na2t wrote

Where do they find jurors that will ALWAYS side with law enforcement?


Chippopotanuse t1_j63ndjn wrote

“Prosecutors dropped the charges”

Fuck. Those. Weak. Ass. Abuse. Enablers.

A history of domestic violence is the single biggest predictor of violent crime.

Any prosecutor who turns a blind eye to domestic violence should be fired on the spot.


CheeseStandsAlone262 t1_j63o9jh wrote

A week or two ago I was grabbing food for lunch and a table of cops were eating. An old white lady walked up to their table and took them each by the hand to "thank them for their service," her eyes brimming with adorational tears. In some sleepy suburban area with basically no crime.

That's who sits on juries.


BruntFCA_ t1_j63qbb3 wrote

*Pawtucket Police allowed to murder at will


CheeseStandsAlone262 t1_j63r7zz wrote

Agree to disagree buddy. Every person I knew from growing up who became a cop was an unpopular, sore loser. The kid who broke my Gamecube controller because I beat him at Smash [and lied and told my parents I did it] is a cop now.


HelloPeopleOfEarth t1_j63rm77 wrote

I used to work for a Detroit based bank doing security escorts for bank employees that had to testify in bank robberies, check fraud, or whatever they were victims/witness of crimes at the bank branches. Even though it was Detroit, a basically all black city, the jurors in the defendants trials were never "a jury of peers". It was always old white people from the suburbs because the cases were tried in a county court. A prosecutor or a defense attorney can really stack a jury the way they want to during selection. Also, poor people don't get paid days off from their low paying jobs, so they tend to do whatever they can to be dismissed, where as well to do people have all the time in the world. Those well to do people can be very out of touch and think cops are always the "good guys".


CheeseStandsAlone262 t1_j63s8sv wrote

Why don't I ever see old white ladies thanking doctors, nurses, teachers, etc.?

You want my vibe check on it? I live in the South. You can tell a lot about people, especially older people, by how they dress.

This was a conservative, racist old white lady thanking cops because she hears on the news about how BLM "hates cops." They probably had to stop her before she started going on and on about how "those people" are ruining our town.

I'd bet every dollar I have on it.


BurgerMcKinley t1_j63s95f wrote

It must be so cool to be a cop, when you can just literally do whatever the fuck you want.

Wake up, get drunk, try to pull over cars in your personal car, beat the shit out of whoever, kill your neighbor’s dog, start a fight and then kill those people, go home, beat your family, fall asleep drunk.

It’s like the postal game irl.


OssiansFolly t1_j63txkf wrote

I wasn't speaking in this case specifically. Police want to know why violence against them is's because of shit like this. People expect police to be violent and get away with it, so they're fighting back.


hpark21 t1_j63xysi wrote

This actually sets precedence, it appears. Looks like ANY citizen can stop anyone that they feel did traffic violation and shoot them if they try to drive away since this guy who was SUPPOSEDLY treated as regular citizen got away with it.


skippyspk OP t1_j63xyyr wrote

Also something that gets lost in the shuffle here…while this area is pretty rural this was just down the street from a preschool. This guy was super reckless and the jury may need to get checked for TBI.


skippyspk OP t1_j63ya3a wrote

Fingers crossed Officer Dolan ultimately receives the justice he deserves.

I hope the (now) gentleman can rake Dolan and the Pawtucket PD over the coals in a civil suit.


Dolthra t1_j63ztlg wrote

>Also, poor people don't get paid days off from their low paying jobs, so they tend to do whatever they can to be dismissed, where as well to do people have all the time in the world.

Reminder that it's designed to be that way- you technically do get paid for jury duty. It's supposed to compensate for lost time. Those in power have neglected to make it reflect the amount of work you're losing, and it's like $3 a day. That's not an accident, it's to ensure only those who would side with those in power will sit on juries.


HelloPeopleOfEarth t1_j6474ah wrote

Absolutely. Jury duty should compensate 100% of missed pay and elections should be a paid holiday, employees allowed the time to vote. Shouldn't be long lines. People should be allowed to pass out water etc. But one party in particular wants voting to be difficult for the working poor, knowing they overwhelmingly vote progressive.


tundey_1 t1_j6477d8 wrote

In Stand Your Ground states, you can do that. Just make sure there's no video and the victim is dead. And of course, being the right color helps too. But mostly make sure your victim is dead.


Amiiboid t1_j647bpu wrote

> , and it's like $3 a day.

While it’s nowhere near sufficient, it is also nowhere near that low. Varies by county but generally at least $30 for the first day and more thereafter.


tundey_1 t1_j647o6s wrote

Not the 5 in Memphis, TN. They were immediately fired and charged with murder. I suppose them being Black is just a coincidence. But if I were a Black cop in America, I would not assume the murder carte blanche applies to me.


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j64c42w wrote

Second degree murder just means that there isn't premeditation. Which is the appropriate charge in this case - it would take proof that these guys all went out there with the intention of doing this. It is the right charge, and overcharging leads to acquittals.

I absolutely agree that there should be an added level of penalty for cops that break the law though.


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j64cak7 wrote

Feel like at this point if you actually get onto a jury trying a cop for something you have a moral obligation to vote to convict, I mean imagine how bad whatever they do must be to even get to trial in the first place.


justforthearticles20 t1_j64d3fi wrote

Usually when this happens, the prosecutor and the judge helped the defense. Corrupt Cops only exist because Corrupt Prosecutors and Corrupt Judges conspire with them.


rabidstoat t1_j64if51 wrote

I'm reading a book on Leavenworth Prison and its history. There was a corrections officer working there who was a huge guy (300 pounds) and verbally and at times physically aggressive with inmates. He was also allegedly physically violent with his wife, daughter, and sons. At least once the wife moved out because of this but ultimately returned.

Turns out he was killed via shotgun by one of his teenaged sons, though it seems both were involved. There was a bit of an investigation and it all got swept under the rug, and no one was charged in the killing.


forestrox t1_j64jo2k wrote

Premeditation can be established within seconds of the encounter if the police had an opportunity to de-escalate. The prosecution may be using second degree for an easier conviction. It’ll definitely be interesting to see what the video shows of the incident. Either way I am glad the chief is being proactive on this case. Change is slow but it’s happening. Body cams are finally validating what many minorities have long said about police encounters.


globular_fluster t1_j64lgwb wrote

Welcome to jury nullification!

The phenomenon that Redditors get a hyperboner for.

They think it will be used to let potheads go but it's only ever used by people who think cops are the only thing standing between them and the "thugs" roaming the streets.


Mparker15 t1_j64uc2l wrote

Violence against police isn't up in any meaningfully way. Police kill more people and are killed less often in the line of duty than several decades ago. There is a recent uptick but it's still a rarity. It's not so much actual violence that police are facing but rather public disapproval of police in general that they absolutely cannot handle.


infin8lives t1_j656038 wrote

I work in the industry. Often time the Prosecution has no choice but to drop the charges in DOMV cases as there’s no cooperation from the victim. Even though the State WANTS to prosecute the bastard, there’s no way to get a conviction when both the defendant and victim say it never happened.


sb_747 t1_j65j51x wrote

He was off duty and not convicted.

Union contracts can be amazing.

Can’t be fired for off duty behavior that didn’t lead to a conviction is unfortunately fairly standard in a lot of their contracts.

Imagine if unions weren’t just for shithead killers in this country.


sb_747 t1_j65jpvy wrote

> For those who don’t know, “jury nullification” was supposed to be a sort of a check on the judicial system that allowed a jury to say “not guilty” when they thought the law was being unfairly applied.

That’s not true.

It’s a bug not a feature.

And this is arguably a case of jury nullification. Guy committed murder but gets off because someone in the jury likes cops despite them being guilty.

It’s like the filibuster, regards of noble and heroic it may seem it’s actually used 99% of the time to fuck over the public and help abuse the system not help it.


sekirobestiro t1_j65rp9t wrote

I really hope this cop remains healthy and definitely doesn’t get brained during a traffic stop.


Amiiboid t1_j65zplz wrote

That’s where you are. It’s more in MI, which is what the post upstream of this was mentioning. It’s apparently $15 in Rhode Island. As I said, it’s absolutely still not sufficient. But $3 as an estimate is way off.


OldHotness t1_j660c3v wrote

Juries have the option to stick it to the judge/prosecutor/whomever through qht they commonly call "jury nullification". Seems to be uber rare when it comes to shit cops and their policing.


Bedbouncer t1_j6dhdpw wrote

>Premeditation can be established within seconds of the encounter if the police had an opportunity to de-escalate.

Under this definition, can you define a murder that would qualify as without premeditation?