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t1_j4cgpg2 wrote

I think parents have a right to know if the school is changing the name and type of gender of a student. I'm not saying the school shouldn't honor the child if they come out as transgender, but it should notify the parents beforehand.


t1_j4cmek3 wrote

This is a really good way to get trans kids abused by transphobic families.


t1_j4cok88 wrote

A parent still needs to know. They are responsible for the child until a certain age.


t1_j4dn0nc wrote

Why do you care more about the parents control than the child's safety?


t1_j4fh11q wrote

Because until the state takes the kid, they are still the parents child. Sad and tragic as it is, it's up to the parents to raise their children unless they lose custody.


t1_j4glqee wrote

"I think kids should be treated as property and not people."


t1_j4iiv2i wrote

No, I don't think it's the states job to raise kids. If you ever have a kid, do you want to raise the child or the state to raise them?


t1_j4ijw70 wrote

Kids are people, not fucking property of the parents. If your parents are transphobic you shouldn't be forcefully outed to them. You are literally advocating for the state to drive more kids to suicide.

And yeah, I do think transphobes don't deserve children. If you won't love your kid for who they are you don't deserve them.


t1_j4il3xr wrote

Well, there is a process for that. Should probably follow that legal process to either emancipate the child or to take them as a ward of the state. Until then, they are the responsibility of the parents who should be involved in the medical decisions of their children.


t1_j4ilicz wrote

Transphobic parents gave up the privilege of medical decisions when they were transphobic shit stains. This is no different than gay children being abused.


t1_j4ilsbf wrote

Can you cute the case law to support that?


t1_j4ilvny wrote

I'm speaking morally. Legally these fucks get to torture their children. All of those parents deserve to die alone.


t1_j4im0di wrote

Until legal action has been taken to.... Relieve them of their child. Look, I understand. There are a metric fuckton of unloved children in this world. I hear stories often enough as my wife is elementary special education and the things she has seen ... Ugh


t1_j4cryfy wrote

Kids are entitled to keep certain secrets if the truth could put their well-being at risk. Parents don't have a right to know that their kid is gay or trans; it's a privilege earned by creating an environment where your child feels safe coming out to you on their own terms.


t1_j4d889b wrote

Do I need to let a parent.know every time I have a student who wants to go by something other than the name on their school forms? Because that can be a real Hassel. There is a student in my school where the parents changed the kids name after adoption, but the girl prefers her original name.

It isn't hurting anyone calling this kid by their preferred name. Kids are allowed to have their own identity separate from whT their parents want and as long as it isn't hurting anyone who cares.


t1_j4ft5ko wrote

I wish there was an equivalent of an award for down voting. This comment is so horrible that I would pay for reddit to highlight it as an example of a shit opinion.


t1_j4rsvf2 wrote

No. It's not the school's duty nor right to out a trans or LGB student to anybody. No one.

That's how you get kids abused, kicked out, or sent away to conversion therapy.

If a kid isn't out at home, there's a reason. If they don't trust their family to know something like that, trust that they have a reason.